Diets Аниты Цой — меню и рецепты

  • 1 How did Anita Tsoi lose weight?
  • 2 Types of diets
    • 2.1 Grapefruit
    • 2.2 Express Diet
    • 2.3 Golden dozen
    • 2.4 “Wedding Size”
  • 3 Recipes
  • 4 Results

Looking at the beautiful Anita Choi, it’s hard to imagine that once
the singer weighed more than a hundred kilograms. By the recognition of the star itself,
she never was very slim, and during
pregnancy and completely recovered by more than 40 kg.

When an actress’s marriage began to crack at the seams because of her
�”Inappropriate” appearance, Anita decided to pull herself together and everything
the closest strictly restricted diet. Diets
There were many tried singer, but in this article we
Consider only the most effective ones. Also tell what
The main rules followed singer Choi and what are the final
slimming results.


How thin Anita Tsoi?

In the diet of the singer Anita Tsoi’s diet, food always dominated
improve skin condition and accelerate the body’s metabolism.
The singer considers the following to be the key to success in effective weight loss.

  • In no case do not torment yourself with starvation, as this
    with serious consequences for the liver;
  • Eat 5-6 times a day;
  • At one time you need to eat no more than 250 grams of food;
  • It is impossible to combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal;
  • Last meal – no later than 19:00;
  • During the day, drink at least two liters of purified water without
  • Weigh yourself every morning after using the toilet;
  • Try to move as much as possible;
  • Periodically do fasting days on cucumbers, cottage cheese and
  • Refuse the use of flour, salted and smoked;
  • For the greatest convenience, keep a diary in which you will
    record the amount of food eaten and weighing results;
  • It will be useful to combine a diet with moderate physical
    loads and walks in the fresh air.

At the end of nutrition on the Anita Tsoi diet, do not rush again
switch to high-calorie food, because the result obtained with
This scenario will not continue. Replace fatty dishes with vegetables,
fruits and dairy products.

Types of diets

On her way to the ideal weight, singer Anita Tsoi tried
a lot of limiting diets:

  • grapefruit;
  • moonlight;
  • cucumber;
  • proteinaceous;
  • express diet;
  • �“Golden ten”.

Вышеуказанные ограничения в питании Аниты Цой
contribute to:

  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excretion of excess fluid;
  • disposal of slags and toxins;
  • speeding up the metabolism;
  • smoothing the skin.

Alas, the diets for which Anita Tsoi was eating were not suitable
all Strongly contraindicated them

  • adolescents;
  • old men;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal

In the points below, we will give you three
Anita Tsoi’s most effective diets.


Nutrition by Anita Tsoi’s grapefruit diet
for a maximum of 3 days, since it consists of only a few
components: grapefruit, egg white, green tea. Until 19:00
It is necessary to use the above products in the following

  • a solution of water and lemon juice;
  • boiled egg protein, green tea;
  • half a grapefruit;
  • another protein;
  • the second half of grapefruit and a cup of green tea.

With this diet, Anita Tsoi can lose from 2 to 4 kg, in
features on the hips, abdomen and waist. Repeat the power of this
the diet should be no earlier than one month after completion

It is worth considering that the products of the Anita Tsoi diet for weight loss
are sources of numerous allergic reactions. Therefore,
before you eat on the above menu, make sure
portability of ingredients.

Express Diet

Express Diet Аниты Цой предназначена для быстрого эффекта
Slimming before an important event. You can reset from 2 to 3 kg per

The main rule of nutrition of the above diet for weight loss
is the use of two kilograms of cucumbers and two liters
purified still water. 200 is recommended to drink before bedtime
ml of skimmed yogurt. Water can be replaced by unsweetened green.

У экспресс диеты Аниты Цой существует и второй
белковый. But he requires special thorough
preparation for two weeks. Calculated diet for 3 days and
питание по ней заключается в ежедневном употреблении 7
grapefruit and 7 boiled eggs.

Please note that you should test yourself with Anita Tsoi’s diets no more often.
once a week, as it is likely to bring the body
to exhaustion and worsen their mental state.

Golden dozen

Food on the diet of Anita Tsoi golden ten is designed for
10 days, at the end of which your final result will be
make up minus 7-9 pounds.

В первый день взбейте в блендере полкило
cucumbers, half a liter of kefir and a bunch of greens. The resulting cocktail
divide into 6 parts and take every 2 hours.

Со второго по четвертый питайтесь по 5
times alternating between grapefruit and egg white.

On the fifth
необходимо разделить салат из 2 килограммов
cucumbers and 2 boiled eggs for 5 uniform meals.

Sixth and Seventh days include a full menu:


  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with honey and green apple;
  • Lunch: grated carrot;
  • Supper: orange.


  • oatmeal on water with honey;
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • 150 g boiled cod with cucumber or tomato.

In between meals, you can eat 1 pear, or
200 ml of low-fat natural yogurt.

Питание восьмого дня включает салат из
fresh cucumbers and boiled eggs.

Девятый предлагает сварить гречневую кашу на

Десятый состоит из следующего меню:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs from two eggs;
  • Lunch: 150 grams of cod, steamed and carrot
  • Dinner: two or three potatoes, cooked in a “uniform”.

�”Wedding Size”

All follow the most popular projects
domestic television, know about the new diet show singer
Аниты Цой под названием �”Wedding Size”. It is intended for
people actively struggling with excess weight.

The nutrition of participants was made according to the rules of the diet of the same name.
singer Меню заключается в следующем:


  • steam omelette;
  • dietetic cheese cakes;
  • flax cereal with dried fruits and nuts.


  • vegetable salad with greens;
  • vegetable soup;
  • boiled cod with greens.


  • rabbit, baked in a pot;
  • boiled beef;
  • green salad with squids.

Next, we will provide you with the recipes for the most delicious dishes.


Useful weight loss recipes for Anita Tsoi’s diet
look like this:

Chicken Steam Cutlets with Sauce

Chicken Steam Cutlets with Sauce

Ингредиенты: куриный фарш, щепотка зелени, сок половины

  • make minced patties;
  • put in a steam oven for 25-30 minutes;
  • pour a mixture of chopped greens with lemon juice.

Chicken and Pineapple Salad

Chicken and Pineapple Salad

Ингредиенты: куриная грудка, половина ананаса, 200 г сыра, 150
ml of low-fat mayonnaise.

  • cook the breast;
  • Pineapple cut into slices;
  • grate cheese;
  • mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise.

Dietary soup

Dietary soup

Ингредиенты: куриное филе, два помидора, 150 грамм коричневой
beans, a pinch of greens.

  • cook meat;
  • chop tomatoes;
  • bring the water to a boil and throw all the ingredients there;
  • cook over low heat for half an hour.


results диеты певицы Аниты Цой не перестают удивлять до сих
since then To force a person to go to extreme self-torture for
In order to lose 50 kg in a short time, it can only
true love.

Ознакомимся с фото «до» и «после» еще
several women who observed all of the above rules, including
Anita Tsoi’s results:

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