Diet for diseases of the liver and pancreasglands

  • 1 Виды диет при заболеваниях печени и желудка
    • 1.1 Foods that can be consumed on a diet
  • 2 Diet and weekly menu
    • 2.1 Recipes
  • 3 Recommendations

Treatment of all pathologies associated with the pancreas and
liver, in any case involves the use of special diets,
helping the body cope with the disease. If not adjusted
their food in the development of the disease, and eat, as usual, then
the disease will worsen, the pain will increase, and there may be

Диета при заболевании pancreas glands и печени
provides for all stages of the development of the disease, so the list
The products on it will depend on many factors.

Диетологи разработали несколько разновидностей
специальных диет
и способов питания при заболеваниях
pancreas glands и печени, которые называются
. The patient is assigned a specific “table”, in
depending on the disease, its stage, as well as its form.


Виды диет при заболеваниях печени и желудка

For diseases of the liver and pancreas treatment and menu
is made in such a way as to relieve the symptoms of the disease, eliminate
pain symptoms, and alleviate the general condition of the patient.

With заболеваниях pancreas glands обычно назначается
«стол №5»
— такая диета предусматривает употребление
products that should help reduce gastric secretion,
usually elevated in similar pathologies.

The main task of the diet during this period is to take the load off the patient.
liver and stomach and help them recover faster.

With pathologies such as liver cirrhosis, gallstone disease,
acute and chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, – patients often
appointed “table number 5A.”

Диета «Стол №5А» призван максимально обеспечить организм
пациента витаминами и полезными веществами
, снять нагрузку
with diseased organs and ensure a speedy recovery.

Обе диеты при заболеваниях pancreas glands и печени
effective enough if you strictly adhere to them and use
Only those products that are on the “allowed” list. Also
it is important to observe the diet on the diet, then properly chosen
the table, together with the prescribed treatment, will give good

Foods that can be consumed on a diet

Proper and effective diet for liver disease and
pancreas glands меню на неделю разрабатывается с учетом стадии
diseases, forms of its course, the presence of exacerbations, and many other

It is necessary to consider in detail the method of nutrition for diseases
pancreas glands и печени, предусмотренный «столом №5». With
такой диете больному назначается преимущественно белковая
пища, которая не перегружает поджелудочную железу
allows it to function normally and recover in the period
the course of the disease.

Also при данной диете ограничивается употребление
(растительного и животного) – его можно употреблять
only raw, adding to salads or porridge.

Следуя диете «стол №5» все крупы придется готовить на
воде, а супы – только на овощном бульоне
. With этом
the patient is allowed to eat any boiled vegetables.

Withемы пищи происходят по часам, есть нужно
fractionally, in strictly defined time intervals. Throughout
процесса лечения pancreas glands нужно пить много жидкости –
weak tea, fresh juices, plain water.

As for the diet “table number 5A”, then this method of nutrition for
заболеваниях pancreas glands и печени предусматривает довольно
strict restrictions.

From the diet of the patient will have to completely eliminate such

  • Fried food.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Spicy seasonings, including garlic, horseradish and mustard.
  • Any meat broth.
  • Vegetables with choleretic properties (radishes, spinach,
    Green onions, radish, wild garlic).
  • All chocolate products.
  • Mushrooms, eggs.
  • Fat, fatty meat (including goose and duck).
  • Ice cream and any sweet creams.
  • Muffin and fresh bread.
  • Products with essential oils.
  • Legumes
  • Coffee.

Список разрешенных продуктов по диете «стол
№5А» при заболеваниях pancreas glands и печени выглядит

  • Vegetarian soups (vegetables in them need to be grated, or
    very finely chopped).
  • Fat-free dairy products.
  • Rabbit and low-fat beef.
  • Turkey and chicken (without skin).
  • White dried bread.
  • Kissel, tea with lemon, broth hips.
  • Not rich dry biscuits.
  • Boiled vegetables.
  • Faded berries and ripe fruit.
  • Vermicelli.
  • Viscous ground porridge made of oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice
  • Vegetable and butter in raw form (when added to
    cereals or salads).

Diet and menu for the week

Дневной рацион  разбит на 5 приемов пищи: завтрак, второй
Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner. Withмерное меню на неделю по
диете при заболеваниях pancreas glands и печен
и будет
выглядеть So:

First day:

  1. a portion of low-fat grated curd with berries, viscous
    buckwheat porridge with a spoon of butter, weak tea.
  2. fresh apple
  3. light vegetable soup, boiled lean meat with pasta,
  4.  weak tea and biscuits.
  5. boiled potatoes and steam fish, a glass of low-fat

Second day:

  1. portion of pasta with boiled chicken, tea.
  2. grinded low-fat cottage cheese with raisins.
  3. portion of grated vegetable soup with potatoes, cabbage rolls with chicken
    мясом и jelly.
  4.  one ripe banana.
  5.  portion of rice porridge on milk.

The third day:

  1. milk oatmeal, boiled fish and tea.
  2.  light cottage cheese casserole and a handful of berries.
  3. milk soup with noodles, bready vegetables with lean meat,
  4. weak tea and marmalade.
  5. hard mild cheese and pasta with a spoon of butter,

Fourth day:

  1. portion of buckwheat porridge and boiled chicken fillet.
  2. low-fat cottage cheese with half a banana.
  3.  овощной суп и рыбные парные котлеты, compote.
  4. a glass of low-fat kefir with berries.
  5. a portion of rice porridge with grated apple and weak tea.

Fifth day:

  1. овсяная каша на молоке, перетертые ягоды и jelly.
  2. vegetable puree.
  3. тушеный кролик с овощами и compote.
  4.  a glass of low-fat kefir and biscuits.
  5. boiled fish and some buckwheat.

Sixth day:

  1. rice milk porridge and half a banana.
  2.  fresh apple
  3. portion of broccoli cream soup and boiled chicken fillet, not strong
  4.  a glass of low-fat kefir with ground berries.
  5. паровая рыба с макаронами и jelly.

Seventh day:

  1. buckwheat porridge with a spoon of butter and boiled
  2. apple-banana puree.
  3. light vegetable soup with potatoes and non-sharp grated cheese.
  4. low fat grated curd with berries.
  5. a portion of rice porridge with milk and half a banana.

Особенность диеты при заболеваниях pancreas glands и печени
is that the patient must strictly abide
the sequence of use of the dishes assigned to him.

There should be a break of about 3 between meals.
, в то же время следует выпивать в течение дня
quite a lot of liquid.

Preference should be given to plain water without
, также в рацион необходимо включить компоты, кисели и
natural juices from non-acidic fruits and berries that contribute
нормальной работе печени и pancreas glands.

Dish recipes

Правильная диета при заболеваниях печени и pancreas glands
should be based on the right approach to their health and

It should be remembered that each pancreatic disease
glands или печени предусматривает использование своей, конкретной
diets. In addition, in the period of such a diet in no case
forget about medication and take everything in time
pills and other drugs.

Dish recipes при заболеваниях печени и

Buckwheat soup 

Buckwheat soup
  1. Вскипятить в кастрюльке 100 мл воды.
  2. Throw buckwheat into it (about 50 g).
  3. Cook for about 15 minutes.
  4. When the cereal is ready, pour 400 ml low-fat into the pan
    milk and stir.
  5. You can add some salt to buckwheat soup, it should be served with
    adding a spoonful of butter for one portion of the dish.

Boiled Bass with Garnish 

Boiled Bass with Garnish
  1. Почистить рыбу и хорошенько промыть ее под проточной
  2. Then divide into large pieces and boil in slightly
    salted water.
  3. Параллельно отварить рис, подавать готового
    perch on a rice cushion.
  4. Sprinkle with grated carrots or herbs.

Диетический торт при заболеваниях печени и

Диетический торт
  1. Развести 2 упаковки желатина в горячей воде, после остывания
    mix to add low-fat homemade yogurt (500 ml).
  2. Withготовить форму для выпечки, застелить ее фольгой и
    lay out alternately: first a layer of finely crumbled galetny
    biscuits, then a layer of yogurt with gelatin, and so several times.
  3. The last layer should be from yogurt, it must be decorated
    any fruit (such as strawberries).
  4. Put the cake in the fridge for a few hours, serve
    dessert can be with weak tea, compote or jelly.

Shrimp soup

Shrimp soup
  1. Одну картофелину и половину кабачка натереть на терке.
  2. Grind in a blender boiled and peeled shrimp (10-15
  3. Boil a mixture of a glass of milk and a glass of water, add to
    her vegetables.
  4. Wait for re-boiling.
  5. Cook for another 15 minutes on low heat, constantly
  6. Then add greens and shrimp, cook for another 3 minutes.
  7. Serve dish with crackers.


Withмерное меню на неделю при болезнях pancreas glands и
liver must consist solely of foods that are included
to the list of “allowed”.

It is forbidden to make changes in
и заменять одни продукты питания на другие – это
may lead to exacerbation of the disease, or to a longer
treatment process.

Для приготовления блюд по диете при заболеваниях pancreas
glands и печени лучше всего использовать готовые рецепты,
составленные диетологами, не нужно ничего самостоятельно
dream up.

It is forbidden to use any butter in refried
, все овощи лучше всего употреблять в отварном виде
(they can also be ground or finely chopped, for more

Такая диета при заболевании pancreas glands и печени может
be quite diverse, so the patient will not feel
lack of vitamins and other nutrients. Besides,
All diet dishes are tasty and healthy, and well tolerated.
by the body.

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