Compote from apples for the winter – we will prepare summer inbanks! Recipes разных компотов из яблок on зиму со стерилизацией иwithout her

Вт, 27 сен 2016 Автор: Мариon Выходцева

Compote of apples in the banks turns out just awesome!

He is not near with the drink that is brewed in

Summer aroma, unique taste, army of vitamins.

It’s time to take care of the drink for the winter!


Compote from apples for the winter – the general principles of cooking

Apples are put in jars in the form of sliced ​​into slices or
wholly. For compote of pieces is not recommended to use
early varieties, soft fruits. After pouring boiling water the pieces are not
must fall apart. If the drink is made from whole apples, then
choose small fruits, often use spreads. Second major
the ingredients of the workpiece is sugar.

What can be added to the compote:

• other fruits;

• berries;

• spices;

• The peel is fresh or dry.

Компоты готовят со стерилизацией и without her. In the second case
most often use the double fill method, often add
citric acid. In any case it is important to observe sterility.
blanks. Dishes are treated over steam or in any other way.
For hermetic sealing a special key is used or
screw caps if the neck of the jar fits.

Compote from apples for the winter pieces (with citric acid)

The recipe for the simplest compote of apples for the winter. This drink
it always turns out, it is well worth the whole winter even at room
temperature, but does not require sterilization. By the same
the principle is prepared compote with other fruits and berries. Payment
products on one three-liter jar.


• 0.5-0.7 kg of apples;

• 250 g of sugar;

• 1 tsp. citric acid.


1. Immediately put water on the stove to boil, just need
somewhere 2.5 liters, but boil a little more to be

2. While the water boils, you need to wash the apples, wipe clean
napkins, cut into slices. Shallow is not necessary.

3. Fold the apple pieces into the jar.

4. Fill with boiling water, cover with a lid. Give the fruit
warm up a quarter of an hour.

5. Drain all the liquid in the pan, add sugar to the recipe.
Put on the stove, boil for three minutes.

6. В банку добавьте citric acid.

7. Fill the compote with boiling syrup, roll up the lid.

8. Turn the jar over, cover with something warm, for example
a blanket. Keep until cool.

Compote from apples for the winter (with whole fruits)

Another compote recipe without sterilization, but with whole
apples. For this drink, you will need small fruit varieties
�”Antonovka”. One three-liter jar is from 8 to 10 pieces.


• 8-10 apples;

• 2 liters of water;

• 300 g of sugar.


1. Thoroughly rinse the apples, pluck the stalk. None
Damage to the fruit should not be.

2. Fold the prepared fruit into a sterile 3-liter jar.
liters. No need to fill the jar with apples above the shoulders. If fruit
large, then put not 8 pieces, and less.

3. Fill the banks with boiling water, close the capron lids,
onкройте a blanket.

4. Leave the jars to cool for 12 hours, longer, but not
keep more than a day.

5. Drain the water in the pan, leaving the steamed fruit in the jars.
The liquid during this time will turn yellow, imbued with the scent of apples.

6. Boil the drained water, adding granulated sugar.
Boil the syrup for at least five minutes to ensure it

7. Pour the apples. Cork the jars, hold them upside down
остывания, onкрыв a blanket.

Compote from apples for the winter with sterilization

Reliable recipe for apple compote for the winter, which will definitely stand
until spring. If it remains, it will calmly live to the next
of the year. For more than two years, such drinks should not be stored, as
apples are used whole and with stones.


• 300 g of sugar;

• 600-800 g of small apples;

• 2.5 liters of water.


1. Choose small apples without damage, wormholes, traces
mold and rot. Rinse well, dry.

2. Sterilize a three-liter jar, process the lid for

3. Fold the apples in the jar.

4. Boil sugar and water syrup.

5. Pour a jar of apples, cover with a lid, but not

6. Move the jar to a high saucepan with a cloth on the bottom.

7. Pour so much boiling water into the pot so that it reaches the bank to
hangers. Turn on the stove. Sterilization countdown begins with
moment of boiling water in a saucepan, not compote in a jar.

8. Sterilize the compote with apples for 20 minutes. If you will
twist the two-liter jars, then sterilize 15 minutes, not
forget to reduce the amount of sugar. Liter banks is enough
ten minutes.

Compote from apples for the winter with vanillin (inlays)

The option is very beautiful compote, which is used for
ratenka. Preparing a drink in liter jars, they are packed by
hangers. Payment on три литровые баночки, заготовка со


• 1.5 liters of water;

• 400 g of sugar;

• 1 g of natural vanilla;

• ratenka.


1. Wash the wounds, remove the tails. Pierce every little thing
toothpick This technique will keep a thin skin. on
the fetus.

2. Fold the canisters in sterile jars.

3. Prepare syrup from recipe water and sugar, do not forget
add vanilla. Boil two minutes, that’s enough.

4. Pour boiling syrup on the raternka to the neck. Cover
cans with sterile caps.

5. Transfer to a saucepan for sterilization. At the bottom
должon быть ткань, чтобы в процессе стекло не лопнуло.

6. Pour boiling water into the pot.

7. After boiling water in a saucepan, sterilize ten jars.

8. Remove, roll the covers with the key, leave to full
cooling under a blanket and upside down.

Ароматный компот из яблок on зиму (с виноградом)

Variant of mixed compote, which is prepared with the addition of
grapes. Если ягоды темные, то onпиток получится яркий и


• 300 g apples;

• 300 grams of grapes;

• 1 tsp. lemon;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 2.5 liters of water.


1. Rinse the grapes and apples. Dry it.

2. Separate the grapes from the tassels, fold into a three-liter jar.
Apples cut into slices, add to grapes.

3. Залейте все крутым кипятком, оставьте минут on двадцать.

4. Теперь onденьте on банку крышку с дырочками, слейте всю
liquid in an empty saucepan.

5. Add sugar, boil at least three after boiling

6. Add citric acid directly to the jar.

7. Fill the future compote with boiling syrup.

8. Immediately roll the cover key, leave the workpiece in
upside down under the blanket to cool completely. It may
take up to two days. Then the jar can be turned into a natural
положение, убрать on хранение.

Компот из яблок on зиму с апельсином «Фанта по-русски»

Рецептура яблочного компота с добавлением апельсиon. To
onпиток в процессе хранения не onчал горчить, обязательно удалите
from citrus all the bones. Аonлогично можно готовить onпиток с
lemon, but in this case you need to remove the dry acid from the recipe.
There will be enough fresh juice from sour citrus.


• 5-6 apples;

• 1 orange;

• 1 tsp. citric acid;

• 250 g sugar.


1. Slice the apples into slices, fold into a clean jar, pour
boiling water. Оставьте on четверть часа.

2. During this time, you need to peel an orange, fold the crusts in
saucepan Оon должon быть пустая. Crusts do not need to grind than
they are the biggest the better.

3. From citrus squeeze the juice, also pour into the pan. With
squeezing juice make sure not to hit the bones, let the flesh
will be.

4. Слейте воду из банки с яблоками в кастрюлю, поставьте on
the slab.

5. Отваривайте корочки апельсиon десять минут, затем удалите

6. Добавьте в кастрюлю сахар, прокипятите еще пару minutes

7. Add acid to a jar of steamed apples.

8. Fill with boiling syrup, cork. Cool “Russian fanta”
также нужно в перевернутом виде под теплым a blanket.

Пряный компот из яблок on зиму с корицей и гвоздикой

Option fragrant compote, which is desirable to add
onтуральную корицу. Если пряность измельчеon в порошок, есть
probability of laying a low quality product or synthetic


• 0.3 sticks of cinnamon;

• 2 cloves;

• 7-8 small apples;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 2.3 liters of water.


1. Apples need to be washed, dried, processed jar.

2. Pierce each fruit with a toothpick to save
the integrity of the skin. Fold in a sterile jar.

3. Immediately add the cloves and cinnamon, if desired also possible
throw a little vanilla or a piece of ginger. The fragrance will be

4. Сварите сироп, залейте подготовленное onполнение банки.

5. Cover, перенесите в кастрюлю для стерилизации, залейте
boiling water.

6. Как только вода onчнет в кастрюле бурлить, засеките 15

7. After this time, the tank must be carefully removed,
key roll cover. Остудите, отправляйте on хранение.

Компот из яблок on зиму — полезные советы и хитрости

• From the temperature drop when pouring boiling water of the pot can
burst. To этого не произошло, опустите внутрь большую ложку,
but only clean.

• Syrup did not fit into the bank and stayed? Dissolve it with water, add
some sliced ​​apples, you can throw other fruits, berries,
spices. Cook the usual compote.

• Banks with compote need to be kept under a blanket until complete
cooling, sometimes it takes two days. In warm
происходит дальнейшая стерилизация onпитка, что обеспечивает его

• You can add not only berries and fruits to apples.
Amazing compotes are obtained with mint leaves or lemon

• Sugar is not always clean. That is why syrup
It is recommended to boil for at least three minutes, you can boil and
longer. Never use sand from a sugar bowl, in
которой могут onходиться крошки и другой сор.

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