Dates – the benefits and harm for weight loss

  • 1 Is it possible to eat dates when losing weight?
    • 1.1 Useful properties of dates
    • 1.2 Calorie
    • 1.3 When losing weight, you can eat dates?

Assuming that dates can only help you lose weight,
if there is nothing else but them (and only in small
quantities). This is a very high-calorie product and in the process of reducing
weights can be consumed no more than 5-6 pieces, exclusively as


Is it possible to eat dates for weight loss?

This type of dried fruit refers to quickly saturable, for example,
in comparison with the same dried apricots or prunes. That is why people
Aspiring to lose weight, choose a date diet. First is
ideal for sweet teeth, as in the process of losing weight
The first thing they rule out is any kind of sweets. Secondly, eating
5-6 dried fruits can quickly get enough, and the calorie is
will be equal to 2 mind apples.

However, using a product to lose weight is not the most
the best way. In addition to carbohydrates, they do not contain beneficial proteins and
fat and with actual weight loss in addition to the departed kilograms
it is possible to detect sagging skin and pale skin.

Date diet includes:

  • daily intake of the main product;
  • unsweetened tea, water, juice, diluted in half with water.

You can use milk, but only at intervals of at least 3-4
hours after eating portions of fruit or drinking it at night.

Considering the nutritionists ’reviews, there’s no need to deviate from the content
diets, otherwise you may not get the desired result

This is a sweet dried fruit and he can get bored on the second day.
diets. Therefore, irritability, apathy, headaches
and nausea – frequent symptoms in the opinion of people who can
услышать после пройденной diets.

In order not to greatly deplete the body on the third day
diets include apples and oranges in the diet, but not more than 2 pieces per

In the fourth, you can add vegetable salad, but without adding
butter or other sauce. Nutritionists allow the use of flaxseed
butter when dressing salad, because it has a low calorie and
considered a very useful product for human health.

The term of the diet should be no more than 10 days and go out of it.
you need to be careful too, without harming your health. For example, you can
daily add a new low-calorie dish – salad for lunch
hours or about 100 grams of lean boiled meat, or cooked
egg. In any case, all selected products will be different.
low in calories and help lose weight.

Useful properties of dates

Dates contain a large amount of healthy dietary fiber,
which are indispensable for intestinal problems
(constipation). If there are them in addition with plenty of water, then
you can forget about this problem forever.

Reviews of people: when constipated, 2-3 pieces of dried fruit were poured with a glass
boiling water, allowed to infuse and the resulting liquid was drunk. After
weekly reception work intestines significantly improved, and this
direct way if a person wants to lose weight.

This is a quick healthy snack that satisfies hunger in short
deadlines. Doctors believe that dates not only help to lose weight, but also
raise immunity, especially in the autumn-winter season.
Это обусловлено содержания пантотеновой кислоты.
The same acid regulates the nervous system.

Содержание калия помогает улучшить работу
heart and increase the musculature of the body. Only 100 grams of dates
fill the need for potassium, but it costs as much as 500 kcal.
Therefore, in addition to the normal level of potassium in the body, you can
detect excess fat in the most visible places.

It is worth noting such an important point as dates – the benefits and harm
for weight loss, as often, dropping those extra pounds,
a person loses his health too.

The benefits of dates for losing weight alone – the weight goes away, despite
high calorie and in 10 days mono diet can lose weight by 7-8
kilogram depending on the initial weight of the person.

In addition, these fruits help to reduce the toxic load from
sugar, which is found in ordinary sweets. The body gets
glucose, and this is primarily energy for the body, efficiency for
the brain.

What harm can bring dates in the process of losing weight?

The product can not be used for weight loss, if a person has
the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes mellitus of any type, as the dried fruit causes a sharp
    increased blood sugar levels.
  2. If there is a tendency to allergies, as part of
    substances can trigger this reaction.
  3. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as the content
    fiber may irritate the inflamed organ mucosa.
  4. With obesity due to the high content of carbohydrates.

Calorie content

Calorie content составляет около 275 ккал на 100 грамм
. This is a very high figure compared to
other fruits. This number is equal to 65% of carbohydrates.

They also have in their composition 23 kinds of different useful
amino acids that are absent in other fruits.

Nutritionists believe that dates may be the only source
human nutrition. Nutritional value is so great that healthy
the human body can really stick
This diet is not one week.

Slimming dates can help you not only
with the problem of excess weight, but also to improve your body. Believed
that the daily inclusion of dried fruit in the diet prolongs life

When slimming dates can eat?

When slimming dates can be eaten, if you only stick
special diet, designed for a certain number of days. Only
then this useful product can give tangible results.

In other cases, you can add to the diet dates, adhering to
proper nutrition. For example, replacing the usual sugar, candy and
other sweets, a person does not deprive himself of a dose of glucose. However and
benefits your body. Permitted to eat no more
3-4 штук в day.

Поэтому финики – это идеальный вариант для тех, кто не
can say goodbye to sweets, but wants to lose weight again and
forever and ever.

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