Circuit training for burning fat

training is a unique training system that takes its
started back in 1953 within the walls of the University of Leeds in England,
when sports trainers G.T. Anderson and R.E. Morgan undertook
an attempt to develop an advanced program to improve overall
physical condition of athletes.

The next round of popularity circuit training received in
the late 60s of the last century, when the American bodybuilder
On this basis, Bill Wildman developed his version of the scheme for obtaining
load due to acute shortage of free time for
full-fledged classes in the gym.

In fact, circular training is the execution
a variety of simple physical exercises for different muscle groups
with or without a minimum break in between.

By challenging your own body, in a short time you can
achieve a large number of different health benefits
including efficient fat and calorie burning, increased intake
the body’s oxygen building muscle mass and improving
endurance cardiovascular system.


Circuit training for burning fat: силовой аспект


Start a warm-up session using lungs.
loads. After completing the exercise, rest no more than 10 – 15 seconds,
before proceeding to the next. Break between each lap
is 1 minute.

Get down to basic fat burning training
using simulators in the following sequence: press from
chest in the simulator, the upper unit, extension of the arms in the upper
block, leg extension, leg flexion, bench press sitting and
twisting. Select the weight so that you can perform 12 to 15
repetitions for each of the exercises.

The total workout duration is 60 minutes, which will allow you
maximize your calories and fats during and after
receiving load. The optimal number of classes – twice per
a week

Free weights

After three weeks of working with exercise machines use free
weights for most of your exercises will allow you to burn
significantly more calories and fat.

Full training should include: dumbbell presses on
horizontal bench for the pectoral muscles, dumbbell traction in the slope,
squatting, deadweight with dumbbells, lifting dumbbells for biceps,
push-ups in the back, dumbbell lifts on the sides and


Choose enough dumbbell weights to carry out exactly 8 to 12
repetitions for each type of load. Rest between exercises
no more than 10 – 15 seconds, between circles – 1 minute.

This will allow you to consume a significant amount of calories,
well enhancing the effect of burning excess body fat.
The optimal number of workouts – twice a week with 2-day
rest breaks.

Circuit training for burning fat и аэробные

Также вы можете объединить exercises на различные группы мышц в
separate sessions and add aerobic exercise to the circle for
maximum fat burning. When included in the cardio program
activity use lighter dumbbells for power loads,
to be able to perform about 12 – 15 repetitions.

This training style will maximize the burning process.
fat and calories during exercise and another 24 to 48 hours
after the session.

Your training program:

В понедельник делайте exercises для грудных мышц и спины (4
range): dumbbell bench press, upper block pull, 2 minutes
jumps with a skipping rope, wiring arms on the crossover, traction on the rowing
simulator, 2 minutes walk on a professional elliptical
simulator, pushups, dumbbell in the slope, 2 minutes of jogging
on the treadmill.

programma-trenirovok-ponedelnik В среду выполняйте exercises
for legs and shoulders (3 circles): squats, dumbbell bench sitting, 2 minutes
jumps with a rope, bending the legs, lifting dumbbells on the sides, 2
minutes of walking on an elliptical trainer, attacks, dumbbell lifts
forward, 2 minutes of jogging on a treadmill, deadlift with
dumbbells on one leg, dumbbell traction to the chin, 2 minutes
jumping rope.


В пятницу делайте exercises для бицепсов, трицепсов и брюшного
press (4 circles): standing up with dumbbells standing, 2 minutes of jumps
through the rope, extension of the arms on the upper block, ordinary
twisting, flexing the arms on the bottom block, 2 minutes walk on
elliptical trainer, extension of the dumbbell from behind the head,
cycling twists, 2 minutes jogging on a treadmill


Circular тренировка для похудения – видео для начинающих

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