Diet Desk number 3 – a detailed menu for eachday

  • 1 Diet Table number 3 for constipation.
    • 1.1 In adults
    • 1.2 In children
  • 2 What can and can not eat?
    • 2.1 Menu for the week
    • 2.2 Recipes
  • 3 Diet Table number 3 Pevzner
  • 4 Principles of nutrition during gastritis

Diet Table number 3 is designed to treat acute diseases.
intestine. Its main property is not weight loss, but
weakening and healing of the “walls” of the gastrointestinal tract.


Diet Table number 3 for constipation.

По большей части, специальная диета Стол номер 3
при длительных запорах, с последующим
the appearance of hemorrhoids. Since the “delay” of emptying leads to
serious digestive disorders urgently
must include in your diet menu diet Table number 3

In order to normalize metabolic processes in the body, it is necessary
питаться не менее 4 раз в day, небольшими порциями.

In adults

Provoked constipation improper nutrition and sedentary image.
of life. These concepts are indispensable “satellites”
average office worker.

An adult rarely has time to cook
�”Right” dishes after a hard day’s work. Constant stress and
light snacks provoke the development of diseases
gastrointestinal tract and, in fact, lead to difficulties

In order to avoid this grave fate, observe the correct mode.
Nutrition Diet Table number 3 to full recovery function

In children

The most common problem of constipation in children. The reason
Difficult bowel movements are often light snacks,
instead of a full meal for every growing
to the body.

If your child has the first symptoms of difficulty
the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, immediately
include in his diet menu diet table number 3 Everyday intake
пищи должен быть от 4 до 6 раз в day.

What can and can not eat?

What can and can not eat when dieting Table number 3?

Для быстрого и эффективного «решения проблемы», меню
diet table number 3 should include the following

  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • potatoes;
  • lean meat;
  • chicken eggs.

To the list of strictly prohibited

  • milk cereals;
  • flour products;
  • cakes, ice cream, chocolate;
  • fat meat;
  • sour fruits;
  • hot sauces;
  • strong hot drinks.

When dieting table number 3 is very important to comply with the correct diet.
food that includes only fresh produce.

We provide an exemplary menu, taking into account all the above

  • Завтрак: яичница, суп со сметаной и чашка
    warm tea without sugar;
  • Обед: тушеный овощи и стакан фруктового
  • Ужин: гречневая каша в сочетании с жареной
    fish with fresh carrot juice.

Menu for the week

Eating properly is possible, following all recommendations. To
it was easier to understand how the diet should be, consider an example.
Menu for the week при диете Стол номер
 выглядит следующим образом:


  • Breakfast: prepare a light fruit salad in combination with
    yoghurt and drink fresh orange juice;
  • Lunch: put out the vegetables, adding a few pieces to them
    lean meat, after – drink a glass of fruit compote;
  • Dinner: Wash the vegetable salad with weak tea without sugar.


  • meat chops and a cup of weak tea;
  • soup of lean chicken meat and vegetables with sour cream;
  • mashed potatoes with freshly squeezed orange juice.


  • tea with toast and yogurt;
  • drink buckwheat porridge with fruit compote;
  • for mashed potatoes to cook low-fat meat chops.


  • omelette, sour cream with cottage cheese, tea with lemon;
  • vegetable juice with orange juice;
  • buckwheat porridge and tea with lemon.


  • low-fat cheese sandwiches and a cup of weak tea with
  • Wash stewed vegetables with freshly squeezed fruit juice;
  • drink fruit salad with lemon tea without sugar.


  • vegetable stew and apple compote;
  • fish patties with sour cream;
  • buckwheat porridge and meatballs from lean meat, orange
    the juice.


  • eat a portion of buckwheat porridge, then – make a salad from
    fresh fruit and drink it berry compote;
  • куриный суп со сметаной и стакан фруктового compote;
  • тушеные овощи без соли и свежевыжатый апельсиновый the juice.


To вы могли разнообразить свой рацион вкусными блюдами, даже
находясь на диете Стол номер 3, предлагаем
consider some interesting recipes that will suit children
and adults.

Beet salad with prunes:

Свекольный салат с черносливом
  • натереть вареную свеклу;
  • rinse thoroughly prunes and pour boiling water;
  • after half an hour, the prunes must be chopped;
  • mix the ingredients and add sour cream.

Omelet with zucchini and greens:

Омлет с кабачками и зеленью
  • порезать кабачки кубиками;
  • salt and put in a baking dish;
  • mix the egg with milk;
  • pour the mixture into zucchini;
  • decorate the dish with a pinch of greens;
  • bake for 15 minutes.

Baked fish with vegetables:

Печеная рыба с овощами
  • посолить рыбу и выложить ее в форму для выпечки;
  • cut the vegetables and lay them on top of the fish;
  • You can also put zucchini;
  • bake the dish for half an hour.

Diet Table number 3 by Pevzner

Diet Table number 3 contributes to the settlement of defecation.
You can even use its power system for several
years old.

According to the method of M. I. Pevzner, allowed:

  • low fat baked meat;
  • vegetables and fruits in any form;
  • tea and fresh juices.

К запрещенным relate:

  • products from pastry;
  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • strong hot drinks containing sugar and alcohol.

В day съедать можно не более 3 килограммов

Что касаемо результатов, ваш стул нормализуется уже
3 days after the start of the diet menu diet table number

Principles of nutrition during gastritis

Diet Table number 3 with gastritis is also observed, including 4
разовое питание в day, содержащее морепродукты.

Также в данном случае допускаются:

  • boiled eggs;
  • milk products;
  • flour products;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • fruits;
  • hot drinks.

For the fastest effect, it is recommended to exclude from the menu
следующие Products:

  • products from puff pastry;
  • mushrooms;
  • broths;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products.

When gastritis, food should be taken in a soft “puree” form
and in small portions. Diet Table number 3 – a great way out
situations for those who suffer from an obstruction of fecal masses with
chronic gastritis.

Due to difficult bowel movements, frequent headaches occur and
the heart rhythm is lost. In addition, the “secured” bad
state of health and loss of appetite. To make such cases
appeared as little as possible, provide for yourself and your body
proper nutrition diets Table number 3 at least a month twice a

Despite the fact that the duration of the diet Table number 3 may
составлять 2-3 года, если по каким-то причинам ваш
организм начал отрицательно реагировать на ее
меню, следует незамедлительно
�”Stop the process” of this meal.

Of course, if you allow yourself to accept
products along with prohibited, in addition to the “successful” development
hemorrhoids, there will be no effect.

Our health is directly dependent on the quantity and quality.
food intake. If favorite harmful products are excluded from
diet can not, should bring them to a minimum.

It is important to remember that each product affects the body’s performance and
can contribute to the development of a disease
gastrointestinal tract that will last several years and
�”Provide” you a lot of suffering.

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