Diet for 1200 calories – menu for every day withrecipes

  • 1 Diet rules 1200 calories per day
    • 1.1 Balanced nutrition
    • 1.2 Meals by the hour
    • 1.3 Menus per week for 1200 kcal per day
    • 1.4 Recipes from simple foods
  • 2 Results

A simple, fast, affordable way to lose weight and keep weight –
This is a low-calorie diet of 1200 calories per day.


Diet rules 1200 calories per day

Getting rid of excess weight is easy and convenient, following a diet for
losing 1200 calories a day is exactly what you need to consume
day to lose weight.

It would be correct to call this low-calorie diet – the law
healthy nutrition. All you have to do is follow the schedule.
питания и употреблять только разрешенные по методике продукты

Remove from the diet “light” carbohydrates. They are the ones that lead to
metabolic disorders and the emergence of excess weight.

Balanced diet

Low-calorie diet menu for 1200 calories per day should
состоять из продуктов с низким гликемическим индексом и
lowest calorie content. Easy to navigate them by
color and method of preparation. The right products should be
boiled or steamed. Sometimes you can bake without
add oil or fat. Fatty, fried food splits into those
the same carbohydrates, the number of calories in it increases by 3-4 times.

Nutrition must be balanced. Starve

Products that should be in the diet menu each

  • Meat: Turkey, rabbit, chicken, lean beef and pork. WITH
    chickens remove skin. 100 gr. product from 100 to 150 calories.
    Mandatory product at the time of the process of losing weight;
  • Fish and seafood: cod, pink salmon, sea bass, shrimp,
    mussels, squids. Do not use fatty fish: mud, mackerel. In them
    large amount of calories. Slimming fish and seafood
    must be on the menu every day;
  • Eggs chicken or quail low-calorie. 1 chicken egg –
    60 calories, quail – 20 calories;
  • Groats: buckwheat, pearl barley, large oatmeal. 100 gr.
    the finished product contains 100-120 calories;
  • Vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, flaxseed. 1 tsp –
    50 calories. Do not eat the same kind every day.
    oils, alternate them. Oil during diet normalizes work
  • Baked goods: wholemeal bread. 1 piece (30
    гр.) – 60 calories. Eat a slice of black bread every day;
  • Low-calorie dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, natural
    yogurt. 1 cup contains 100-130 calories. In fermented milk
    foods contain minimal calories and a lot
    useful proteins, amino acids and bacteria. For weight loss should be
    in the diet every day;
  • Овощи – самые низкокалорийные: всё что зеленое – огурцы,
    cabbage, zucchini, greens. To vegetables with more
    высоким гликемическим индексом относятся: перец, свекла,
    tomatoes, carrots, corn, red beans. Give preference
    green vegetables, and add less red and yellow
    for taste. There are not many calories in vegetables, but they contain useful
    fiber, vitamins and minerals. The number of vegetables per day
    almost unlimited, it is the most convenient product for a diet.
    Feel unbearable hunger – eat cabbage salad or
  • Fruits and berries: apples, kiwi, pineapple, red currants and
    black, cranberry, blueberry;
  • Water is simple or mineral, not less than 1.5 liters. in a day.

To achieve the result of the diet is not only important to saturate
organism with proper and healthy products, but in suitable for
this time of day.

Diets часто «высушивают» организм, добиваясь кратковременного
weight loss due to fluid loss. When returning from
low-calorie diet to the usual diet, water deficiency
replenished, and lost kilograms are returned.

Meals by the hour

The goal of a low-calorie balanced diet for 1200
calories per day by the hour “dissolve” the reserves of fat and remove
Meals by the hour запускает здоровый режим метаболизма,
food consumed is not stored in stocks. This diet
completely inconsistent with the intake of alcohol. All alcoholic beverages
contain a large amount of calories and fast carbohydrates.

With very strict observance of low-calorie, low-carb
diets, every day, keep a product with a very high
calorie content (chocolate, sweet soda). It happens that
the initial stage of the diet, while the body has not had time to noticeably
rebuild, blood sugar levels fall sharply and sharply,
symptoms of hypoglycemia appear – cold sweat, hand tremor,
condition close to loss of consciousness. An urgent need to eat a couple
pieces of chocolate or drink sweet soda.

Do not reduce the daily calorie diet below 1200 kcal per

Диета на 1200 калорий в день по часам – включите обмен веществ с
in the morning Not a cup of coffee!

Завтрак не позднее 8 часов утра – полноценный
food intake, how much you spend half a day depends on it
and is there enough energy for the second. It must include proteins
�”Slow” carbohydrates and fiber. WITHалат, мясо и крупы на воде –
healthy start of the day on a diet.

«Быстрые» углеводы – это сахар, булки, сыры. Classical
sandwich with sausage, cheese and a cup of coffee – half the need for
калориях на целый day. At the same time, the organism remained “hungry” in
energy sense. After such a breakfast, quickly want
there is.

The second breakfast is 11.00. Light snack
�”Slow” carbohydrates “with plenty of fiber. Ideal
the choice is fruit. One apple will reduce hunger, help
Doterpat to lunch. The number of calories in it is not more than 50, sugar in
blood rises smoothly, will support an active metabolism.

Lunch 13.00-14.00. Main meal for
of the day It should concentrate half the daily calories.
Proper lunch during the diet consists of first and second courses,
Be sure to vegetable salad and compote. Diverse menu during
diets will fully fill up. Take food measuredly
gradually, then the saturation state will come before it gets empty
plate. Diet is not a hunger strike.

Lunch is from 16.00-16.30. Staple on this
Curd time 3-5% fat. Каждый day. Do not miss this trick.
food. Cottage cheese – these are minerals, without which it is easy to harm the body.
even the most innocuous diet. IN 100 gr. contains on average 100

Dinner 19.00-20.00. At this time, consume
продукты с минимальным содержанием calories. The main content is
vegetable salad. Add to it not a large amount of protein (fish on
steamed or baked, boiled or soft-boiled egg). Carbohydrates
to exclude.

Второй ужин за 3 часа до сна. In this reception
You can only kefir. Choose a fat content of 2.5-3.2%. Can replace it
on ryazhenka. She has a milder taste, well suited for high
acidity of the stomach. В одном стакане кефира 2,5% 100 calories. Not
interchangeable product during the diet.

During a low-calorie, low-carb diet, be sure to drink
water, plain or mineral. Tea and coffee only without sugar. In
diet time, take B vitamins with magnesium.

Weekly menu for 1200 kcal per day

Low-calorie diet contains in the menu for the week 1200 kcal per
day, there are no exotic or expensive foods, so the diet
simple and accessible to all. It’s easier to diet when food
разнообразное и вкусное, но с ограниченным количеством calories.

Дневной рацион разделен на 6 приемов пищи: завтрак,
second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.

Диета на 1200 калорий в день – меню на неделю в домашних

1st day 

  1. 200 g of oatmeal with milk (204 Kcal), 50 g of cottage cheese 0% (35
    Kcal), 1 apple (47 Kcal), green tea;
  2. 150 г натурального йогурта 2% (90 Ккал), 100 г ежевики
    (31 Kcal);
  3. 200 г отварного карася (204 Ккал), 100 г листьев салата
    (12 Ккал), 100 г петрушки (47 Ккал), 1 огурец
    (15 Ккал), 1 томат (15 Kcal);
  4. 100 г творога 0% (71 Ккал), 1 orange
    (36 Kcal);
  5. 200 г вареной индейки ( 260 Ккал), салат: 100 г тертой
    моркови (32 Ккал), 100 г свеклы (43 Ккал), 100 г капусты
    белокочанной (27 Ккал) и 150 г томатного сока
    (30 Ккал).

2nd day

  1. 150 г вареной гречки (198 Ккал), 200 г тыквенного
    сока (76 Kcal);
  2. 150 г творога 0% (106 Ккал), 100 г яблочного киселя (97
  3. 200 г свекольника (72 Ккал), 100 г ржаного хлеба (165
    Ккал), 150 г лимонада (39 Kcal);
  4. фруктовый салат: 100 г клубники (41 Ккал), 100 г
    абрикоса (44 Ккал), 100 г груши (42 Kcal);
  5. 100 г грибного супа (50 Ккал), 100 г вареной
    говядины (254 Ккал), 1 томат (15 Ккал), зеленый tea.

3rd day

  1. 150 г омлета (276 Ккал), 2 помидора (30 Ккал), 100 г
    яблочного компота (85 Kcal);
  2. 2 апельсина (72 Kcal);
  3. 200 г лукового супа (88 Ккал), 100 г отварного
    риса (78 Ккал), 150 г филе индейки на гриле (197 Ккал), 1
    огурец (15 Kcal);
  4. 150 г натурального йогурта 2% (90 Kcal);
  5. 200 г творога 0% (142 Ккал), 3 яблока (127 Ккал), зеленый

4th day

  1. 200 г ячневой каши (152 Ккал), 100 г сливового
    компота (96 Kcal);
  2. 2 яблока (94 Kcal);
  3. 200 г сельдереевого супа (74 Ккал), 200 г отварной
    перепелки (268 Ккал), 100 г шпината (22 Ккал), зеленый
  4. 200 г томатного сока (42 Kcal);
  5. 200 г куриной грудки на пару (226 Ккал), 200 г вареной
    фасоли (224 Ккал).

5th day

  1.  2 boiled chicken eggs (160 Kcal), 100 rye bread (165
    Kcal), pear juice (Kcal 69);
  2. fruit salad: 1 orange (36 Kcal), 1 kiwi (48 Kcal), 1
    яблоко (47 Kcal);
  3. 200 g pickle (84 Kcal), 150 g rice porridge (117 Kcal), 150
    г лимонада (39 Kcal);
  4. cottage cheese casserole: 100 g cottage cheese 0% (71 Kcal), 2 chicken eggs
    (160 Ккал), 25 г овсяной крупы (Ккал 85), зеленый tea;
  5. 100 g of steamed chicken breast (113 Kcal), 3 tomatoes (45 Kcal), 2
    cucumber (30 Kcal).

6th day

  1. 150 г омлета (276 Ккал), 2 помидора (30 Ккал), 100 г
    яблочного компота (85 Kcal);
  2. 50 г творога 0% (106 Ккал), 100 г яблочного киселя (97
  3. 200 г отварного карася (204 Ккал), 100 г листьев салата
    (12 Ккал), 100 г петрушки (47 Ккал), 1 огурец
    (15 Ккал), 1 томат (15 Kcal);
  4. 200 г томатного сока (42 Kcal);
  5. 100 g of boiled rabbit (155 Kcal), 100 g of stewed beets (106),
    зеленый tea.

7th day

  1. 150 г вареной гречки (198 Ккал), 200 г тыквенного
    сока (76 Kcal);
  2. 150 г натурального йогурта 2% (90 Kcal);
  3. 200 г лукового супа (88 Ккал), 150 г филе индейки на
    гриле (197 Ккал), 1 огурец (15 Ккал), 1 томат (15
  4. 1 orange (36 Ккал), 200 г творога 0% (142 Kcal);
  5. 200 g grilled trout (178 Kcal), 200 g boiled root
    celery (Kcal 64), 150 g carrot juice (56 Kcal), 2 tomatoes
    (30 Kcal).

In the diet of calories there are no fasting days when
количество калорий ниже 1200 калорий in a day. Power evenly
distributed throughout each day of the week.

Low-calorie diet for a week at 1200 calories per day in
home environment will bring good results for
losing weight

Simple recipes

A 1200-calorie diet per day is simple and affordable.
dishes. Their preparation does not require much time. Calories
за один основной прием пищи должен не превышать 500 calories.

Рецепт – «WITHуп из цветной капусты и фасоли на

WITHуп из цветной капусты и фасоли на бульоне

WITHостав: куриное филе 300 гр, 100 gr. fresh or
замороженной цветной капусты, 100 gr. canned red

WITHварить куриное филе в мультиварке или скороварке, так
the taste will be more saturated. WITHоль используйте по вкусу, ограничений
on the salt in this diet is not. In the broth add beans and cabbage,
cook for 10-15 minutes.

WITHуп имеет небольшое количество калорий и сбалансированный
состав, его можно готовить через day.

Рецепт «WITHалат греческий»

WITHалат греческий

WITHостав: помидоры черри, огурцы, болгарский
перец, маслины, сыр Фета или брынза, горчица.

Овощи и маслины порезать, смешать с 1 tsp vegetable oil and
0.5 tsp mustard WITHверху выложить порезанную кубиками брынзу.

WITHбалансированное, вкусное блюдо хорошо подходит для диеты. Can
готовить через day. В одной порции 150 calories.

Рецепт «WITHемга, запеченная в фольге»

WITHемга, запеченная в фольге

WITHостав: филе семги, лук репчатый, лимон, соль,
Pepper, Provencal herbs.

Rinse the fillet, cut into portions, rub with a mixture
pepper, salt and Provencal herbs. Cut onion and lemon into rings. On
sheet of foil lay out a piece of fish, put 2 cups of lemon on top and
onion rings. Foil tightly screw. Bake in preheated
духовке (180 гр.), или мультиварке, до готовности (20-30

In baked dishes higher calorie content during the diet
baked foods consume less.

Рецепт «WITHвекольник» или «холодник»


WITHостав: свекла отварная, огурцы, зелень, яйцо,
water, salt, sugar, citric acid. Instead of water, you can use
fresh whey. WITHметана.

WITHвеклу порезать соломкой. Pour boiled water, add salt,
sugar and citric acid to taste. If cooking beetroot soup on
whey sugar and citric acid is not added. IN 1
A glass of serum 200-230 calories, but a lot of useful minerals.

Add finely chopped greens and cucumbers to the finished dish,
sliced ​​egg, 1ch.l. sour cream. Dish contains a lot
calories, it is permissible to cook no more than one day a week.

Рецепт «WITHуп грибной с перловой крупой»

WITHуп грибной с перловой крупой

WITHостав: грибы сухие (лесные), перловая крупа,
carrots, onions, salt, pepper.

WITHухие грибы и перловую крупу залить водой 1 л. and bring up
boil, cook for 10 minutes. Inду слить. Pour fresh water, boil
until ready barley. Onions and carrots
измельчить, спассеровать в 1 tsp butter.
Put the browning in the soup, add salt and pepper to taste. With
Serve sprinkled with chopped dill.


In the first week of the low-calorie diet, you will not see
rapid weight loss, as on most popular diets.
Gradually, the metabolism will start working in the right rhythm. WITHо
the second to third week the weight will begin to decrease every day, in
an average of 1-2 kg per week. But it will be kilograms of fat
stocks. The second week of the diet will also bring the feeling of a surge of strength and
energy. Onчнет заметно улучшаться сон и состояние кожи. You will start
fully feel the result of the diet.

Always follow the basic principles of a low-calorie diet.
1200 calories a day – eat on time, do not overeat, do not
abuse fatty and sweet foods, alcohol,
foods with a lot of calories then your ideal weight
be with you for a long time.

results диеты на 1200 калорий – фото до и

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