Diet for похудения живота и боков в домашнихconditions

  • 1 Basics of a diet for slimming the abdomen and sides
    • 1.1 Permitted Products
    • 1.2 Dietary menu for the week
    • 1.3 ATкусные рецепты
  • 2 Types of effective diets
    • 2.1 Mediterranean diet
    • 2.2 Protein diet
    • 2.3 TOефирная диета
    • 2.4 Buckwheat diet
    • 2.5 Diet for women
    • 2.6 Diet for nursing mothers
    • 2.7 Diet for men
  • 3 TOакие можно делать упражнения?

Nutritionists have developed hundreds of weight loss programs. But how
find among them the only one that will allow
the desired result?

AT нашей статье будут рассмотрены популярные диеты для снижения
лишнего веса и эффективные способы похудения проблемных zones.


Basics of a diet for slimming the abdomen and sides

Для достижения желаемых результатов, важно нормализовать
режим питания и употреблять только разрешенные продукты
A full, healthy diet, as well as a special complex
exercises will help lose weight and lose weight by a few

It is necessary to choose a technique that promotes weight loss.
проблемных zones. Remove the side and stomach will help the weekly diet. A week
– It is a good time to get the first results.

To significantly reduce the size of your own body, remove
бока и живот, необходимо соблюдение главных принципов

  1. Strict calorie control diet and pre-compiled
    menu for the whole week.
  2. Mandatory full breakfasts. To run the exchange
    processes in the body, you should eat complex carbohydrates,
    as well as protein products.
  3. Fractional nutrition – 5-6 times a day.
  4. Consuming small portions.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Consumption of simple, clean water. She will be
    remove toxins and excess fat.
  6. A week похудения и устранения жира с боков и живота
    implies the absence in the diet of fat, smoked, flour,
    fried, as well as alcohol and fast food.
  7. Remove the sides and stomach will help complete rejection of fast carbohydrates
    (sweet, muffin, carbonated drinks, etc.).
  8. Active physical activities (sports, dancing).

Complex will help to fix the sides and stomach in a week
special exercises or regular gymnastics. Without such
an integrated approach to diet, losing weight will not bring the desired

Permitted Products

To lose weight in a week was as effective as possible, and the sides and
the stomach is significantly reduced, in its daily menu should
включить низкокалорийные продукты power supply.

Permitted Products для похудения живота и

  • Avocado – daily use of this fruit for a week
    leads to a decrease in fat on the abdomen and sides on average by 30%. With
    условии, если за день употреблять не более 1,5 тыс. calories.
    Avocado contains a lot of fiber and perfectly satisfies hunger;
  • Ginger tea – thanks to gingerol, which is contained in
    ginger, the body is blocked by the accumulation of fat, and the sides and stomach
    gradually decrease in volume;
  • Blueberries – bivoflavonida in this berry have a rejuvenating,
    anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the feeling of hunger.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • TOуриные яйца;
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Low-fat, low-calorie varieties of meat and fish.

Запрещены во время slimming:

  • TOопчености;
  • Fried food;
  • Floury;
  • Sweets;
  • TOрасное мясо;
  • Animal fats;
  • Майонез и кетчуп;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.

Dietary menu for the week

The weekly diet is much easier to tolerate if
diet variety. Proper nutrition should include
eating fiber, protein, carbohydrates and

To clean a stomach for a week, food should be
balanced. ATажно не голодать, быть сытым, чтобы избежать
further breakdowns and overeating. Итак, рассмотрим правильное
nutrition (menu for a week for weight loss) in more detail.

Dietary menu for the week для похудения живота
might look like this:


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal on water and 1 egg;
  2. Lunch: vegetable soup, buckwheat and boiled bacon;
  3. Snack: 1 apple;
  4. Dinner: vegetable salad.


  1. 170 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  2. low-fat steamed fish with vegetables;
  3. 1 any fruit;
  4. diet casserole.


  1. buckwheat on water and 1 slice of durum cheese;
  2. diet patties and boiled rice;
  3. 2 apples;
  4. a fresh vegetable salad.


  1. porridge on water, 1 egg;
  2. low-fat cottage cheese;
  3. vegetable soup and a slice of black bread;
  4. fresh fruit salad.


  1. нежирный йогурт со злаками и сухоfruits;
  2. 1 banana for snack;
  3. vegetable soup and boiled vegetables;
  4. рыба на пару и a fresh vegetable salad.


  1. low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey;
  2. vegetable soup, stewed vegetables with brisket;
  3. 1 apple;
  4. diet syrniki.


  1. steamed omelette;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. boiled mashed potatoes and 2 steamed patties;
  4. salad of vegetables and bacon.

ATкусные рецепты

Useful recipes for slimming the abdomen and sides are presented.
A list of delicious, dietary meals. Such recipes do not
только включают в себя разрешенные, полезные продукты питания,
но и способствуют weight loss

Dietary casserole for weight loss

Диетическая запеканка с вишней


  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • vanillin and baking powder;
  • low-fat sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • low-fat cottage cheese 500 g;
  • semolina – 1.5 st;
  • cherry (fresh / canned).

Cooking method:

Take any container and mix it with a blender: eggs,
sugar, vanillin and baking powder. Next, add, gradually
stirring, sour cream and semolina.  Products must be whipped up
light, airy consistency.

Putting part of the mass in a baking dish (previously
You can lubricate it with any oil). Sprinkle a handful of cherries on top. Then
pour out the remaining curd mass and decorate the last layer

Cook in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees.
Check the degree of readiness with a knife. If when sticking on the blade
knife no lumps left, then the casserole is ready.

Delicious Fruit Jelly

Фруктовое желе


  • 1 packet of gelatin (per 350 ml of water);
  • gelatin – 3 tablespoons;
  • raspberries, strawberries, currants – 50 g each;
  • lemon juice;
  • syrup of any jam;
  • water.

Cooking method:

Take a pot of water (350 g), put it on fire. In 1 glass
water diluted gelatin to dissolve. As soon as the water
heat (temperature 40 degrees), remove it from the drive and mix
with diluted gelatin. Next, add lemon juice and syrup
any jam. All mix. Leave in a cool place on
10 minutes.

After that we take several jelly containers (cups / glasses).
Pour fruit into it and pour jelly into it. Put in the fridge on
several hours.

Steamed diet patties

TOуриные котлеты на пару


  • minced chicken (or brisket) – 500 g;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp;
  • onions – 1 pc;
  • 2 eggs;
  • optional butter – 10 g;
  • salt pepper

Cooking method:

Cut onions finely. Add the stuffing in it. (If you cook yourself
mince, bacon can be minced with onions).
Mankou pour 4 tablespoons of water and leave for 10 minutes to swell. TO
minced add onions, eggs, salt and pepper.

Next, the bottom of the double boiler grease with vegetable oil and lay out
cutlets at a distance from each other. Cooking for 20-30 minutes.

Types of effective diets

Any diet involves eating healthy and healthy.
products. Meals should be complete and balanced.

It is important not to forget that fasting on a diet is harmful.
weight loss The body is stressed during fasting and starts
actively gain additional weight “in reserve”. Respectively,
breakdowns and overeating occur. Therefore, it is important to remain well fed and
get all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

AT домашних conditions необходимо соблюдать суточную норму

It is calculated as follows:

  • 447.6 (9.2 * weight) + (3.1 * height) – (4.3 *


  • 447.6 (9.2 * 50) + (3.1 * 172) – (4.3 * 25) = normal
    1333 TOкал в день.

Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet для похудения живота не предлагает
specific menu for the week. It consists of the principles of correct
power supply.

Such a diet should become a habit and become a way of life, then
lose weight. Even one week of diet can give
good result.

Basic rules of the Mediterranean

  • On a weekly diet, eat seasonal vegetables and
  • Create a menu and include milk and sour milk
    low fat foods;
  • Replace animal and vegetable fats with olive oil;
  • Exclude from the diet red meat;
  • All week eat seafood, cooking recipe
    which should be simple, without fatty sauces and dressing;
  • Dietary food should include pasta from solid
    wheat varieties;
  • Include nuts and seeds in the menu, as well as dried fruits;
  • Cooking is recommended steamed or in the oven, also
    possible quenching.

Sample menu for 1 day:

  1. Breakfast: 170 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  2. Snack: fruit;
  3. Lunch: hard pasta, steamed fish and fresh
  4. Snack: a handful of dried fruit;
  5. Dinner: boiled bacon with baked vegetables.

Protein diet

Diet protein for slimming the abdomen and sides can lead to
significant reduction in body volume. This diet is suitable for people
who love meat and do not want to give it up in the period
losing weight Both women and men suffer this way of eating.
easy enough.

This weight loss allows you to reduce the sides and tighten the stomach, not
harming the body.

Sample protein diet menu for 1 day:

  1. Breakfast: make an omelet from two eggs with vegetables, or eat
    hard-boiled eggs with baked vegetables;
  2. Snack: drink a glass of skimmed milk or yogurt, you can
    replace them with 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  3. Lunch: chicken broth, boiled chicken breast, tomato and
  4. Snack: wheat toast from wholemeal flour with a slice
  5. Dinner: steamed beans and grilled fish.

TOефирная диета

TOефирная диета для похудения живота и боков не только
promotes weight loss, it removes excess water from the body,
improves the intestinal microflora and normalizes digestion.

Effective diet for slimming the abdomen and sides allows you to withdraw
шлаки и токсины из организма, препятствующие weight loss

The first version of the kefir diet: 

  1. Monday – 5 boiled potatoes and 1.5 liters of kefir;
  2. Tuesday – 100 g of boiled chicken breast and 1.5 liters of kefir;
  3. Wednesday – 100 g of boiled beef and 1.5 liters of kefir;
  4. Thursday – 100 g of boiled fish and 1.5 liters kefir;
  5. Пятница – сырые овощи и 1,5 л kefir;
  6. Суббота – 1,5 л kefir;
  7. Sunday – 1.5 liters of mineral water.

ATторой вариант кефирной диеты для

  • During the week, alternate kefir days (1.5 l of kefir in
    day), and vegetable days (there are vegetable salads three times a day,
    kefir, and a piece of chicken).

One week – the maximum period of application of this diet.
Continue it for a longer time is not recommended. Everything
These meals should be by the hour.

Belly and side after a week is guaranteed to decrease, if in addition to
diets perform various physical exercises at home
(swing press, push-ups, squat, lunges, etc.).

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat diet признана очень эффективной. If you abide by it in
during the week, you can achieve significant results. Belly and
sides decrease, the waist will be narrower.

It is necessary to follow such a diet exactly when using
the products listed in the menu are by the hour. If you add some more
exercise, the effect will be much better.

The easiest option buckwheat diet for a week –
approximate menu for 1 day:

  1. Morning: 170 grams of buckwheat;
  2. Snack: 1 banana;
  3. Lunch break: 170 g buckwheat;
  4. Snack: 1 apple;
  5. Evening: kefir and 170 grams of buckwheat.

Рецепт гречки для slimming:

A glass of buckwheat rinse well and pour hot water (2
cups), wrap the pot and leave overnight. Eat in the morning
porridge without oil and without salt at regular intervals. AT
throughout the day drink plenty of plain water.

This weekly diet is very monotonous, however it allows
achieve significant results. The first day of such nutrition will be
the hardest, then the body gets used. The main advice is not
break in the middle of the week, endure all 7 days, only then belly
and the sides will disappear.

Buckwheat diet for slimming the abdomen and sides allows you to turn on
in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, but in moderation

Diet for women

It is known that, on average, a man loses weight faster than a woman. it
is due to the increased amount of muscle mass, which
spends a certain amount of calories from its own reserves

If a woman wants to quickly remove the stomach and sides, she
will have to follow a strict diet. Eat fractional and regular
perform a set of exercises.

Effective weekly diet to lose weight in the abdomen and
Lateral for women can be like this:

  1. Monday is a vegetable day. There need to salads, seasoned
    olive oil, and boiled chicken;
  2. ATторник – разгрузочный день. ATыпить 1,5 л нежирного кефира в
    during the day;
  3. Wednesday – during the day there are grilled vegetables with baked fish and
  4. Thursday – fasting day on low-fat yogurt (1.5 l);
  5. Friday – combine vegetable salads with fish patties,
    steamed and buckwheat;
  6. Saturday – fasting day on kefir (1.5 l);
  7. ATоскресенье – салат из свежей капусты с зеленью, запеченная

Diet for nursing mothers

Any nursing mother knows how difficult it is to remove the sides and belly in
lactation period. ATедь ей приходится употреблять продукты, полезные,
first of all, for the child. However, you can create a menu
proper nutrition in a way that does not harm the baby.

A diet for slimming the abdomen and sides for a week for a nursing mother
will help get rid of several kg and reduce the waist.

Sample menu for one day:

  1. Morning: steamed omelette;
  2. Snack: low-fat cottage cheese;
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled rice and low-fat steamed fish;
  4. Snack: 2 baked apples;
  5. Dinner: steamed vegetables and 2 chicken steam cutlets.

Thобы гарантированно похудеть, кормящая мама должна
use the following guidelines:

  • AT первую неделю после родов есть домашние постные супы, свежие
    фрукты, крупы и печеные vegetables.
  • Diet should be supplemented with herbal decoctions, compotes from
    dried fruits, carrot juices, berry fruit drinks.
  • Fatty foods should be excluded, give up sweets and any
    canned food.
  • Exercise and gymnastics can be started when
    the body will get strong enough for this.

Diet for men

To remove the stomach and sides at home to a man
You need to change your diet and adjust nutrition. Diet for
men excludes fatty, flour and smoked products.

ATо время диеты мужчинам необходимо вести активный образ жизни и
exercise for problem

ATажно, чтобы питание было низкокалорийным, но максимально
helpful. AT рационе должно быть как можно больше белка и медленных

Foods recommended

  • lean meat and fish;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • cereals;
  • beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits.

Effective and uncomplicated diet menu on
 для мужчин выглядит так:

Первый день:

  1. Breakfast – omelet with tomatoes and coffee;
  2. ATторой завтрак – домашний йогурт;
  3. Lunch – mushrooms and boiled beef;
  4. Dinner – pea soup and tea without sugar.

ATторой день:

  1. Boiled sausages, vegetable salad and coffee;
  2. Homemade yogurt;
  3. Steamed breasts and braised eggplants;
  4. Beef liver and vegetable salad.

The third day:

  1. Eggplant caviar with buckwheat and coffee;
  2. Orange or grapefruit;
  3. Salmon salad and bean soup;
  4. Boiled eggs (2 pcs.) And beetroot salad;

Fourth day:

  1. Oatmeal with apple and tea;
  2. Egg omelette;
  3. Stewed mushrooms and chicken breast;
  4. Твердый сыр и фруктовый salad;

Fifth day:

  1. TOуриное филе с овощами и кофе;
  2. ATареные яйца;
  3. Vegetable salad and beef;
  4. TOусочек сыра и запеченные куриные крылышки;

Sixth day:

  1. Rice porridge with milk and coffee;
  2. Boiled fish and vegetables;
  3. Baked potatoes with beans;
  4. Risotto with vegetables and cheese.

Seventh day:

  1. Boiled chicken and corn;
  2. Tomato salad;
  3. Steamed fish and pasta;
  4. Salmon and avocado salad.

TOакие можно делать упражнения?

In order to achieve results from the diet, the complex is important.
подход к weight loss Active physical activity, healthy
complete diet, healthy foods – all this must be respected
in unity.

AT дополнение к диете особенно эффективной для женщин станет
gymnastics slimming abdomen and sides for women.

Special set of exercises for weight loss can be performed
even at home.

it должны быть:

  • abdominal exercises;
  • attacks;
  • kick your feet;
  • squats;
  • exercises on the buttocks;
  • tilts in different directions with and without dumbbells;
  • waist exercises;
  • torso twists;
  • training with hulahup;
  • push ups;
  • �”Mill”;
  • �”Strap”
  • �”Dolphin”
  • Stretching all muscle groups, etc.

Обязательной также является кардиотренировка
(running, brisk walking, cycling), which will help quickly
burn fat in problem areas and lose weight by a few pounds.

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