Diet in the treatment of pancreatitis pancreaticglands

  • 1 Effectiveness of pancreatitis diet
    • 1.1 Power Rules
    • 1.2 What can and can not eat?
  • 2 Sample menu and ration for the week
    • 2.1 Diet Table number 5 for the treatment of pancreatitis
    • 2.2 Useful recipes

Панкреатит поджелудочной glands — это достаточно
common phenomenon. The hallmark of this disease
is acute stomach pain and impaired quality
the functioning of the pancreas.

To overcome the pain defect and treatment of this disease was
developed a special therapeutic diet. It contains specially
Selected menu and recommended food. It is they
help the treatment process without harming
to the body.


Effectiveness of the pancreatitis diet

Chronic pancreatitis and its acute forms deliver large
дискомфорт всему to the body. Symptoms of this disease
acute abdominal pain, weakness, nausea and

При панкреатите поджелудочной glands соблюдение лечебной
— обязательно. Medical nutrition allows you to remove
pain, tidy the digestive system and improve performance
gastrointestinal tract.

Эффективность диеты состоит в том, что
the proposed menu and special food treat
pancreas and produce a kind of “unloading” of the entire system

Многие диетологи утверждают, что эффективным
вступлением к данной диете должно стать специальное
therapeutic fasting.
It should start immediately after
выявления симптомов данного панкреатита поджелудочной glands. 2-3
day you need to starve (depending on pain) and
continue to diet.

Голодание при панкреатите полезно, так как при
receiving food, there is a strong load on the body. because of
This causes inflammation and pain in the stomach. therefore
This method of entering the diet is so important and effective.

Диета Стол №5 при панкреатите основана на
eating certain foods. The menu and diet of this
method of treating pancreas, will be discussed below.

Power Rules

Power Rules при панкреатите поджелудочной

  1. eat food of the same consistency, preferably homogeneous
    (porridge, soup ..);
  2. portions should be small;
  3. need to constantly drink (clean water, decoctions, green
  4. eat food in liquid or creamy form (mashed potatoes,
    jelly, pureed soups, broths).
  5. eat 5-6 times a day;
  6. exclude: sweet, salty, fried and smoked;
  7. avoid eating raw foods (vegetables / fruits)
  8. include in the diet small portions of food that does not stimulate
    increased production of gastric juice (dried bread, unsweetened
    bagel – in small quantities).

Правила диеты при остром панкреатите аналогичны
chronic option. With chronic pancreatitis
поджелудочной glands лечебное голодание длится 3-4 дня.

Menu and reception of products with this diet is more stringent.
character Light broths and cereals are acceptable. All this must
accompanied by drinking plenty of tea and clean water.

What can and can not eat?

Foods that can be consumed on a diet
Стол номер 5 при панкреатите

  • finely chopped boiled meat (veal, chicken, rabbit meat):
    steamed patties
  • steamed or boiled fish;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal;
  • Milk: kefir, ryazhenka or yogurt 1-5%, no more.
  • eggs (boiled soft-boiled), but consumed in small
  • baked or steamed vegetables;
  • fruit baked or in the form of compotes;
  • from sweet: jelly, marshmallow;
  • bread (dried white – to use in small
  • drinks (tea, clean water, decoctions).

Итак, диета при панкреатите поджелудочной glands,
what can not be:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • roast;
  • salty;
  • smoked
  • flour (except for the above);
  • preservatives;
  • from milk: cottage cheese, sour cream, milk (any fatty
  • eggs (hard-boiled, scrambled eggs);
  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • alcohol;
  • sweets and drinks (not included in the list of allowed).

Power Rules диеты при панкреатите должны тщательно
. No deviations from the presented

The diet in chronic form consists of
которые не ведут к усиленной
выработке желудочного сока
. therefore, если вы внесете
changes in the proposed menu, the disease will increase with a new force.

При обострении панкреатита поджелудочной glands
diet becomes more stringent. Стараемся употреблять в
food more light, “water” soups and cereals.

It is necessary to exclude the possibility of the process of inflammation in the stomach.
Accordingly, the work he needs to facilitate with
специально продуманного «облегченного» menu.

Sample menu and diet for the week

Дневная норма калорий при лечении данного
недуга должна составлять — 700- 800 калорий.

  • The use of foods containing fats – 0;
  • The amount of carbohydrates – up to 200 g;
  • Eating proteins – up to 15 g.

Пьем 2 — 2,5 литра жидкости каждый день, в течение
all week

In the treatment of acute pancreatitis, the diet and its constituent
menu has its own characteristics.

Acute pancreatitis, the symptoms of which cause unbearable pain,
should сопровождаться предварительным голоданием в течение
3-4 дней
. Next comes the introduction to the menu and the daily
diet special food.

Sample diet menu for pancreatitis at 7
 выглядит следующим образом:

Meals are described for the whole day:

1-2 day

  • 30 grams of dried bread (not more);
  • vegetable or mashed potatoes without oil
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • dry biscuits;
  • tea, water, jelly.

3-4 day

  • oatmeal or decoction on rice;
  • mashed potatoes without oil (potato);
  • liquid porridge (semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • dried bread – no more than 30 g.

5-6 day

  • steamed omelette;
  • cottage cheese soufflé (0-1.5% fat);
  • light soup;
  • mashed vegetables
  • vegetable puddings or grated apples are allowed for sweets
  • green tea.

7 day

  • oatmeal;
  • cottage cheese souffle (low-fat);
  • steamed vegetables;
  • light puree soup
  • baked apples;
  • black or green tea.

During the week, every day we drink plenty of water, various teas and

Diet Table number 5 for the treatment of pancreatitis

При болезнях желудка и поджелудочной glands была разработана
Special diet “Table number 5”.

Eating with this method of Table 5 should include
more steamed products.

Направленность диеты «Стол номер 5» и метод
treatment, are to exclude from the diet of foods
которые стимулируют выработку ферментации поджелудочной glands.

�”Table number 5″ includes a balanced menu for the week,
which will allow the body to improve its health and eliminate further
the resumption of pain.

So, diet Table 5 – menu for every day at
pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis (breakfast, lunch,


  1.  steamed omelette, dried slice of bread and
  2. buckwheat porridge with boiled zucchini.
  3. a bit of oatmeal and 100 g of boiled beetroot salad (without


  1. творог нежирный — 3-7%, ломтик подсушенного хлеба, tea;
  2. boiled bacon with steamed vegetables; vegetable soup;
  3. baked apples.


  1. non-fat yogurt;
  2. buckwheat and lean fish steamed;
  3.  vegetable soup and a slice of dried bread;


  1. steamed omelette, rosehip tea;
  2. boiled chicken meat, vegetable puree, dried slice
    of bread;
  3. apple soufflé.


  1. oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, green tea;
  2. steamed vegetables and fish (non-fat);
  3. steam omelette


  1. semolina;
  2. steamed meat (bacon) and boiled rice;
  3. vegetable puree.

The sun

  1. low-fat cottage cheese, dried rusk;
  2. boiled lean meat and a small portion of buckwheat;
  3. 2 baked apples.

Useful recipes

Диета при панкреатите поджелудочной glands строга и не
different special diversity. However, this is not a reason to lose heart.
There are various ways to enrich the Table menu number 5.

So, the pancreatic recipes that are helpful for
Table number 5:

Steam Cutlets

Steam Cutlets


  • chicken breast – 200g;
  • wheat bread – 30 g;
  • milk – 3 tbsp;
  • a pinch of salt and olive oil.

CP�ешиваем все ингредиенты. From the resulting minced meat sculpt
small balls. Put them in a steamer, pour water and
close all the lid. Cook until fully cooked.

Noodle milk soup

Noodle milk soup


  • flour – 10 g;
  • eggs – 2 pieces;
  • butter – 10 g;
  • Milk – 300 ml.

It is necessary to knead the dough from the ingredients (milk, flour and water).
After that, the resulting texture is necessary to roll. Further,
shred noodles. After that, boil the resulting noodles in milk.

Steamed protein omelet

Steamed protein omelet


  • egg – 2-3 pieces;
  • milk – 1/3.

Separate the yolks from proteins. Pour milk into proteins. Stir,
but do not whisk. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass dish and
Cover it with a plate or lid. Further, в глубокую емкость
(pan) pour a large amount of water. Immerse there the vessel with
protein mixture. We put a pot of water on the fire and wait
cooking steam omelette. Bring to a boil. Cooking min
15-20. Cooling down. Omelet is ready!

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