Coffee cosmetics for hair — Or coffee forhair

Coffee is not just a hot drink that has a unique
aroma and taste, tones and invigorates. He received recognition of many
nutritionists who are increasingly recommended
include coffee in your diet. Its amazing properties are capable
возродить hairы и вылечить кожу головы, не оставили равнодушными и
beauticians. All sorts of recipes for masks, lotions and other
cosmetics based on coffee beans
today is not uncommon.


Coffee cosmetics at home

Для ухода за hairами следует использовать натуральный кофе (без
flavors and additives) medium or finely ground. You can also
take the sleeping coffee (coffee grounds remaining after preparation
coffee), but it must be fresh and free
Sahara. Means, prepared on the basis of sleeping coffee, less
интенсивно окрашивают hairы и действуют на них гораздо мягче.

Как лучше использовать кофе для hair?

Кофе как средство для ухода за hairами прекрасно работает в
combination with essential oils. One of these oils, which is especially
полезно для тонких, сухих и ломких hair, – это масло иланг-иланга.
Иланг-иланг  – сильнейший афродизиак. Its aroma excites
pituitary glands that produce endorphins, which in turn
causes desire and euphoria.

  • Рецепт для ломких, сухих hair

You will need: 1 tbsp. кофе (если у вас длинные hairы) и 0,5
st.l. кофе (если у вас короткие hairы), 10 капель эфирного масла
Ylang Ylang, 1 liter of chamomile decoction.

Mix coffee with essential oil, and then dissolve in broth from
chamomile. Ополоснуть hairы готовым раствором. This recipe carries in
себе массу полезных свойств: кофе придает hairам блеск и
silky, chamomile treats the scalp, and the combination of essential
масла и кофе дарит hairам незабываемый аромат.

  • Маска для hair на основе лука и кофе

You will need: 1 tbsp. протертого репчатого лука, 1 st.l.
меда, 1 st.l. репейного масла, 1 st.l. коньяка, 1st.l. coffee.

All ingredients to mix, the resulting mixture rub into the scalp.
Then cover with polyethylene and hold for 20-30 minutes. After
этого помыть hairы. Маска прекрасно воздействует на hairы, но
It has a significant drawback – it has a very strong smell. To
kill him, add your favorite essential oils to it or
столовую ложку coffee.

  • Ополаскиватель для hair «Кофе для hair с
    milk “

Этот рецепт рекомендуется обладательницам темных hair,
Blondes he does not fit.

ATам потребуется: 2 st.l. instant coffee, 100 g milk, 1
яйцо, 1 st.l. honey, any essential oil (for example, tea oil

Coffee pour milk, put on the fire and heat constantly
stirring. Then add egg, honey and essential oil. Watch out for
so that the mixture is not too hot, otherwise the egg will cook.
Готовый ополаскиватель нанесите на hairы и подержите 15 минут.
If you have added tea tree oil, rinse
hairы ароматным раствором, например, смесью эфирного масла розы и
any balsam-rinse. This will discourage the strong smell of tea.

  • Another recipe for brunettes

ATам потребуется: 2 st.l. natural coffee, 1 glass of water.

Brew coffee with boiling water and strain. Wash your hair and
нанести теплый кофе по всей длине hair. Cover your head with a hat or
a towel. Hold for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with a soft

Этот рецепт придаст вашим hairам неповторимый блеск.

Как покрасить hairы кофе

Many ladies dream of a change in appearance, and the first thing
приходит на ум – это сменить цвет hair. But they decide on such
experiments are not all. Someone is afraid that the shade does not fit,
а кто-то не хочет портить hairы. However, there are homemade
recipes that allow, without harming curls, to give them a new
bright shade. Coffee is a constant component of such tinting.

  • Classic coffee stain

In order to prepare the mixture for coloring, you need
brew 4 tablespoons of coffee (natural) in half a glass
hot water (but not boiling water, about 90 degrees). When drink
остынет до комфортной температуры, его нужно нанести на hairы на
half an hour.

  • Coffee and henna coloring

In order to cook both firming and
painting mask, you need to dilute with water 40 grams of colorless henna
(until the state of gruel) and add to the resulting mass a couple of canteens
spoons of coffee grounds. Cover the vessel with the lid and give
he brew about half an hour. After этого еще раз хорошо
перемешайте смесь и нанесите на hairы.

  • Coffee and cognac coloring

For a tablespoon of coffee, you will need 20 milliliters of brandy,
a little burdock oil (5 ml) and two freshly whipped yolks. AT
To top it all off, add a quarter cup of warm to the mixture
воды, чтобы ее удобно было распределять по hairам. Such a mask
придает hairам приятный каштановый оттенок, а также способствует
boost growth.

  • Coffee with sea buckthorn oil

To к эффекту окрашивания приложился еще и выраженный
reducing effect, mix 4 spoons of ground coffee with 20
milliliters of sea buckthorn oil. For additional strengthening
It is also recommended to use nettle oil. After
the mass will be homogeneous, immediately apply it to the hair.

  • Coffee with chamomile

To half a glass of chamomile broth add a tablespoon
strong coffee and a few drops of rosemary oil. After
Such coloring hair will become voluminous and soft.

  • Coffee and Basma

In a glass of hot water you need to brew 6 tablespoons of ground coffee.
Here you need to add 40 grams of colorless henna and basma. To
to protect the hair, a little olive oil and honey are introduced into the mask (according to
20 ml). Apply the composition to the hair should be well warm.

Coffee does not harm the hair and does not irritate the skin, so it
can be kept on hair up to 2 hours. Frequency staining procedures
Choose your own.

As you can see, there are not just safe, but more
and very useful hair coloring methods. Of course, they are not
one should expect such a pronounced effect as from chemical paints.
But it is worth considering that after applying home methods, hair will be
healthy, flowing and shiny.

We hope you will find the recipe that you like
your hair!

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