Dendrobium: home care (photo)exotic flowers on the windowsill – it’s real! Care problemsdendrobium

Чт, 28 апр 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Make the dream of having an exotic fragrant at home
flower will help orchids.

The most “easy” in growing at home among them
considered dendrobium.

Breeders deduced many hybrid forms of this species,
among which the least capricious in the care are dendrobium
nobile or noble and dendrobium phalaenopsis.


Dendrobium: home care – breeding,


Dendrobium can be propagated by children and division. In the first
option grown up to at least 5 cm baby cut off, moisturize the roots and
placed in a half full pot. Substrate is filled from above and
compacted, trying not to damage the roots. Growth point is left on
surface. Be sure to put in the pot support and
fasten the plant. It is not necessary to place a seedling in the greenhouse. Between
watering spray the top layer of the substrate.

Kids released roots – can be set aside in separate

In the second method, pseudobulbs are separated from the parent
plants, cut into cuttings with 2-3 knots (about 10 cm long),
put them on a wet sphagnum and placed in a bag or in

Rooting of dendrobium cuttings in sphagnum

In such greenhouses, the temperature is maintained at + 20-25 ° C,
daily air and moisturize the cuttings. When they take root
(через 14-20 дней), их сажают в pots с субстратом.


Dendrobium does not like annual relocation. Transplant it
every 3 years if the roots become very crowded or
changed the pH of the substrate (normal 5.5-6.5). New pot too
it is not recommended to take a large one: its diameter is selected by 2-3 cm
more than the size of the previous one. Dendrobium is placed for 10-15 minutes in
solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 1 liter of warm water). After
saturating the roots with moisture (they will become a greenish-milky color)
The plant is taken out and left to dry for half an hour on a towel.
Then it is placed on the substrate in a pot so that the old
pseudobulbs were closer to the edge. The root neck is left with it.
на surface. The roots straighten, the gaps between them fill
bark. After пересадки цветок сразу поливать не надо — ранки на
mechanically damaged roots must heal. Waiting time
watering depends on the size of the roots and ranges from 3 to 14 days.

Dendrobium home care – substrate, lighting,
flowering conditions


As the main ingredient of the substrate for growing
dendrobium use pine bark. The size of the pieces of bark should
be medium to a couple of days the entire amount of substrate in the pot
had time to dry out. Add moss or peat is not worth it, because this
leads to waterlogging of the roots and their rotting. Better add
a handful of charcoal per liter of bark. Good for drainage
use crushed foam, pebbles. Expanded clay is not worth taking:
he is able to accumulate in himself salts that have a negative
influence on the orchid root system.


Like any tropical plant, dendrobium needs a bright
diffused lighting, but without frontal sunlight. AT
home conditions in the autumn-winter season contain an orchid on the southern
windowsills or use additional lighting fitolampa
daylight. With a lack of lighting shoots of orchids
bend, decreases the number of laid flower buds.
ATесной и летом ее лучше переставить на западные или восточные окна.
If the flower is on the south side, then in the afternoon it should be

Air temperature and humidity

AT фазу активного роста и цветения оптимальной температурой для
thisго вида орхидеи будет диапазон +22-28оС. Autumn and winter hybrids
Phalaenopsis dendrobium and nobile can be kept at a temperature
indoors + 18-20oS. With thisм следует ограничить полив или
replace it with spraying the substrate every two to three days.

As all the epiphytic plants, dendrobium requires an increased
air humidity (65-70%). However, hybrid dendrobiums are good
grow and bloom even at 40-50%. AT домашних условиях для thisго
can use special air humidifiers regularly
опрыскивать орхидею, положить сфагнум в кашпо или поставить pots
in a tray with wet sand, pebbles.

ATажно! It is necessary to spray dendrobiums early
in the morning or evening. AT противном случае капли влаги, фокусируя как
lenses sun rays will cause leaf burns.

Dendrobium flowering conditions

In order for the dendrobium to bloom at home, it is necessary to observe
several factors: feeding and watering should be stopped, the difference
day and night temperatures should be 7-10 ° C. Летом this
occurs naturally, and in the winter
try: night air temperature in the room should be on
level + 12-15oS. If you keep an orchid at all times
temperature, the flower buds are reborn into “babies.” With thisм
It is important to provide additional fluorescent lighting.
fitolamps – in case of lack of lighting the amount flower buds
dramatically reduced.

When the roots of new shoots appear on the mother plant,
you can start watering again. As soon as the new growth “catch up”
old bulbs, watering stop before the appearance of buds. From the period
when they start to bloom, watering is resumed.

You can stimulate the dendrobium to bloom by sending it in the summer
�“Walk” outside the room (on the balcony, loggia, garden, terrace).
In the open air, ensure that the orchid is protected.
from wind and direct insolation. After 2 weeks of this content
dendrobium produces flower stalks.

Dendrobium home care – feeding and watering


Dendrobiums and their hybrids are fed during active growth.
every 2 weeks special fertilizer for orchids. Concentration
take half as much as indicated on the package. Подкармливать thisт
flower can be both on the leaves and under the root. ATносят удобрения
half an hour after watering one of the options:

• Spraying;

• Immersing the orchid pot in the nutrient solution.

When the dendrobium blooms, it is not necessary to feed. However, if
thisт период наблюдается рост новых или утолщение старых
pseudobulb, then you need extra food.

ATажно! Only healthy can be fertilized.


Wateringной режим зависит от периода жизненного цикла дендробиума.
AT период интенсивного роста поливают орхидею часто и обильно.
Wateringать можно поверхностным методом и погружением.

If water splashes into the leaf axils, then liquid is necessary.
remove with a napkin. Otherwise, the probability of rotting tissue.

Substrateу между поливами надо дать просохнуть.

ATажно! Water must not be allowed
попадала на цветоносы и сами цветки

When the dendrobium begins to mature, the pseudobulb (they
stopped growing up and began to thicken) reduce watering.

ATоду для полива используют отстоянную или фильтрованную, ее
the temperature should be slightly above room temperature.

Dendrobium at home: why does he die?

Dendrobium most often dies with improper care.
Damage to the root system occurs with such errors in
care as:

• Excessive moistening of the substrate;

• Over-feeding with fertilizers;

• Dense substrate (over time under the influence of soil
fungus, it begins to collapse, to clot. AT результате его
air permeability decreases, orchid roots begin to choke and

• Insufficient watering causes drying of the root system;

• Overheating of the plant (orchid stands close to the battery or on
a sunny place, resulting in increased evaporation of moisture from
the substrate and the ground part, the absorption capacity of the roots
decreases and they rot).

To determine the degree of damage to the root
, надо слегка пошевелить орхидею в горшке. If she
sitting tight, the roots are still alive. At elimination of an error in
care such a plant will recover quickly enough.

If the dendrobium dangles in the substrate, then you need to pull it out
pot and inspect the root system: healthy and dense roots
hard, and rotten – brown in color, hollow, slimy. With
the presence of at least one whole root plant can

Если у дендробиума листья стали вялыми и со
временем желтеют и отмирают, то this может быть вызвано следующими

• The defeat of spider mites;

• Severe tissue atrophy (with a lack of moisture);

• Damaged root system;

Cracks in the middle of the sheet occur when:

• Mechanical damage (the plant was dropped, folded and

• Excess nitrogen. AT thisм случае дендробиум вынимают из
pot, washed the roots from the old substrate and transplanted into
new. AT первые 2-3 месяца после thisго не удобряют вообще, затем
fertilize with potash and phosphate fertilizers. Process
restoring an orchid can take a whole year, during which
она может остановится в росте: для перекормленного растения this

• Sudden overcooling after watering – such a mistake in the winter
beginner growers make period, immediately exposing the dendrobium
after a shower on a cold window-sill closer to the glass

• Rare watering. She is also a typical mistake of novice lovers.
orchids. Fearing to flood the plant, they increase the time between
watering, causing the leaves to lose turgor. After полива
the plant begins to consume water intensively, the dehydrated tissues do not
have time to take it, deform and burst.

The leaves of the dendrobium turn yellow in the following

• Natural aging process;

• Disease and pest damage;

• Chemical burn with fertilizers, stimulants;

• Overheating of the plant;

• Stress (relocation, lack of lighting, humidity, inappropriate
room temperature, improper watering).

The appearance on the leaves and pseudobulb spots of various shapes and
sizes characteristic of fungal diseases. So, with
phyllossticosis at an early stage, these spots are small and yellow,
gradually they merge and turn black. Leaf begins to shrink or rot
(at high humidity).

Phyllostiktosa affected orchid leaf

Fusarium blotch appears brown
depressed points on flowers, buds, peduncles and black with yellow
rim of spots on leaves and pseudobulbs. ATозбудитель thisй болезни
– a fungus of the genus Fusarium- penetrates the plant through the wounds of leaves and
roots. The spores of the fungus can persist for a long time in the external environment. Their
Easy to carry on clothes when caring for flowers. Using
fungicides will not bring the destruction of the disease by 100%. Поthisму больное
the plant must be isolated from other, cut off the damaged tissue and
sanitize cuts. ATесной или летом его пересаживают в новый
the substrate and the pot, and the old one is thrown away.

Small watery spots on flowers and buds are a sign
dendrobium infection by a fungus of the genus Botryties, which provokes
development of gray rot.

Gray rot on orchid flower

In parallel, orchids on the leaves and pseudobulbs form gray.
stains with ashen sporangia inside. Развитию thisго заболевания
promotes high humidity and low air temperature at
poor aeration in the room, over-feeding the orchid with nitrogen, weak
lighting. Ботритис поражает только ослабленные растения, поthisму
It is important to observe the proper care for them. Sick Orchid
it is necessary to immediately isolate and process the fungicide (Skor,
Fitosporin-M, Fundazol).

Dendrobium pests are damaged by scale and false shield,
spider mites, thrips, mealybugs, nematodes, poduras. For
борьбы с ними используют инсектициды (Биотлин, Фитоверм, ATермитек,
Aktara, Sunmite and others).

With выращивании в домашних условиях дендробиум как и другие виды
Orchids can throw off buds and flowers. Происходит this из-за
the stress state of the plant caused by the following

• Sharp change of a microclimate (for example, when moving);

• Lack of lighting;

• Overheating in the sun or from heating devices;

• Improper watering;

• hypothermia.

Do not place dendrobiums next to a bowl of fruit
(especially with apples, bananas, apricots), because they excrete
ethylene. This gas contributes to the accelerated aging of flowers and

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