Detox face masks: appointment, use,recipes. Which detox face masks are most effective for matureskin

Пт, 12 янв 2018 Автор: Марина Поздина

Детокс skin лица помогает избавиться от зашлакованности, вывести
unnecessary toxins and excess fluid. Running cases require
attention from the beauty salon specialists, for the proper
appointment detox program. Women who want to extend
молодость своей skin, обязательно применяют детокс маски для лица в
home conditions.

It is useful to arrange the days of non-makeup and make simple
facial skin care treatments. Очищение и тонизирование skin
will help make her look healthier and well-groomed.


What are detox face masks for?

1. Such cosmetic procedures deeply cleanse the skin. Cleaned
skin must be toned with special agents selected
для определенного типа skin.

2. Восстановление метаболизма skin.

3. Toxins and slags are removed.

4. They prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

Чтобы продлить молодость skin требуется заботиться о ней с
early age. Yes, and the environmental situation at the moment
encourages people to seek protection from negative
influences of our way of life. The skin takes on a whole range
pollution and does not allow them to penetrate deep into. Toxins accumulate with
over the years and if no cleansing events are held, then
caused by serious illness.

Alginate face masks

Рекомендуется делать такие маски для зрелой skin. Components
маски вытягивают из клеток skin и глубоких подкожных слоев токсины,
thereby increasing the regeneration process. Before applying
alginate face mask is well cleaned with salt or any
another peeling. Then put the mask on for 20 minutes. Remove dried
Mask need to be careful, starting from the chin and pull up. With
Lightly moisturizing emulsion can be applied if desired. Use
This mask is not more than two times a week. After applying the complex
procedures skin visibly transformed.

Detox face masks with clay

Косметическая глина является мощным очищающим средством для skin
face and body. Она помогает отшелушивать мертвые клетки skin и
promotes disinfection.

Detox with green clay.

Если проблема вашей skin жирность в Т-образной зоне и на лбу, то
green clay is able to solve it. Enlarged pores become less
noticeable, oily shine goes away. Clay is famous for its properties.
lifting effect, tightens tired skin and smoothes small

Recipe: Mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with
green clay to form a thick gruel. Apply to skin
face, except the area near the lips and eyes. Leave to dry, and
wash off with warm water and facial wash. After the procedure may
ощущаться легкое покалывание и стянутости skin, поэтому
It is recommended to apply a good moisturizer.

Detox with white clay.

Подходит для обладательниц сухой и очень чувствительной skin.
This mask perfectly relieves irritation and treats inflammation.

Recipe: dilute white clay with boiled warm water until
consistency of thick sour cream. Add vitamin E and aloe juice. By
vitamin E mask will moisturize the skin and penetrate deep into the cells
for her food. Rinse mask with warm water in half an hour.

Detox with blue clay.

Blue clay works well on tired and irritated
skin Acne propensity and acne will gradually
pass if such a mask is used regularly.

Recipe: mix clay with warm water, stir in a few drops.
rosemary oil and aloe juice. Mask applied to the skin to complete
drying out Recommended after applying the mask to take the position
lying down so that mimicry does not cause the cracking of the clay. Wash better
warm water with a moisturizer.

Detox face mask with apples

Ripe apples are not only used to cleanse the body.
from the inside, but also as a facial skin care product. Mask
detox made from ripe apples. Grate one apple and
In this puree add protein from one egg. Such a procedure is excellent
tightens skin and narrows enlarged pores. Apple acid
выравнивает цвет skin, способствует устранению пигментных

Activated carbon for cleansing the face

Try a cleansing detox activated face mask
Coal is recommended in the fall. Она очень тщательно вычищает клетки skin.
To do this, grind charcoal tablets into powder. This can be done in
blender or coffee grinder. Add natural yogurt 1 teaspoon
and as much lemon juice. Mix well and
apply on the skin for only 10-15 minutes. For deep effect
Before the procedure, you should steam your face over a steam of potatoes.
Enlarged pores will allow particles to penetrate.
активированного угля в глубокие слои skin и вычистить из них грязь.
To soothe the skin after the procedure, wipe the face with an ice cube with
mint or aloe.

The second way to clean your face with coal is a mask film.
Pill charcoal into powder and mix with gelatin. For
stabilization is recommended to add a few drops of cream or
milk In a warm place, let gelatin dissolve and swell.
The mixture during cooling will freeze in the form of a film. At this moment her
need to put on the face, it is on the problem areas – the forehead, near the nose
and chin. Remove after complete drying of the mask, starting from
chin up If removed is bad, oh just wash well with
cleansing facial foam.

Banana face cleansing

Use банановый детокс для лица очень приятная процедура.
Dry skin is filled with moisture, and oily skin is energized.
Подойдет людям с разным типом skin. Mash half a large
banana in mashed potatoes and add some liquid honey. In 5 minutes
добавить сливки 33% или сметану и нанести на очищенную skin
Ascorbic acid, which is contained in this exotic
fruit, eliminates wrinkles and contributes to the extension of youth

Detox oatmeal face mask

Fine oatmeal or oatmeal works very well on
the skin of the face, which is why it is loved to use in care programs
for the skin of the face and hair of young girls and older women. Required
mix oatmeal, liquid warm honey and half a banana. For
жирной skin лица рекомендуется добавить один желток и несколько
drops of aloe juice. Hold the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Help dry skin

Detox kefir facial mask helps in gentle cleansing dry
skin. Any dairy products are suitable for this purpose.
We mix kefir, honey and cottage cheese of any fat content. It will be very
thick porridge, which is applied to the face for only 15 minutes. The skin will have time
get full cleansing care.

Детокс маска для лица с нормальным типом skin

Normal facial skin also requires extra care and
care. A simple gauze mask of green tea is recommended.
Brew large leaf green tea, add lemon oil to it
or lemon juice. Soak gauze in the solution and apply on face.
Lemon and green tea tones and energizes the cells.

Features and indications for use

Косметологи не рекомендуют проводить глубокое очищение skin
detox masks often 1 time per week. The best time to hold
procedures – before bedtime. Purified skin will get the opportunity
recover. With проведении процедуры впервые, рекомендуют
make a test on the skin of the hand, in order to identify an allergic reaction
on the components.


Detoxing with home remedies has virtually no
contraindications, but it is necessary to apply such types with care
cleansing with the following phenomena:

– Dermatitis, open inflammatory processes;

– Lactation;

– Oncological diseases;

– Allergy to mask components.

Преждевременное старение skin обусловлено тем, что нарушается
водный баланс в клетках skin. Detox facials are capable of this
maintain balance at the right level and provide the necessary
увлажнение skin. Various detox programs offer
beauty salons, but at home you get
Excellent result at no extra cost, applying masks regularly.
All ingredients for masks can be found at home. Use in composition
detox facial masks herbal medicinal infusions, fruits, essential
масел, благотворно влияет на состояние skin снаружи и внутри. Such
оздоровление skin помогает устранить темные круги под глазами и
reduce fine wrinkles, reduce inflammation and
rid of dull complexion.

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