Chlorophytum in the house: how to plant and growflower – indoor weed. All about the benefits of chlorophytum (photo)

Пт, 19 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Chlorophytum is classified as the most unpretentious and useful indoor.

Perennial herbaceous flower has a linear outlet
drooping leaves.

With good care, the plant will thank the owner of the baskets with

Growing chlorophytum is a pleasure, it’s not for nothing that
People call it “indoor weed”.

However, the universal love flower won not only simplicity in
care, but also its beneficial properties.

An adult plant can purify the air, destroy bacteria and
microbes. It is grown everywhere in institutions,
hospitals and businesses.

Thanks to all its qualities, chlorophytum deserves a special
attention and is a worthy contender for growing in
home conditions.


Growing chlorophytum: about everything related to planting
(a photo)

There are many kinds of this in indoor floriculture.
amazing flower, but some of them are especially fond
flower growers. Most often houses are grown motley types of chlorophytum:
The leaves of the plant have white stripes and fillets. Planting all varieties
the same. It is carried out by dividing an old bush or
rooting of young rosettes. Young plants take root quickly and
get under way in growth. The optimal time for planting a flower are
spring or summer days.

Selects a location for the plant.

Chlorophytum is designed to clean the room from
harmful compounds, so the best place for him would be the kitchen.
Almost all varieties of plants love the sun, but from the direct rays of their
should pritenyat. The flower feels great in the shade too, but
variegated species with such placement lose their decorative effect.
It is best to place a pot with chlorophytum on the east or
west window.

By providing chlorophytum enough light for growth and development,
plants will appreciate the magnificent view, juicy green leaves and
abundant flowering. If the flower does not have enough light, then this
can be seen in its appearance:

• the tips of the leaves turn yellow;

• slow growth;

• variegated leaves turn pale.

Chlorophytum pot size

The plant is distinguished by its rapid growth, after a while
after planting, chlorophytum turns into a gorgeous bush. Pot for
The landing should be spacious but shallow. Flower will be good
feel in low places. The material from which made
pot, is of great importance when planting chlorophytum. Clay
the containers will not fit, since the ground in them quickly dries out, which
harms the plant root system. Better to give preference
plastic or ceramic containers. It will look good
Chlorophytum in hanging pots or in a pot with palm trees. Material
the pot should be quite durable as the plant possesses
powerful root system and can split it.

What soil does a plant need?

Chlorophytum is undemanding to soils, grows well in
universal soil for indoor plants. Experienced Gardeners
prefer to prepare the substrate for planting a flower on their own.
To do this, mix in two parts of sheet humus, the earth with one
part of the sand. The main requirement for the soil for planting chlorophytum –
friability. Ready soil should pass water well, not allowing
its stagnation at horses, which is detrimental to the plant.

When to replant chlorophytum?

Young plants need frequent transplanting
several times a season. Planned transplant of an adult flower
held in the spring.

Conducting the procedure you need to carefully examine the roots of the plant,
remove all damaged and dry parts. Condition of the roots at the time
transplant prompts about the health of the plant.

• If there are bulges on the roots, this indicates
insufficient watering.

When placing a flower in a new spacious pot, it is necessary to prune
its roots are 1/3 the length. This procedure does not harm the plant, but
will allow him to settle down faster in a new place.

How to understand that it’s time to transplant

1. If the plant occupies the entire area of ​​the pot, greatly expanded
and it is clearly visible that he is cramped, then he needs to be transplanted.

2. If the roots are already visible in the holes for water flow, then
It is impossible to delay the transfer.

A new pot is selected in size larger than the previous one.
a few centimeters. Ideally, the flower root system should
located in it freely, to the bottom there is space in 4-5

Caring for chlorophytum: watering, feeding, temperature

Any plant feels good in comfortable conditions for
growth and development, chlorophytum is no exception. Create suitable
The conditions for the flower are simple.

Температурный mode для выращивания

Травянистое растение не прихотливо к температурному modeу, но в
winter in a cold room can get sick. Optimal
The temperature for keeping a flower in winter will be +18 degrees. AT
the summer period it is useful to take out a flower to fresh air, but
protect from the scorching sun. Room temperature for
cultivation should be within +25 degrees.

ATажно! The plant must not be exposed.
exposed to cold air and drafts. Therefore, in winter
need to carefully ventilate the room.

ATлажность воздуха

Chlorophytum likes high humidity. AT летний период
useful frequent spraying and warm shower. Winter frequency
spray reduced. If the flower pot is near
central heating, it is necessary to irrigate the plant in winter.

With insufficient humidity, chlorophytum often suffers and is lost.
decorative flower: the tips of the leaves dry up and die off.
To increase the humidity around the pot with a flower can be different
in ways. One of them is to place the container in a container with water and
expanded clay.

ATажно! It is necessary to spray a flower in the morning,
so that the sun’s rays do not burn the leaves.


Chlorophytum – moisture-loving plant. AT период активного роста, с
early spring and autumn, the flower needs frequent watering. WITH
the onset of the dormant period, the frequency of watering is reduced. but
you can not flood the plant, because it is fraught with putrid

For irrigation use distilled warm water. About insufficient
watering can be judged by the presence of seals on the roots, subsidence
leaves and dry earthy coma. When properly organized
modeе полива растение выглядит здоровым, хорошо растет и обильно

Top dressing chlorophytum

The flower is very responsive to fertilization. WITH весны до осени
It can be fed with complexes for flowering plants. Frequency
fertilizer application – 1-2 times per month. Overfed flower
�”Zhiruet” and ceases to bloom, and also becomes susceptible to various
diseases. ATносить удобрения нужно утром или вечером при поливе,
strictly observing the concentration of the solution. ATажно помнить, что молодые
plants need less feeding than old large ones

WITHовет! Prepare fertilizer for
Chlorophytum can be made from banana peel. For this peel from one
Banana insist in a liter of water during the day. Such a solution
suitable not only for feeding chlorophytum, but also for fertilizer
all indoor flowers.

Rest period

There is no pronounced rest period for the plant, but flower rest
still needed. As a rule, he is satisfied in the winter. AT этот
moment it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the content to cool
Chlorophytum laid new flower buds.

ATыращивать цветок без периода покоя нельзя, он быстро
exhausted, losing its attractiveness and requires replacement with a new
an instance.

ATыращивание хлорофитума: размножение (a photo)

Chlorophytum is propagated by daughter baskets, which
formed after flowering. WITHамое лучшее время для этого — весна.
For further cultivation choose the largest outlet, which
dropping in the ground. Alternatively, you can lower the outlet into the container
with water and wait until the roots appear, only then disembark.

ATзрослые экземпляры размножают делением куста при пересадке. Him
divided into separate plots and planted.

Flowering of chlorophytum continues throughout the entire period.
vegetation, so if there is no need to propagate a flower, then
excess sockets cut off. This technique will prolong flowering, plant
will regularly throw out new arrows.

The benefits of chlorophytum in the home

Besides the fact that chlorophytum purifies the air, it saturates it
with oxygen. ATзрослое растение уничтожает до 80% микробов и
moistens the room. ATрачи рекомендуют выращивать хлорофитум в
homes with increased dryness of air, where there are children prone to
частым заболеваниям ОРATИ.

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