Diet Table number 8 for obesity – a menu withslimming recipes

  • 1 Characteristic diet Table number 8
    • 1.1 What can and can not eat?
    • 1.2 Меню на каждый день с slimming recipes
    • 1.3 Menu for the week for children
    • 1.4 Recipes for kids and adults
  • 2 Diet Table number 8 Pevzner
    • 2.1 Menu for the week

Считают калории сейчас даже подростки и дети. Try
соответствовать «нормам» красоты и здоровья — удел всех
women, men and even children.

How to overcome the tendency to overeating and who is to blame for
What jeans have become small? To understand this will help you special
therapeutic diet for weight loss Table number 8. but with sugar
diabetes needs another option Diet number 9.


Characteristic diet Table number 8

Among the 15 therapeutic diets MI Pevzner there is one, the recipes of which
designed exclusively for weight loss, both adults and
children. Это — диета Стол номер 8.

Diet menu Table number 8 is assigned at any stage of obesity.
взрослых и детей,  олицетворяя собой избавление организма от
the load on the internal organs in the form of fat.

Также меню диеты Стол номер 8, исключающее из рациона
high-calorie fatty foods, improves metabolism
. Dishes from the list of permissible products
рекомендуется тушить, печь либо готовить
for a couple.

What can and can not eat?

Any diet, both for adults and children implies a
painful “parting” with your favorite products. And this diet is for
losing weight is no exception. Так что можно и что нельзя
is there a diet at table number 8?

By the strictest rules of dietary restrictions for weight loss Table
номер 8 для взрослых и детей, необходимо «убрать»
из списка следующие продукты:

  • high-calorie meat;
  • White bread;
  • high-fat dairy products and cheese in any form;
  • spices;
  • pickled and pickled vegetables;
  • too sweet food;
  • carbonated water and alcohol.

При этом, можно употреблять следующее:

  • moderate animal fats;
  • boiled and fried eggs;
  • products from rye and wheat flour;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables, raw and cooked;
  • ripe fruit;
  • tea, coffee, compote and juice, not containing sugar.

Меню на каждый день с slimming recipes

У диеты Стол номер 8 меню на каждый день и рецептами для
Weight loss is extremely simple.

For a more convenient diet, you need to make your
Own menu for every day, containing dishes, recipes which
are presented below.

Важно: список рекомендуемых продуктов и не
must exceed the permissible caloric intake.

Предоставляем вам наиболее эффективный вариант меню на
каждый день
при диете  Стол номер 8 для взрослых и


  • Breakfast: steamed omelet with greens and compote;
  • Lunch: cut the fruit by adding low-fat yogurt and a glass
  • Supper: toast with honey and coffee with low percentage cream
    fat content.


  • buckwheat porridge and tea with lemon;
  • steamed vegetables with greens and sour cream, berry jelly;
  • Toast with melted cheese and orange juice.


  • omelet with tomatoes and cheese with green tea without drinking
  • mashed potatoes with vegetables and pomegranate juice;
  • drink croutons with melted cheese and greens with weak black


  • cottage cheese with honey and unsweetened lemon tea;
  • soup with vegetables and low-fat meatballs, berry
  • salad with tomato, cucumber and greens with fruit juice.


  • drink fruit salad in combination with low-fat yogurt
    orange juice;
  • potato casserole with sour cream and weak black tea without
  • buckwheat porridge and a glass of nonfat kefir.


  • toast with jam, a glass of warm milk;
  • Wash banana and strawberry salad with low-fat yogurt;
  • mashed potatoes and weak black tea.


  • fruit puree and weak coffee with milk;
  • millet porridge and juice;
  • stew vegetables with a glass of skim kefir.

Diet Table number 8 for adults and children contains
следующие вкусные рецепты для похудения:

Vegetable Salad with Cheese

Vegetable Salad with Cheese


  • 250 g of lettuce leaves;
  • 2-3 pinches of greens;
  • 250 g of cheese;
  • a glass of lemon juice;
  • favorite vegetables.


  1. wash the greens and lettuce and break into pieces;
  2. cut vegetables;
  3. cut cheese and add to vegetables;
  4. season the salad with lemon juice.

Banana pie

Banana pie


  • 400 g of flour;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g of condensed milk;
  • 3 bananas.


  1. mix flour, cottage cheese, eggs and condensed milk;
  2. grind bananas to puree and add to the above
  3. place the prepared mass in a baking dish;
  4. cook in the oven for 40 minutes.

Veal stewed with carrots and sour cream

Veal stewed with carrots and sour cream

Ингредиенты: one bow; two carrots; a pound of veal; 200 g
flour; 250 g fat free sour cream.

  • chop and fry the onion;
  • chop the carrot and, adding it to the onions, stew for 5
  • cut the veal into medium sized pieces and add to
    prepared mixture of onions and carrots;
  • place the ingredients in the pan and cook for 10
  • add sour cream and simmer over low heat for
  • add flour, put out the dish 5 more minutes.

Weekly menu for children

Sedentary Lifestyles and Exemption from Physical Education Lessons
приводят к ожирению и подрастающего поколения, то есть children.
Therefore, they also need to follow the diet menu for
похудения Стол номер 8, ародителяи готовить исключительно по
her recipes.

Диета Стол номер 8 — меню на неделю для


  • Breakfast: fruit puree and a glass of apple compote;
  • Lunch: cabbage salad with a glass of low fat
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes with vegetables with a glass of unsweetened


  • тост с вареньем и некрепкий черный чай без Sahara;
  • bananas and strawberries with sour cream and a cup of coffee with cream;
  • vegetable stew with greens and low-fat fish cutlets drink
    berry jelly.


  • low-fat fruit yogurt and a glass of low-fat
  • mashed potatoes with lean meatballs and not strong
    кофе без Sahara;
  • vegetables with low-fat sour cream and greens drink fruit


  • toast with jam and low-fat kefir;
  • гречневый суп с мясными тефтелями, фруктовый compote;
  • drink mashed potatoes with vegetable salad
    orange juice.


  • drink toast with honey and honey mixture with weak black tea with
  • buckwheat porridge with low-fat fish cakes and apple
  • fruits with low-fat yogurt and kefir.


  • toast and tea with raspberry jam;
  • wash down fruit compote with mashed potatoes and vegetables;
  • oatmeal without sugar and weak coffee.


  • нарезанные фрукты, обезжиренный йогурт и чай с lemon;
  • milk porridge with jam, orange juice;
  • mashed potatoes and compote.

Recipes for kids and adults

Diet for weight loss Table number 8 includes a menu list
вкуснейших рецептов и блюд, в том числе для children.

Рецепты, которые можно включать в меню на

Fish soup

Fish soup

Ингредиенты: две рыбы средних размеров; 400 g
millet; one bow; two small carrots; greenery.


  1. clean and rinse the fish;
  2. remove fish from bones and cut into pieces;
  3. rinse the millet and add to the fish;
  4. add a mixture of fried carrots and onions to the fish;
  5. add a little salt and bay leaf;
  6. варить в течение 30 minutes;
  7. add to the ready soup a pinch of chopped greens.

Milk soup

Milk soup


  • 300 g of semolina;
  • 1,5 л milk;
  • 25 grams of sugar.


  • wash the semolina;
  • Boil the milk and slowly pour the semolina;
  • варите на протяжении 30 minutes;
  • add some sugar to the soup.

Diet Table number 8 Pevzner

Основной целью диеты для похудения взрослых и
Children Table number 8 Pevzner is an exception to the menu
foods rich in fat and

Меню диеты рекомендуется составлять из
the following list of products coming up with their universal

  • rye and wheat flour;
  • soups on low-fat broth;
  • boiled and fried eggs;
  • cereal cereals;
  • weak coffee and tea without sugar.

Исключить же по диете для похудения Стол номер
8 it is necessary:

  • salty, fatty, spicy;
  • products from puff pastry;
  • berries;
  • spices;
  • sweet juices and lemonade.

Menu for the week

Menu for the week диеты для похудения взрослых и детей Стол номер 8
on Pevzner looks like this:


  • Breakfast: cut bananas, kiwi and pineapple and add nonfat
    with yogurt, drink a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat;
  • Обед: каша из гречневой крупы, салат из овощей и compote;
  • Dinner: oatmeal and a glass of milk.


  • low fat yogurt and green tea;
  • millet porridge with low-fat fish bits and juice;
  • mashed potatoes with a low-fat kefir.


  • тост с медом и творогом запить orange juice;
  • fruit with sour cream and a cup of weak coffee;
  • drink buckwheat porridge with a glass of nonfat kefir.


  • low-fat fruit yogurt;
  • oatmeal porridge;
  • fruit and apple compote.


  • applesauce and coffee with cream;
  • buckwheat soup with meatballs from lean meat and orange
    the juice;
  • mashed potatoes and low-fat kefir.


  • молочная каша с вареньем и свежевыжатый апельсиновый the juice;
  • fruit salad and low-fat kefir;
  • mashed potatoes and berry pudding.


  • toast with jam and unsweetened black tea;
  • fruit stew with greens and sour cream
  • mashed potatoes with a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Вывод: Диета Стол номер 8 — отличный
a way to lose weight without harming the body. With the right of her
compliance, the effect will be noticeable in the near future.

All recipes from the menu are healthy and nutritious. After a long
sticking to a diet on a diet. Table number 8: the weight will decrease,
and the mood will increase!

For those who do not want to repeat obesity, should
keep this food restriction as large as possible
length of time.

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