Conjunctivitis in a cat: causes and consequences. whatif a cat has conjunctivitis and how to treat it, preventioncomplications

Сб, 17 мар 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

Domestic cats, even if they are practically sterile
conditions may cause conjunctivitis. This common
the disease is most often a symptom of another illness.


what такое конъюнктивит и его виды

In the eyes of the animal and man there is a thin mucous –
conjunctiva. It is a kind of protective layer not only
eye socket, but also the inner side of the eyelid.

whatбы глаз был постоянно увлажненным на слизистой расположены
ducts of the lacrimal glands. Tear protects eyes, prevents dryness
eyeball and helps to remove small weed particles.
Therefore, the disease was named because of inflammation.

The disease is rather unpleasant. If self-medicating
may be the worst consequences.

Veterinarians distinguish four types of conjunctivitis:

1. Follicular – the most severe type of disease. In the process
inflammation affects not only the mucous membrane of the century, but also
lymphatic follicle. Long-term treatment with
antibiotics. In exceptional cases, it may even be operational.

2. Phlegmonous – not less complex disease. Vet help
here is a must;

3. Purulent – it is impossible not to notice. The eyelids of the cat are stuck together,
in the corners of the eyes and on the hair characteristic dried pus lumps.
Almost always, purulent conjunctivitis affects both eyes;

4. Catarrhal – the mildest form of the disease itself. This kind of disease
is a bell start of a serious health problem that
can not be ignored.

Causes of Conjunctivitis in Cats

There are many reasons why mucous is inflamed
conjunctiva. In veterinary medicine, doctors distinguish several
factors that can trigger inflammation.

– If a cat has a bacterial, fungal, parasitic or
infectious disease. An indicator of a cat’s health is its
eyes, so for any of these ailments necessarily
inflammation of the mucosa;

– Contact with the mucosa of pathogenic organisms causes purulent

– Inflammation in areas adjacent to the eye may move to

– Bruises or injuries, the smallest wound, a foreign body,
caught in the eye, that is, all mechanical damage will become
the cause of the disease;

– X-ray, ultraviolet or radioactive exposure
adversely affect the health of fluffy. This will not only lead to
conjunctivitis, but also partial vision loss.

– Chemical damage – by nature baleen pets are very
inquisitive. And gladly sniff a can of paint or
printed pack of powder, which will immediately lead to
catarrhal conjunctivitis;

– Conjunctival redness, swelling and itching are clear signs
an allergic reaction of the animal to some kind of irritant.
Get rid of allergic conjunctivitis is possible only if
when the causes of allergies will be identified and a comprehensive

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in cats

The first signs that the cat is sick is swelling and redness.
century, in the future it will start to turn out.

First a slight tearing that will become cloudy and
thick. Discharges will begin to accumulate in the corners of the eyes, flow down to
skin irritating her. Wool in those places will fall out. Purulent
mucus has an unpleasant smell and a yellowish-greenish tint.

It hurts the animal to see the light because of its painful condition
eyeball. The shade of the eye changes, it may become cloudy.

Pet’s condition will deteriorate, immunity will weaken, temperature
body will rise. The cat will refuse to eat.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in a cat

The most important thing that every cat owner needs is to know
the smallest sign of the disease immediately contact the veterinary
to the doctor. You can not self-medicate, the consequence may be
even the loss of an eye.

At a detailed examination in a veterinary clinic, a doctor will prescribe
treatment depending on the severity of the disease. Regardless
In addition, one eye is sick, or both, two eyes need treatment.

Before starting treatment of the eye, it must be processed.
antiseptic solution. It may be furatsilin or very
weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate. Furacilin diluted in
ratio – 5 liters of purified water 1 gram of powder. But better
purchase at the pharmacy already ready, so as not to harm your
fluffy pet.

Manganese must also be handled with extreme caution. If a
make it too strong, it will dry out your skin. What if not
dissolve, and the smallest crystal gets to the mucous
will cause a burn.

Very good for all types of conjunctivitis use decoction
calendula or chamomile. Herbal decoction should only be warm (not
hot or cold) +20 – +22 degrees. It will relieve inflammation and
soothe the pain.

If a под руками ничего не найдется, для единичного применения
you can wash the eyes with a weak brew of black tea without adding
Sahara. Strain the prepared liquid so that it does not appear
small leaves or twigs.

On the very initial stage of the disease, the cat’s eyes are dripped or
smeared with ointments, which include an antibiotic. Animal can
resist during the application of the ointment, it will be better and more efficient
do everything as it should be. In exceptional cases allowed
Smear the lower eyelid, blinking, the cat will spread it to the inflamed
участок conjunctiva.

If a появилась отечность глазного яблока ее нужно снять, закапав
in conjunctivitis pouch hydrocortisone or procaine

When ailment is delayed and becomes chronic,
need medications and solutions based on silver.

In the case of follicular or purulent conjunctivitis in addition
The veterinary doctor assigns injections to the main treatment.
Be sure, in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening you need to wash the boric eye sockets
acid and put under the eyelid ointment on the basis of antibiotic
(Tetratsiklinuya, Sintomitsinovuyu, Levomycetin,

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