�”Curly” hairstyles for medium hair -feminine. Hair options for curly hair of medium length -minimum of time and money

Пн, 22 май 2017 Авthatр: Ирина Тарусова

Owners of curly hair and light curled
curls, definitely, you can envy. Their styling always have
immaculate appearance, precisely because they do not require special skills and
great practice in the creation and may also be limited to a minimum
fixing means. The success of the created image depends on the correct
matched hairstyle.

There are many options for hairstyles for medium curly hair.
Each of them is interesting and relevant in its own way.

Average hair length in women is very common in any
age It is determined by the length from the base of the neck (shoulders) and
until the middle of the shoulder blades. If you want to choose for yourself
hairstyle, then pay attention to the density of your curly hair.
If you can not boast a lush head of hair, then use
lightweight to increase volume. Lightly spray the varnish
for hair (easy enough fixation), and your hair will become


Simple and attractive hairstyle for curly hair
(a photo)

Women know that fluffy and well-groomed hair always attracts
attention of others. Owners of luxurious curls conquer
stunning lightness of their hair. What to do if the hair
need to “pacify”?

Someone uses special styling products to
create the effect of wet hair. This hairstyle is very elegant and
tender And the easiest way to collect hair in a lush tail.

Изменения в предыдущей «кудрявой» причёске (a photo)

You say that the tail is very trite and boring? Maybe.
But those who want to diversify a simple hairstyle with a horse tail
can pick out one or two sides of the span of hair, wrap
put them in the light bundles and weave them in the tail at the back of the head. This hairstyle
beautiful in its carelessness and seeming “disobedience”

�”Spike” – hairstyle for medium curly hair

What could be more interesting than a simple braid of hair? Of course,
spit that has a special look. This scythe, by right, can
be considered “Spikelet”. Call this hairstyle for curly hair can be
and the “little dragon”. The special charm of this hairstyle will give the fact that
each strand of the braid will lie in its own way, no matter how hard we try
align and comb. If your hair have some
coloring, the hairstyle will be even more interesting, due to the play of colors
each strand. Often, when weaving a braid, it happens that
the main “accent” hair color, is located just the same, on
its very links.

If desired, you can release the strands from each braided link
and make them more voluminous. Hair will require some skills.
or help from someone close. The tail, in which the tips are displayed
braids, can be located in the center or move sideways. In that
If the “curly” hairstyle may not start from the middle
top of the head, and from one side, and go to
tail to the opposite side.

Лёгкие жгуты в причёске для кудрявых волос (a photo)

Having carefully examined the photos of this hairstyle, you can understand that her
very easy to do yourself. Perhaps to create it, you will need
a couple of special clamps. They will help keep the wrapped
strands, while you twist the opposite.

Divide all hair into three parts. Top strands can be taken from
temporal areas, or, lower the entire hairstyle below (then the first
strands can begin at ear level).

Separate a small amount of hair with one hand, start
curl light strands. Do not tighten the harness. Wrap hair
freely around its axis. Attach the received strand to the main
hair pieces. Proceed to tightening the opposite strand.
Then, put both of the harness into one tail and secure with a rubber band,
small clothespin or pin delicate hairpin-clip. Can
get along with a pair of invisible men crossed with each other and pinned
to the rest of the loose hair. The next stage is repeated on
desired distance from previous strands.

Whether you make three rows of flagella or more depends on your
desires and skills. It is possible that your hairstyle on medium curly
hair will end in only one tier. Then she will remind everyone
famous “Malvinka”, but will be no less romantic.

We make tight harnesses for “curly” hair all over the head.

If you can boast thick hair and their same
the average length, then this hair will be a real find.

Usually, hair of the same length creates a fluffy and unruly mass.
Very often there are situations when the big hair fluffiness is not quite
for example, office etiquette does not allow a large amount or
the evening meeting involves focusing on the dress, not on
luxurious hair.

In that варианте мы обыграем предыдущую причёску для кудрявых

Divide the hair into several, equal in volume, strands.
How many of them eventually work out – you decide. For more convenient
creating hair, you can tie each section of hair with an elastic band.
If your skills and sleight of hand are able to do without rubber bands, that
вы насthatящий профи.

Starting from the top of the head, curl your hair into tight bundles to
as long as the strand will not fit into a kind of “knot”.
Затем, эthatт узелок, выровняв, крепим к основанию головы, пряча
hair ends inside, hairpins. Choose studs that match
the volume of the received “nodules”. Учтите, чthat маленькие шпильки могут
spoil your hair during the day. They weakly fix the node, and
Your hairstyle will begin to decay. Поэthatму лучше выбрать
classic size studs. They are always safer.

Последний «узел» закрепите таким образом, чthatбы его край был
спрятан под нижнюю часть hair. If necessary, fix
hairstyle varnish. She looks very elegant and extraordinary.

Жгуты, имитирующие «Греческую» кудрявую причёску — фоthat

�”Greek” hairstyles are always advantageous on any hair. On
medium hair with naughty curls, do this hair –
проще просthatго. No special skills required. Достаthatчно
�“Arm yourself” with several hairpins, hairspray (with
necessary), and ten minutes of free time.

Onчинать причёску лучше поэтапно с обеих сthatрон головы. Strands
берите, с учёthatм гусthatты hair. Количество завитых жгуthatв зависит
from your mood and from the availability of studs for fixation. Учитывая that,
чthat кудрявые волосы всегда послушнее прямых, можно обойтись малым
количеством шпилек (на один завиthatк может понадобиться не больше
2-3 pieces).

When shaping this hairstyle on medium curly hair, direct
all harnesses are closer to the base of the neck. The main focus of hair will be
created in the middle of the bottom of the head.

Каждый завиthatк может быть закручен достаthatчно туго. If a
хочется, чthatбы причёска была объёмной, that лучше всего поднять
hair basal, and then start shaping each

Will the harnesses fit in a chaotic manner or will you
выберете какую-that особенную тактику их крепления, — зависит от

Придать некоthatрую романтику эthatй причёске поможет красивая
a hairpin pinned over the upper “bundles” or a bandage in
греческом стиле, чthat не менее привлекательно. Тем более чthat выбор
one and the other is very large.

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