Cineraria: planting and caring for beautiful grass(a photo). Pests and diseases of tender cineraria and methods of combatingby them

Пт, 27 май 2016 Автор: Дарья Головина

Cineraria is a genus of plants from the Compositae family, which
includes life forms such as herbaceous plants and
undersized shrubs.

Cineraria species have silver or bright green foliage and
amazingly beautiful flowers of all possible colors.

This plant is represented by biennials and perennials,
which are common both in the southern latitudes of Russia and in

Cineraria is used to decorate flowerbeds and borders in combination
with pelargonium, cannes and purple sage.

Some species can also be used in decorative pot plants.


Cineraria: planting, variety selection

According to the latest data of nerds, the genus Cineraria has more than
1300 species, and even more varieties. The most famous and
The following species and varieties adapted in Russia:

Цинерария кровавая – предназначена для
growing in pots. Plants of this species have a long
the growing season – and the flowers, like daisies, appear
by the fall. Stellata plants reach a height of 70 cm and have
star-shaped flowers. The variety Grandiflora is characterized especially
large inflorescences and plant height up to half a meter.

Цинерария приморская за свои причудливые
Silver leaves received the second name “Silver dust”. it
perennial plant that can be grown and as
annual Often found in bordering compositions. Seaside
Cineraria prefers light sandy soils and not particularly
Demanding on soil composition and moisture. Varieties are different
shrub height: Cirrus reaches 45 cm, and Silver Dust – only

Цинерария изящная в России выращивается как
annual The plant blooms in June and continues to please the eye
inflorescences of various colors to the most frost. Plants
varieties Ligulosus reach 60 cm in height, differ in various
colors. And Nanus cineraria is a dwarf plant
up to 25 cm

Cineraria can be grown from seedlings
, так как даже в южных регионах России высадка семя
directly to open ground rarely brings success. Best landing
Cineraria seeds to produce in early spring, in the month of March. Before
this should prepare the substrate: mix equal parts of peat and
sand. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, but they do not fall asleep.
need, but only slightly compacted into the ground, using
ruler or other object with a smooth surface. After sowing
sprinkle seeds with water from a spray bottle and cover
landing capacity polyethylene or glass.

From the moment of sowing until the appearance of the first shoots, 6-10 passes
days The container with the seedlings need to be put in a well-lit
place, do not forget to water them and periodically air. With
appearance of juvenile leaves (2-3 leaves), plants
transplanted into personal capacity for seedlings, as in the photo.

For this, cineraria is removed from the container along with a lump.
land, so as not to damage the fragile roots. At the end of the transplant you can
feed a little mineral complex for flowering plants.
Caring for seedlings includes watering and weed removal, occasionally
loosen the soil a little.

In April or May (depending on the region) when they end
spring frosts, cineraria seedlings should be transplanted into the open
priming. This plant does not impose special requirements on the soil, but
drainage does not hurt. With весенней перекопке в почву можно внести
some peat, sand and compost.

For planting cineraria, wells are dug out at a distance of 20-25 cm
from each other and poured a little water. Planted in these holes
seedlings along with the soil in which it grew (it is necessary for
savings plant root system). Further soil a little
compacted and watered abundantly. If suddenly there is a threat
night frosts, then seedlings planted in open ground
it is necessary to cover at night with a film.

Cineraria: care (photo)

Caring for cineraria primarily involves correct
watering. With недостатке влаги растения начинают слабеть и чахнуть, а
with excess, the root system begins to rot. Many species
Cineraria are quite drought-resistant, therefore in the years of moderate
wetting the plant enough precipitation. After abundant
rain and watering need to loosen the soil and remove weeds that
take away nutrients from the plant.

You also need to remove faded inflorescences, this will extend the period
flowering cineraria.

This plant does not need pruning of shoots.

In the south of Russia, where seaside cineraria is grown as
perennial plant propagated by cuttings. For this cut off
Shoots not less than 10 cm long, lower leaflets are removed. Cuttings
placed in a container containing a wet substrate, and covered
film. Most often, plants take root very quickly.

Cineraria: top dressing

Care for cineraria includes mandatory dressings.
Plants living on the poor need them soils
which can be fertilized using the infusion of mullein (ratio of 1:10).
It is also necessary to produce regular dressings with mineral and
organic matter. To develop a strong root system
plants need potassium, for leaf health – nitrogen, and for
the formation of lush inflorescences – phosphorus.

In the spring, starting with bookmarking flower buds, cineraria is needed
water with a solution of special fertilizers for flowering plants,
which are used according to the instructions. Such mineral
feeding is done every 2 weeks until the end of the period
flowering With использовании сухих комплексных добавок для подкормки
Cineraria take a quarter cup of fertilizer and evenly
it is distributed on 10 m2, after which the soil is slightly loosened and
watered. Complex fertilizers will ensure the formation of lush
bush and the extension of the flowering plants.

Cineraria: pests and diseases (photo)

Planting cineraria with proper care get sick quite rarely. But
still there are diseases and pests that can cause a flower garden
significant damage. Among the diseases sometimes occurs late blight
and other mycoses, and pests most often are spider mites,
aphid and whitefly.

Фитофтороз – это грибковая болезнь, чаще всего
affecting solanaceous plants. But иногда фитофтора поражает и
cineraria, therefore for prevention purposes it is not recommended to break
flower bed next to potato and tomato ridges.
Phytophthora is especially dangerous in years with high humidity. With этом
brown spots appear on the leaves of the cineraria;
develop – eventually the plant fades.

Control measures against late blight are very radical: when
symptoms of late blight should dig up the plants and burn them. After
removal of plants is necessary to treat the soil with a 3% solution of copper
sulphate and dig, then pour with phytosporin (1st.l / bucket
water / m2). Even on the cultivated soil is not recommended to plant
Cineraria for the next 2 years.

Паутинный клещ поражает огромное количество
plants, including cineraria. The first symptoms of a lesion
mite are lethargy of the leaves and the appearance on their lower side
white bloom.

Then the coloring of the sheet becomes mosaic, appear
discolored areas that expand to grab the entire sheet, in
in the end he dies off.

From the popular methods of dealing with spider mites can be used
an infusion of onion peel (200 g husks are poured with 10 liters of warm
water and infused during the day). Also in the same infusion can
add soap (100 g per 10 l). With care, not forgetting about
toxicity, industrial means should be used: Actellik,
“Neoron”, “Fitoverm”, etc.

Тля может поражать цинерарию и высасывать
vegetable juices. A plant affected by aphids starts falling behind in
development, its leaves turn yellow and wither, and appear on the back of a leaf
clusters of larvae and adult insects. Also aphid is dangerous because
it spreads fungal infections. They fight the same
methods as with spider mite.

White fly

Settling on the underside of the leaf, whitefly feed
vegetable juices and cause first the plant lethargy, then
leaf chlorosis. On the faeces of the whiteflies various fungi settle,
clogging the pores and interfering with the process of photosynthesis. As a result
the leaf dies and the plant stops developing.

To fight whiteflies, you need to brush off the leaves with a brush,
moistened with soapy water, eggs and larvae. Infusion of onion peel
may also be helpful. Finally, a radical method of struggle
is the use of insecticides. You can use spraying
drug “Aktara” at a dosage of 1 g per 1 liter of water.

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