Chicken Breast Diet

Chicken Breast Diet

  • 1 What is useful diet on chicken breast?
    • 1.1 Types of monodiets
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
    • 1.3 Recipes

There are many dietary diets: Dukan diet, seven
petals, therapeutic fasting. One of the most popular options
for weight loss are diets based on the use of one vegetable,
fruit or meat.

Chicken Breast Diet входит в их число. Thanks to this
The way you can not only lose weight, but also improve health
and learn how to cook a lot of tasty and healthy recipes.


What is useful diet on chicken breast?

Курица, в отличии от других видов мяса, считается
диетическим продуктом
. Doctors nutritionists strongly her
It is recommended to use not only in the period of weight loss, but also when
normal nutritional conditions.

Using chicken breast for a diet is very convenient. Insofar as
ее можно легко и быстро приготовить, в Интернете
There are many recipes for how to make it healthy and tasty.

A diet on chicken breast will allow anyone losing weight not to break
и скинуть заветные лишние кг. Menu based on
chicken combines a healthy protein that nourishes the body on
for a long time.

Польза куриной грудки от использования для
Slimming and cooking is as follows:

  1. Meat, compared to other species, is inexpensive. Each
    losing weight can buy in the store chicken parts.
  2. Chicken meat, if properly consumed and cooked, is easy
    absorbed in the body carries healthy protein and nutritious
    components that normalize metabolism and metabolism
  3. Any part of lean meat: fillet, leg, thigh strengthen muscles
    body, increase immunity and reduce the risk of heart attack,
    stroke and hypertension.
  4. Chicken is combined with many vegetables and cereals. Based
    recipes using chicken meat can be cooked many
    dishes. The chicken breast diet menu will be nutritious, light,
    effective and diverse.
  5. If properly carry out the preparation and use
    белкового продукта, за десять дней можно похудеть на 5
  6. Reduces the feeling of hunger.

If losing weight stopped on a chicken diet, it will be every day
simultaneously feel lightness and saturation.

Due to the use and preparation of lean meat rises
mood and strengthens the immune system. Results if
to prepare the product correctly, a person will be pleased in a week
compliance with the diet.

Varieties of monodiets

Chicken is a wholesome protein product that can be combined with
many vegetables, cereals and dairy products.

Effective chicken breast diets for

  • Hen and vegetables.
  • Fillet of lean meat and rice.
  • Meat and kefir.
  • Protein product and buckwheat.

Если использовать для похудения рацион: куриное мясо и
, нужно придерживаться графика:

The chicken-vegetable diet lasts 21 days:

  1. For breakfast you need to cook 200 grams of boiled meat.
  2. During the day, you can cook stews or on
    a couple of vegetables – 400 grams, cook 200 grams of any cereal.
  3. Be sure to include in the menu unsweetened fruit.
  4. За 21 день можно похудеть от 5 до kg

For rice lovers, a diet may come to taste
которой рассчитано на три дня

Power mode includes:

  1. Breakfast: rice, apple and unsweetened tea.
  2. Lunch: 200 grams of chicken breast and 200 grams of rice and vegetables per
    a couple.
  3. Dinner: vegetables and 200 grams of chicken meat. Vegetables can be baked in
    the oven.

If you eat this menu for three days, you can not only
сбросить лишний вес, но и наладить обменные processes.

For снижения небольшого веса в качестве разгрузочных
days you can use a breast-based diet and

  1. The weight loss regime is designed for two days.
  2. The dietary menu includes: drink 1.5 l every day.
    kefir, eat 200 grams of chicken.
  3. Make snacks vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cucumber,
    tomato, pepper.
  4. Осуществить похудение можно на 2 kg

Which option is not to choose – proper cooking lean
White meat will help get rid of fat, harmful substances and toxins.
The result will be more effective if you make a menu based on vegetables
и фруктов, которые приготовлены на пару, в мультиварке или
the oven.

Menu for the week

To lose weight, you can eat lean chicken for a week
meat with vegetables, cereals, fruits and weight loss
swiftly and effortlessly.

Menu for the week для диеты на куриной грудке:


During the day, eat 500 grams of meat, 400 grams of rice. Of drinks
можно выпить стакан сока и на ночь чашку kefir.


Prepare 700 grams of lean breast and 500 grams of pineapples. AT
Fruit contains a substance that can break down fats. For
уменьшения кислотности на ночь нужно выпить стакан kefir.


Make cooking 500 grams of broth. During the day
consume 200 grams of cabbage, carrots and four apples. Can eat
products separately, and you can make a delicious salad from them.

Thursday and Friday.

The menu is based on the power mode of the third day. The main thing is not
forget about drinking at least 1.5 liters of water.


Over the course of the day, eat 800 grams of chicken and leafy salad with
lemon dressing juice. AT качестве напитка пить зеленый чай
or juice.


To lose weight, you can select a menu from past days. The main thing is not
forget about drinking plenty of water.

If you follow all the rules of the diet, you can in seven days
похудеть на 5-6 kg


AT куриной грудке содержится полезный для организма
Chicken is considered a dietary product, so for
slimming preparation and use of the ingredient – optimal

Despite the reduced list of products that can be
diet food, it is important to be able to carry out the preparation
dietary meals right and tasty.

Prepare chicken breast for a tasty diet can
in the following way:

Bake in the oven:

  1. For рецепта понадобится: грудинка, шесть яиц, соль, перец,
  2. Boil the meat and three eggs.
  3. Finely chop the protein product, herbs and eggs.
  4. ATзбить оставшиеся яйца венчиком, посолить и поперчить.
  5. ATлить яичную смесь к курице, хорошо перемешать.
  6. ATылить мясное блюдо в форму для запекания.
  7. Cooking a recipe at 220 degrees for 20 minutes.

For того, чтобы курочка была нежной, сочной и вкусной,
используйте следующий рецепт:

  1. ATзять 2 литра воды, мясо, соль, специи, лимонный сок.
  2. Bring water to a boil, add salt and spices to it.
  3. Wait until it cools and splash the juice from the lemon.
  4. The resulting solution pour the protein product and wait 5-6
  5. Next, chicken breast can be cooked in any way. She is due
    lemon will be soft, and thanks to the salt moisture will remain inside.

You can cook steam patties:

  1. For этого понадобится: мясо, яичный белок, соль, специи, лук,
  2. ATзбить ингредиенты: грудинку, соль, специи, укроп и лук в
  3. Add to the minced egg white, mix well.
  4. Blind the cutlets and steam for about 30 minutes.

Whatever recipe and cooking option you choose, dietary
the product will not only make it possible to lose weight, but also saturate, increase
indicators of the body for the better.

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