Diet “Ladder” – losing weight in 5 and 7 days

  • 1 Who is shown the diet “ladder”?
  • 2 Diet and menus for losing weight
    • 2.1 Menu for 5 days
    • 2.2 Menus for 7 days
  • 3 Effectiveness and results

A new diet with the funny name “Ladder” allows everyone
it is easy for a person to lose up to 8 kg without special restrictions on food and
in just five days. In this case, the creators of the diet claim that
потерянный таким способом вес не возвращается,
The achieved result lasts a very long time, and the method itself
losing weight is not harmful to health and is easily tolerated
by the body.

Many people who have experienced the diet “ladder”, confirm it
high efficiency. Придерживаться ее можно 5 или 7
, в зависимости от того, какого результата хочет
reach the man.

Weight with this method of losing weight quickly goes away,
фигура приобретает стройные очертания, также
there is a cleansing of the intestines from toxins.

To lose weight it was easier and easier, nutritionists advise
make a detailed menu in advance for 5 or 7 days, and
track the number of lost kg, and record the results
reduce the volume of the figure.


Who is shown the diet “ladder”?

Диета»Лесенка» в первую очередь показана тем
, которым сложно менять свои пищевые привычки и
give up favorite foods. Sticking to this
method of losing weight, you can quickly enough, step by step,
adjust your diet so that it happens
stable weight loss.

It is necessary to do this in several stages.
Диета»Лесенка» – это совокупность
нескольких эффективных монодиет
, продолжительность которых
may be 5 or 7 days.

Основной принцип данного метода – постепенное
a critical reduction in calories in the diet, which provides
result in the form of weight loss.

Every day, the diet “ladder” is designed to perform a certain
function. Другими словами, похудение осуществляется
step by step:

  • Очищающий период – первая ступень похудения,
    aimed at cleansing the body from deposits of harmful substances.
    This stage helps the body to prepare for the upcoming
    weight loss, during this period a person can lose up to 2 kg.
  • Восстановительный период – этап, когда в
    diet includes fermented milk products that help the body
    adapt to a stressful situation and actively cope with
    some hardships. During this time, you can lose from 1 to 2 kg
  • Энергетический период – наиболее вкусный этап
    diet “ladder”. The diet includes foods containing glucose.
    (honey, raisins, dried apricots, etc.). Slimming at this stage is not
    it slows down, on the contrary, you can easily get rid of another 1 kg of excess
  • Строительный период – нужен для того, чтобы
    the body burned fat, not muscle. At this stage in the diet are introduced
    protein products that provide long-term saturation. At that time
    организм теряет приблизительно 0,8 кг weight.
  • Жиросжигающий период – завершающая ступень
    diet “ladder”, allowing you to get rid of the subcutaneous deposits of fat.
    At this stage, weight loss in the diet includes products containing
    fiber (fruits and vegetables), the absorption of which spends a lot
    energy performed by the body from its fat reserves.

The last step of the diet “Ladder” allows you to get rid of
1-2,5 кг лишнего weight.

Diet and menus for losing weight

To lose hateful kilograms was easier, nutritionists
advise all slimming in advance to make the menu
providing the right diet at all stages of the diet

Итак, правильно меню «Лесенки» , соответствующее
the main stages of losing weight, should include such

  • Первая ступень (очищающая) – активированный
    coal, still water, apples.
  • Вторая ступень (восстановительная) – нежирный
    cottage cheese and kefir, non-carbonated water.
  • Третья ступень (энергетическая) – сухофрукты,
    raisins, honey.
  • Четвертая ступень (строительная) – нежирное
    poultry meat (fillet), still water.
  • Пятая ступень (жиросжигающая) – фрукты, овощи,

Making a menu, you should choose only fresh food,
preferably completely natural.

Menu for 5 days

Typical diet “ladder”, designed for 5 days, quite easy
выдерживается by the body. To comply with this method of losing weight
можно использовать следующее примерное меню,
which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner:


  1. 300 g apples.
  2. 400 g apples.
  3. 300 g apples.

(every 2 hours drink 1 tablet of activated
coal, drink plenty of water).


  1. 300 ml of kefir, 200 g of cottage cheese.
  2. 400 ml of kefir, 200 g of cottage cheese.
  3. 300 ml of kefir, 200 g of cottage cheese.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1.  2 tablespoons of honey.
  2.  300 g of raisins.
  3.  dried fruits compote.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1. 200 g boiled chicken with greens.
  2. 200 g boiled chicken with greens.
  3. 100 g boiled chicken with greens.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1.  any fruit and oatmeal.
  2. vegetable salad and oatmeal.
  3. fruit salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).

Menu for 7 days

If it seems to you that 5 days is too little to achieve
the desired result and effective weight loss to try
diet “ladder” for 7 days.

The diet will not differ much from a diet designed for
5 days, just have to paint the menu for 2 extra days.

Diet “Ladder” – a menu for 7 days (breakfast, lunch,


  1. 300 g apples.
  2. 400 g apples.
  3. 300 g apples.

(every 2 hours drink 1 tablet of activated
coal, drink plenty of water).


  1.  300 ml of kefir, 200 g of cottage cheese.
  2. 400 ml of kefir, 200 g of cottage cheese.
  3. 300 ml of kefir, 200 g of cottage cheese.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1. 2 tablespoons of honey.
  2.  300 g of raisins.
  3.  dried fruits compote.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1. 200 g boiled chicken with greens.
  2.  200 g boiled chicken with greens.
  3. 100 g boiled chicken with greens.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1. any fruit and oatmeal.
  2. vegetable salad and oatmeal.
  3.  fruit salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1.  buckwheat porridge and tomato.
  2. baked chicken and vegetable salad.
  3. a glass of kefir and a handful of berries.

(drink plenty of water throughout the day).


  1. oatmeal and yogurt.
  2. Baked fish with vegetables.
  3. cottage cheese with raisins and honey.

(to drink a lot of water).

The last two days – this is a competent exit from
, позволяющий надолго закрепить полученный
result. If everything is done correctly, the lost kg will not return
immediately after the end of the diet.

The detailed menu “The Ladders” can not be called too diverse,
but just such a sequence of food use allows
achieve the goal. That means swap
stages by day, or include additional products in the diet
it is impossible, otherwise there will be no result.

Efficiency and results

Many people who want to lose weight are interested in how
effective diet “ladder”. It is worth noting that after its completion
человек обязательно отметит снижение weight.

It’s difficult to say exactly how many kg he can lose, because
the result will depend on many factors: initial weight, image
life, age, physique and so on.

The results of the diet (photo “before” and “after”):

Nutritionists promise that on average you can get rid of 7 kg in
for 5 days, what can be called an excellent result.

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