Diet for flatulence and bloating

  • 1 Causes of flatulence and bloating
  • 2 Basic principles of diet
    • 2.1 Permitted and Prohibited Products
  • 3 Sample menu for the week
    • 3.1 Recipes
  • 4 Duration of the diet and out of it

Flatulence and bloating – what could be more unpleasant than these
sensations? In particular, if you are at this time on an important
event. Often, the above-mentioned discomfort in
body arise due to malnutrition.

Therefore, in order to quickly get rid of these
most unpleasant processes in the abdomen, strongly
We recommend that you follow a special diet, the essence of which will be
described in the following material. So, we present to your
attention diet for getting rid of flatulence and bloating.


Causes of flatulence and bloating

Of course, the most important cause of flatulence and bloating
is the wrong food. But besides this well-known
There are other factors contributing to the development of the above.

Среди всевозможных причин метеоризма и вздутия
выделяются следующие:

  • excessive consumption of legumes, fruits, vegetables and dairy
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract, in the form of education
    inflammatory processes;
  • violation of intestinal microflora;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • frequent meals with poorly matched foods;
  • the presence in the body of worms and other parasites;
  • frequent use of chewing gum;
  • bad chewing food.

If you can identify yourself with at least one of
the above factors of malnutrition, urgently
�”Ask for help” to a special diet that can save you
from bloating and flatulence in a matter of days.

The basic principles of diet

For quick relief from bloating, diet with syndrome
irritable bowel with diarrhea and flatulence offers you
строгое придерживание следующих правил
power supply:

  • eat leisurely, chewing each piece thoroughly;
  • when dieting, it is recommended to drink beverages only after 30 minutes
    the completion of the meal;
  • try to eat at the same time every day;
  • the number of meals should vary from 4 to 6 times a
    day, in small portions;
  • dishes are recommended to be consumed in boiled, baked, stewed and
    steam form;
  • drink two to two and a half liters daily
    purified water without gas;
  • products are strongly recommended to use only in warm
    because the food is too cold or too hot
    promotes intestinal irritation.

Allowed and prohibited products

Продукты, которые вызывают вздутие живота,
fall into three categories:

  • Coarse plant fiber: legumes, bran, corn,
  • Simple carbohydrates: sugar, honey, jam, pastry
  • Food-borne or intractable
    allergic reactions. For example, milk, citrus or

Что касаемо разрешенных продуктов при диете для
избавления от метеоризма и вздутия живота
, к ним

  • wheat flour products;
  • lean types of fish and meat (cod, perch, rabbit,
    beef, chicken);
  • low-fat and non-acidic dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream,
    sour milk;
  • boiled eggs and omelets;
  • green tea;
  • decoctions of wild rose, bird cherry, blueberry;
  • cocoa;
  • compotes;
  • pumpkin, potato, carrot, zucchini;
  • soups cooked on the basis of lean meat and fish
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina and rice porridge;
  • parsley dill;
  • Bay leaf.

Sample menu for the week

A sample menu for seven days for a diet with flatulence and
вздутии живота
составляется на основе вышеуказанного
list of valid products. We present you your option
the nearest diet, including proper nutrition, for a week:


  • Breakfast: millet porridge with prunes and black tea;
  • Lunch: fish soup with carrots and potatoes;
  • Dinner: buckwheat.


  • oatmeal with cottage cheese;
  • low-fat chicken broth;
  • braised zucchini and a glass of yogurt.


  • omelet with herbs and dogrose broth;
  • rabbit and pepper stews;
  • vegetable salad, herbal tea.


  • boiled egg and apple, a cup of green tea;
  • curd casserole with apple and raspberry drink infusion
    bird cherry;
  • buckwheat porridge with low-fat fish cutlets.


  • 150 g of cottage cheese with raisins, citrus fresh;
  • stew of peppers and tomatoes, berry jelly;
  • 2-3 boiled potatoes, herbal tea.


  • omelette with cheese and greens, berry juice;
  • millet porridge with prunes, boiled egg;
  • fresh vegetable salad and sour cream.


  • 150 г творога, тост и чашка cocoa;
  • mashed potatoes with beef chops, a glass of low-fat
  • 200 g boiled chicken meat and dogrose broth.

Immaculately sticking to the above diet menu, you
You will undoubtedly achieve the desired result, in the form of getting rid of
flatulence and bloating.


Рассмотрим рецепты диеты для избавления от метеоризма и
Let’s start with the most simple, but no less useful.
dishes in the presence of flatulence and bloating:

Carrot salad

Carrot salad

Ингредиенты: три морковки и две столовые ложки обезжиренной
sour cream.

  • clean wash and boil carrots;
  • to rub on a coarse grater and mix with sour cream.

The following fish salad is recommended for use in the diet.
2-3 раза в week: Салат с тунцом

Салат с тунцом

Ингредиенты: 250 г филе тунца, один картофель, огурец, листья
salad, a handful of dill and a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

  • boil tuna fillet and chop it finely;
  • wash the potatoes and boil with the peel;
  • peel and cut into cubes;
  • wash and peel the cucumber;
  • chop it;
  • chop the dill;
  • mix all the ingredients and fill with vegetable oil.

Chicken broth with rice for bloating diet and

Куриный бульон с рисом

Ингредиенты: 400 г куриного мяса, морковка, щепотка укропа,
bay leaf, onion and 100 grams of rice.

  • soak the rice, leaving for 2-3 hours;
  • drain and rinse thoroughly;
  • boil chicken meat;
  • add to the chicken the peeled and chopped carrots, onions, and
    Bay leaf;
  • add soaked rice to the half cooked soup and cook slowly
    fire for 20 minutes.

A delicious and healthy soup will brighten up your lunch on a diet
getting rid of flatulence and bloating:

Noodle soup

Noodle soup

Ингредиенты: 100 г вермишели, два литра воды, одна картофелина,
carrot, parsley root, a handful of dill, half an onion and
tablespoon of vegetable oil.

  • thoroughly wash and cut vegetables and herbs;
  • pour water and boil with onions;
  • добавить растительное масло и Bay leaf;
  • the noodles must be cooked separately and carefully
  • put a deep pot of cooked vermicelli;
  • top pour the soup and decorate with greens.

The following recipe is best used for dinner when
keeping a diet of bloating and flatulence thrice a

Beef chops for a diet with bloating and

Отбивные из говядины

Ингредиенты: полкило нежирного говяжьего мяса, две столовые
spoons of vegetable oil, 50 g of flour and chicken eggs.

  • wash the beef and cut into thin pieces;
  • carefully beat off pieces of meat on each side;
  • dip in a pre-beaten egg;
  • roll in flour;
  • fry in vegetable oil.

Следующее блюдо наиболее подходит для диеты при flatulence и
abdominal distention:

Chicken with vegetables

Chicken with vegetables

Ингредиенты: полкило курятины, помидор, перец, горсть укропа,
onions and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  • thoroughly wash the chicken meat and put in a saucepan;
  • wash and cut the vegetables and lay out on top;
  • cook over low heat until fully cooked;
  • sprinkle with chopped greens.

Duration of the diet and out of it

Medical diet for getting rid of flatulence and bloating
can last from a week to a month, depending on the degree
the severity of the disease. Proper nutrition is recommended
stick to the week.

Если по окончанию данной диеты при flatulence, самочувствие не
Improve and discomfort will not leave your body, then you
wrong adhered to strict menu and nutritional rules. Or
the above term was not enough for you. Based on this,
continue to eat approved diet products until full

When you exit the diet to get rid of flatulence and swelling
belly, it is very important not to return to the usual diet. Enter
favorite foods in the diet gradually, 1-2 per week. But in order
to feel discomfort in the stomach in the form of flatulence and bloating
have not returned to you again, it is recommended to exclude them from the menu altogether
favorite dishes.

Диета при вздутии живота и flatulence очень важна, так как не
By sticking to it, you greatly aggravate the situation,
which is fraught with negative consequences for your body and
health in general.

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