Cyclamen: care at home (photo).Cultivation, reproduction, the main problems in caring for cyclamenhouses

Вт, 05 апр 2016 Автор: Эльвира Григорьева

Cyclamen or dryakva – perennial ornamental plant.

His homeland are considered the countries of the Mediterranean and Asia Minor.

The genus Cyclamen (Cyclamen L.) includes about 15 species.

Of these, the sale of the most common is Persian cyclamen,
European, Kosovo, Neapolitan.

Цикламен персидский родом из Восточного
The Mediterranean. It has dark green heart-shaped leaves with
marble pattern. It blooms from September to March with terry or
simple flowers. Flower color varies from white to various
shades of red. Rest period – May-June.

Цикламен европейский в дикой природе
found in central and southern Europe. It is also called
alpine violet. Its leaves are smaller than those of the Persian. Flowers
exude a fragrance whose intensity depends on the color of the flower:
the lighter the shade, the thinner the smell. This species is the only one
all cyclamens, which does not fall out during hibernation.

Цикламен косский назван в честь острова Кос,
on which it was first discovered. It has its own feature:
the petals expand sharply from the base and have a dark

Цикламен плющелистный или неаполитанский
different from other types of leaf shape: due to
notched-jagged edges they look like ivy leaves. Blossoms in
September-November. Flowers появляются раньше листьев.

In indoor floriculture mainly cyclamen is grown.
Persian. He bred many varieties. According to the height of the peduncles, they
They are divided into standard (20-30 cm), medium thick (15-22 cm) and
undersized (up to 15cm). The most popular varieties: Charlie, Scarlet Moth,
Spring Moth, Lilu, Rose, Flamingo, Sylphide, Topaz, Rembrandt,
Elf, Bellissima.

Cyclamens are highly dependent on temperature conditions: active
they begin to grow vegetative when wet and cool. When raising
air temperatures they prepare for a rest period. It creates
определенную сложность в уходе за цикламеном в housesшних условиях,
especially in the heating season. However, if you follow certain
rules for the care of these capricious, then bright flowers butterflies
You can admire more than one year.


Цикламен: уход в housesшних условиях — размножение, пересадка,
rest period


В housesшних условиях размножать цикламен не очень просто. Him
can be grown from seed and delenki tuber.

If seeds are purchased in garden stores, then with the purchase
you need to see the expiration date on the package: seeds save
germination up to 2 years.

In the presence of a blooming cyclamen flower grower in the house for
their seeds will have to work “pollinator bee”: pollen with
transfer one flower with a cotton swab or brush to another.
To reinforce the success in pollination, the procedure is repeated several times.
time. The best time for this is the morning hours of the sun.
of the day

Ripe seeds are stored for 2 months and then sown,
pre-soaking them in Zircon.

Peat is mixed with vermiculite or sheet as a substrate.
land in equal parts. Seeds do not need much digging into the ground:
spreading them on the surface, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
The optimum temperature for germination will be + 20ºС (with more than
a high value, the seeds will hibernate, and at less than + 18ºС it is large
the probability of their decay). Landing is necessary periodically.
moisturize and air.

Shoots begin to appear after about 4-6 weeks. From this
of the moment the pot with seedlings is placed in a well-lit place (but without
direct sun) with a temperature of + 15 + 17oS. When the seedlings appear
small nodules and 2-3 leaves, they dive into separate containers.
A week after this, the plants are fed mineral
fertilizers (the dose is reduced by 2 times from that indicated on the package).
Cyclamens grown from seeds bloom 12-18 months after
landing. It happens that flowering begins even later (after 3-4
of the year).

Breeding цикламена делением клубня проводят

• В rest period растения (весна-лето) клубень выкапывают из
soil cut into pieces;

• Each such delenka should have a bud and roots;

• Sections are dried, treated with fungicide or crushed

• Delenki are seated in separate pots and put in a hothouse
or cover with a plastic cup.

When choosing planting materials in garden stores, please
attention to appearance: the tuber must be elastic, not
wrinkled, no stains rot.


Cyclamens, especially flowering ones, do not respond well to transplantation.
Therefore, a purchased pot plant or your own can
Replant when it blooms. It is better to postpone this procedure to
the beginning of the active growing season (August – early September) – will be familiar
growth of new leaves after a dormant period. New pot pick up
little more old. At the bottom of the required layer of drainage
mixed fractions of expanded clay or crushed stone. Soil before planting
It is desirable to shed solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. Deepening
cyclamen tuber when planting depends on the type of plant. So y
persian cyclamen tuber is planted in the ground only 2/3, and
other species are buried completely. Transplanted plant place
in a cool and bright place. Watering as new leaves grow
gradually increase.

Rest period

In late spring – early summer after cyclamen flowering
начинается rest period. Wilted leaves and flowers are torn off, watered
reduce to a minimum (so that there is no complete drying of the soil).
Pot with tuber rearrange or put on one side in the cool
ventilated place and stored in this way until autumn. For breeding
plants from hibernation (beginning of autumn) are brought to the light and gradually
increase watering.

Цикламен уход в housesшних условиях – почва, освещения, условия
for flowering


Cyclamens love diffused light, better to keep them in partial shade –
direct sun causes burns on them. The best direction will be
western and eastern. There is not enough light on the north windows of the cyclamen,
and on the southern windowsill you need a shading.

The soil

Cyclamen for good health needs drained and
nutritious soil with a slightly acid or neutral reaction (pH
5.5-6.0). The substrate is made from a mixture of sheet, sod land,
sand, humus in equal parts. To determine the acidity
soil, you can use special test strips.
Процедуру проводят So: щепотку soil перемешивают с водой,
defend the precipitate and lower the test strip into the resulting solution.
The result is compared with the scale on the packaging.

The sequence of actions to determine the acidity

If there are no such test strips, then you can roughly determine
acidity by reaction with vinegar – they pour a handful of earth on them and
evaluate the result. If there are many bubbles, the soil is alkaline, if
there are few of them – the reaction is neutral. If nothing happens, then
the soil is sour.

Условия for flowering

To cyclamen pleased with its flowering, you must comply
certain conditions:

• Suitable pot size – tight or too spacious.
capacity flowering is inhibited;

• Lack of nutrition;

• Improper soil acidity;

• Improper fit: Persian cyclamen is planted, leaving
�The “crown” of the tuber above the ground, other species need to be dredged
root. The distance between the tuber and the edge of the pot is kept in
two or three centimeters;

• Растению нужен rest period и правильный выход из него.

Цикламен уход в housesшних условиях – подкормки и полив


The main rule when watering cyclamen is moderation and
accuracy. It is important not to overmoisten and dry out.
land. This flower is often affected by root rot, therefore
only the lower layer of the soil should be moistened. Better water cyclamen
on the edge of the pot (so as not to get to the center of the socket, on the leaves and
buds) or through a pan: put a plant pot in a basin or
bucket with water, after 15 minutes, remove. During the flowering period of dryakva
watered with abundantly settled water. After the plant
bloom, watering gradually reduce, and by the beginning of the dormant period (from March
to August) stop altogether.

Air humidity

Cyclamen likes to be wet and cool. Don’t keep it
near sources of heat – the plant will throw off the leaves and go to hibernation.
To increase the humidity around the plant pot
put in a pallet with wet pebbles. Before the appearance of cyclamen buds
can be sprayed occasionally.


Feed cyclamen start in the period of active growth and
flowering With the beginning of active growth for the growth of leaves
Feed complex fertilizer every 2 weeks.
When the buds appear, reduce the dose of nitrogen and increase the amount of
potassium and phosphorus.

Цикламен в housesшних условиях: почему он погибает?

Cyclamen is a demanding plant that is sensitive to
errors in care. Yellowing of the leaves is possible for several

• Lack of moisture in the soil and in the air;

• The plant is starving – during its flowering period it is necessary
feed up;

• Damage to pests or diseases;

• Cramped pot;

• The natural state of the beginning of the rest period.

If the leaves become ugly, stop growing.
and become tough, the flowers wither, the stalks bend means
Visited the cyclamen mite. Conventional insecticides,
разрешенные к использованию в housesшних условиях, на него не
act. The plant will have to be destroyed to prevent
spread of the pest.

Поврежденные трипсами листья покрываются
silvery spots. These insects are carriers of the virus.
bronze leaves that are deformed, brown appear on them
�”Divorces”. Over time, leaf blades become necrotic. The sick
the plant cannot be treated, it must be destroyed. Vs
thrips are used insecticides (Fitoverm, Aktara, Agrovertin).

Damaged by thrips cyclamen leaf

Если цветоносы вырастают короче листьев и
flowers bloom under them, the reason is wrong
irrigation mode: overwetting or overdrying earthen clod in
combined with low temperature.

Often cyclamens die from fungal and bacterial diseases.
Wet and cold air, coupled with its poor circulation
способствуют появлению серой гнили. With this
leaves turn yellow, gray mold appears on them. Affected
parts of the plant must be carefully removed (mold spores easily
spread when air moves) and process the plant
fungicide (Scor, Fitosporin-M, Fundazol). For prevention more often
Ventilate the room, reduce the amount of watering.

Мокрая гниль проявляется резким увяданием
plants and the putrid odor of the root system. Infection
occurs through infected water or diseased plant. Treatment
does not give in.

Фузариоз — грибковое заболевание, поражающее
vascular system of the plant. Manifested in yellowing of the leaves,
often on one side of the plant. With the passage of time, the fungus affects
whole plant. In the initial stage of the disease, cyclamen is watered.
with a baseol solution, the ground part is sprayed with Topsin-M.

Fusarium cyclamen wilting

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