Custard for “Napoleon” – gentle and light.Recipes лучшего самодельного заварного крема для торта”Napoleon”

Custard for "Napoleon" - gentle and light.Recipes лучшего самодельного заварного крема для торта"Napoleon"


Custard for “Napoleon” – the general principles

Стандартный способ preparations заварного крема: вскипятить
milk with flour and other ingredients. Further products are added.
optional: nuts, berry puree. The cream acquires an unusual taste and
aroma. Creamy base quality soak puff cakes.
This cream is not only for puff cake, you can
use as a regular cream dessert with fruit additives.

Custard for “Napoleon” (classic)

It is important to keep the formulation exactly, but there is a possibility
add any suitable ingredient to the filling. To correct
to cook it, you must have a suitable dish. As known,
that the basis of custard for “Napoleon” are dairy
products, flour and granulated sugar. As a result, the cream turns into
gentle, amazing dessert.


– Milk 2 t .;

– icing sugar 1,5 st .;

– flour 1.5 tbsp. l .;

– butter 400 g;

– 4 egg yolks;

– vanilla sugar.

– additional products: almond nut, cocoa powder, mashed potatoes
from berries.

Способ preparations

To prepare the custard for “Napoleon” will need to take
pan with double bottom. Pour there milk.

Flour is mixed separately with a small part of milk so that it does not
turned out to be pieces.

Next, take the separated yolks from proteins, pour in a glass
bowl and mix them with a few spoons of milk and flour. Good

Boil the milk mixture for about 10 minutes to medium density. Now
Carefully pour the egg mass into it, stirring a little.

After cooling the mixture there interferes with butter,
powdered sugar.

If desired, you can add cocoa and almonds, and the cream will be with
hazelnut chocolate flavor. Or just dilute with berry
mashed potatoes.

Custard for “Napoleon” (pear)

Для preparations заварного крема для «Наполеона» используют
corn starch, which makes the mass even better. Original
custard can be created with the help of milk, pear, rum, etc.


– Milk 1.5 st .;

– Yolks 2 pcs .;

– granulated sugar 50-60 g;

– cornstarch about 20 g;

– a tablespoon of rum;

– lemon zest with half;

– two pears;

– oil for lubrication form.

Способ preparations

Mix one part of the sugar with two yolks until fluffy beige
structures. Pour the flour, a spoonful of cornstarch and
grated lemon zest.

The second part of sugar (30 g) is dissolved in milk with vanilla and on
Cook on medium heat, stirring continuously with a spoon.

Now нужно взять часть сладкого молока (50 г) и соединить с
egg mass. Before it boils, wait half an hour and
turn off the fire.

In a warm cream poured rum or other available in the house
alcoholic drink. While the custard for “Napoleon” cools,
need to do pear.

Douse it in sugar syrup with vanilla sugar in about
half an hour. Rub through a sieve and mix with a cream base.

Custard for “Napoleon” (with condensed milk)

The taste of the cream will not spoil the cake, if you add it with new notes
(for example, apply marshmallows or marmalade). You can add all that
Anything except those ingredients that will overpower it or completely
spoil the gentle milky taste. There are products that can enrich
custard for “Napoleon”, make it even tastier, for example,
boiled condensed milk.


– Half a liter of cow’s milk;

– boiled condensed milk 250 g;

– Sugar 2-3 tbsp. l

– a pack of butter;

– flour or starch 4-5 tbsp. l

Способ preparations

Flour with milk is thoroughly mixed in a saucepan with a mixer,
so there are no pieces.

Sugar is added and mixed too.

Boil on low heat, stir for 5 minutes.

In the cold thickened cream base is laid out a little
melted butter. Make sure that the oil is not
melted, otherwise the dripping oil drops will not allow the mixer to beat

Shake to make a thick white mass of snow. But
It will not be white for long, since it is diluted with boiled condensed milk and
becomes a pale yellow color.

Smearing a puff cake with custard for “Napoleon”, on top
You can decompose the pieces of marshmallow or marmalade.

Custard for “Napoleon” (with yogurt and honey)

To make the layers of the cake soaked well, you need to do
The cream is not very thick consistency. If you dilute it, for example,
coconut, honey, yogurt, the cream will acquire new flavoring colors
will be more liquid.


– Yoghurt 150 g;

– milk 200 ml;

– Honey 1 tbsp. l .;

– One egg yolk;

– berries (cherry, strawberry), coconut chips.

Способ preparations

Mix honey with milk and yolk. Using the whisk to mix all
ingredients by putting on the fire. Stir occasionally.

When thickened, cool the cream.

If you want to be fatter, you can add a piece
oils (quantity at the discretion).

Next, add coconut chips. Greased cake layers, top
the cake can be sprinkled with dry coconut chips.

Custard for “Napoleon” (with nuts)

Thanks to the nuts, the cream will be crisp and vanilla will fill it
pleasant aroma.


– Milk 0.5 liters;

– sugar 200 g;

– flour 150-160 g;

– cream 200 ml;

– eggs 2 pcs .;

– corn starch 2 tbsp. l .;

– Vanillin 10-15 g;

– walnuts.

Способ preparations

Before you get down to business, prepare a work surface and
посуду для preparations крема.

In a special bowl pour a portion of milk (120-125 ml), pour
granulated sugar and vanilla, also corn starch.

Then add the eggs. A mixer or blender makes work easier and quick.
beat up the mass to the required pomp.

The rest of the milk (375 g) is heated on medium heat.

After pouring the prepared milky-starch mixture.

Boil cream so that it becomes like thick sour cream.

After cooling, cover the bowl and put on the cold.

Meanwhile, the chilled cream is whipped to a lush

They then combine with cold custard for

At the very least, add chopped nuts.

Custard for «Наполеона» ( с творогом и бананом)

Curd mass turns any cream into a children’s dessert.


– Milk 1 l;

– eggs 4 pcs .;

– sugar 300 g;

– flour 5-6 tbsp. l .;

– ванилин 1 ч. l .;

– butter 150 g;

– cottage cheese 300-400 g and banana.

Способ preparations

Eggs, sugar (250 g) and vanilla are mixed together, added
flour and whipped at medium speed with a mixer.

Milk is poured and cooked at medium heat, while
stirring continuously.

Mix thick and cooled cream with softened butter.

When whipping cream becomes very lush, reminiscent
air clouds. Separately, beat cottage cheese with banana and sugar (50

Lubricate puff pastry “Napoleon” need to take turns: 1 cake –
custard, 2 – cottage cheese, etc.

If desired, sprinkle top with nuts, blueberries, raspberries, etc.
The taste of two creams makes the cake a new masterpiece.

Custard for «Наполеона» (со сметаной)


– Sour cream (25% fat) 200 ml;

– icing sugar 200 g

– grated lemon.

– Milk about 800 ml;

– 4 tbsp. l flour;

– butter less pack;

– A bag of vanilla.

Способ preparations

Take 100 g of sugar and stir and add 1 tbsp. milk flour.
Beat for a long time.

600 ml of milk to put warm on the stove, adding sugar and

As soon as boils, a small stream pours a mixture of

When cooking – all the time to interfere, about five minutes. To put
cool down.

While cooled, butter is whipped and only then
can be added to cool custard.

The last stage is the addition of sour cream. Add a spoon and
beat until smooth.

Custard for «Наполеона» (с шоколадом)

To vary the custard, you can brew the cream and enter
chocolate in it. The taste will be bitter-sweet.


– 3 eggs;

– sugar ¾ cup;

– a pack of butter;

– 100 grams of chocolate.

Способ preparations

Soften before making cream
butter at room temperature.

We need to take two pans, in one cream is cooked, in the other –
poured proteins.

In the first pan, put 2 yolks and 1 egg, sugar. Broken
chopped chocolate and soft butter in egg whipped

On low heat slowly boil the mixture, cool to better
thickened. Beat the remaining protein with sugar. Lubricate all cakes
except the top chocolate cream.

A protein cream will look perfect on top of the cake.

Custard for «Наполеона» – хитрости и полезные советы

– You can not boil the custard for a long time, otherwise it will turn out with
taste of burnt milk.

– Cold eggs are better beaten than room eggs.

– A wooden spatula is better than an ordinary spoon, it reaches the bottom well
pans and does not scratch the bottom.

– The secret of a properly prepared cream is attentive.
observation of what is happening.

– It is necessary to stand a cake with cream a day in the fridge, otherwise
�”Napoleon” будет суховат.

– Any custard for “Napoleon” is not very suitable for
decorations, since it is very soft consistency, the pattern can
spread across the top crust.

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