Dandruff in a dog – what to do? The reasonspet dandruff and methods of treatment

Вт, 29 май 2018 Автор: Александр Володин

The appearance of white skin particles on the scalp
perhaps not only among people, but also among our smaller brothers

Dandruff is a skin disease characterized by high
the degree of dying off of the skin particles on the scalp. In people
dandruff is most common on the head, in dogs – on everything
hairline. This disease not only spoils the appearance
our pet, but may indicate problems
with the health of the dog.


Dandruff in Dogs

Veterinarians distinguish three main types of dandruff:

1) Сухая. Dandruff covers the entire hair
the skin is small as flour particles of dry skin. Often occurs
itchiness Most easily treatable.

2) Жирная. The main difference of this type of dandruff
– greasiness of animal hair (oil effect).

3) Смешанная. Characterized by signs of dry
and greasy dandruff. Requires the longest treatment period.

The reasons появления перхоти у собаки

To cure dandruff simply by daily bathing a pet is not
it turns out, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence.

The main causes of dandruff in dogs include:

1) Seborrhea.

Skin disease in which there is an increased release
sebaceous glands. Be careful: your pet can have seborrhea
easy to identify. It’s enough to hold your hand along the fur,
on the palms at the same time there is a feeling of oil. The appearance of seborrhea
possibly due to genetic predisposition, endocrine
violations. If the pet is kept in poorly ventilated
kennel, then the cause of the development of seborrhea can also be low

2) Bathing shampoos.

Warning: you can not bathe dogs with shampoo that you bought in
ordinary store household chemicals. The thing is that human skin and
Dogs differ in acidity. What suits you,
can have a detrimental effect on the health of your pet.

3) Deprive.

Dermatological disease that is accompanied by small
rashes on the skin (often accompanied by redness and itching).
A dog may become infected on the street from another patient.

4) Improper nutrition.

Everyone knows that malnutrition causes various problems.
with human health. In dogs, the situation is similar
in a way. Many dog ​​owners feed their four-legged friends.
a variety of fast food, fried, spicy and salty dishes. One of
the consequences of such a “diet” can be dandruff in a dog,
which in the future may lead to partial or complete loss

5) Allergy to a certain type of food.

Highly allergenic products can be milk, fish, nuts,
honey, bananas, candy, etc. Pay attention to the composition of the feed,
which you acquire. Tip: visit the veterinary clinic and
take skin tests for allergens to exclude dangerous products
from your dog’s diet.

6) Cheyletillosis.

This Latin word is called parasitic disease, the carrier
which is a particular type of tick. The disease
is very common in the animal world and is treated only
by removing the dangerous tick from the dog’s body.

7) Too frequent bathing.

Many owners bathe their pets every day. it
adversely affects the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and causes
the appearance of dandruff in the dog. It is recommended to bath four-legged
friends no more than 1 time per month.

Ways to treat dandruff in dogs

1) Regular visits to the veterinarian.

it позволит выявить на ранних стадиях различные кожные
diseases (seborrhea, lichen and others) and prevent
dandruff in the dog. It is recommended to visit the doctor at least once
in two months. Best if your pet has a permanent
�”Dr. Aibolit”, who will know the entire history of the disease.

2) Choosing the right detergent.

Recommendation: buy detergent in pet stores,
pay attention to the composition, it should not be artificial
dyes and sharp perfumes. If you experience any allergic
reactions immediately change shampoo.

3) A complete, balanced diet.

Buy dog ​​food that is rich in vitamins and
macronutrients. Beware of fakes! Therefore it is better to purchase
feed in specialized pet stores, and not on natural

4) Follow the dog’s drinking regime.

Try to keep the water bowl always
is full. Dehydration causes dry skin and, as
следствие, the appearance of dandruff in the dog.

5) Walk your dog at least twice

Regular exercise is imperative for your pet.
it улучшает кровоснабжение организма собаки и служит своеобразной
protection from dying off of skin particles. Good physical education for you and
pet will be mutual morning runs in the stadium.

6) Maintaining proper temperature conditions in
the room where the dog lives.

Excessive air dryness, like its excessive humidity
adversely affects the skin of your pet. Optimal
the option would be daily airing the room, using
humidifier before bedtime. This measure will be useful not only
for the dog, but also for its owner.

7) Treatment of dandruff in a medical dog

To prescribe the necessary drug should
veterinarian. If the cause of dandruff is tick and lichen,
ivermectin and doramectin, ointments are most effective
miconazole and thiabendazole, etc.

8) Treatment of dandruff in dogs of various kinds of tinctures and

Healing effects have a bath and lotions of decoctions
yarrow, celandine. The recipe is very simple: three tablespoons
finely cut herbs pour 0.5 liters. water and boil at a slow
fire for 30 minutes.

Also a good way to fight the disease is to rub it in.
sunflower and olive oils.

Getting rid of dandruff, your pet is sure to
will thank you with care and affection.

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