Cherry dries: what to do, how to save? The reasonsdrying leaves and branches of cherry: to help the dying stone fruita tree

Пн, 13 июн 2016 Автор: Владислав Копан

The spring garden, fragrant with sweet aroma and in white and pink
Cherry blossom froth is a symbol of estate life.

Sweet and aromatic liqueur, sweet and sour jam – that’s all
It was billets zealous owners.

In Slavic mythology there was even such a god of cherry trees –
Kernis. Oddly enough, but the first view, known since
Herodotus, there was a sweet cherry.

That cherry in the traditional view, came to Rome from Malaya
Asia in about 100 years BC

Since the 18th century, it is the cherry that is identified with the national fruit
tree of Russia.


Features of the cultivation of cherries in different climatic

Although this fruit tree is unpretentious in different
conditions, has the ability to regenerate quickly and is different
frost resistance, however, is also subject to different
diseases and pests that cause branches to dry

There are more than 150 varieties of cherry trees. This sort
abundance allows you to choose exactly the sort that
characteristics best suited to climatic conditions
region and, accordingly, the ripening time will be different. But
you should know that the harvest was abundant, you need to plant a couple
cherry trees, one of which will be a pollinator. Great with this
ролью справятся сорта «Малышка», «Любская», «Butчка»,

Why cherries dry up?

There is no definite answer to this question, because the reasons can
be set. Sometimes drying begins at the moment of flowering, but
painful signs closer to the middle of summer are most often seen,
when a treetop or its individual twigs shed their leaves and
begin to shrink. As a rule, such a process is very rapid,
which subsequently leads to the drying of the whole tree. therefore
careful attention to the garden and timely prevention, while
treatment is the best way to harvest and
enjoy the fragrant berries.

Dries blame: make a diagnosis

Unfortunately, cherries, like all stone fruit trees,
has a whole range of different “ailments” that cause it
drying out There are several types into which they can be divided:

– flexible

– pests

– other.

In a separate category should include such a process as
root heating. Then the whole cherry dries immediately. Usually,
This results from the improper planting of a seedling:

– deep landing

– frequent watering

– making a large amount of organic fertilizer (manure
or a thick layer of compost).

Save the cherry seedling is impossible. Need to stick to simple
rules when planting cherry trees.

With such an unsuccessful landing, noticing the very first signs
podprivaniya, immediately you need to dig a beard along and thus
make watering.

Get rid of fungal diseases

The first signs of the disease become apparent when cherry
dries after flowering.

Клястероспориоз или пятнистость дырчатая
caused by fungus hibernating in damaged areas, including the kidneys and


  • leafy and flower buds turn black and fall off

  • light brown spots on the leaves, followed by formation

  • with the defeat of the spine, the sheet falls, exposing the branches

  • spread to the whole tree crown

  • the fruits themselves expire juice and lose their roundness (depressed

  • fruits stop developing and dry out at the site of damage

Preventive measures:

  • regular cleaning of dry and broken branches

  • treatment of damages with garden bar

  • before blooming the whole tree is treated with 1% copper solution
    vitriol (100 grams per 10 liters of water)

Treatment methods:

  • immediate trimming of affected parts

  • Copper Oxide Treatment

  • Spray 3% Bordeaux mixture after completing the process.
    flowering and 1% solution to process before flowering

Коккомикоз— это грибок, живущий в опавшей листве и
shoots that actively disseminates countless disputes after
flowering, and cherry dries


  • red dots on cherry leaves

  • the reverse side of the leaf is covered with a pinkish tinge

  • with the progression of the disease become yellow, and after brown

  • premature drying and leaf fall

  • deformation and termination of the ripening process of berries

Preventive measures:

  • regular cleaning and burning of fallen leaves

  • cutting dry and broken branches

  • timely cleaning of rotten berries

  • autumn and spring soil digging around the tree

Treatment methods:

  • at the time of flowering treatment with copper sulfate (350
    grams per 10 liters of water)

  • 1 month after flowering and after removing the berries as
    crop, treat with Chorus at the rate of 1 gram per 5 liters

  • treat ua root part of the soil with urea (40 grams per 1 liter

Monilioz, gray rot or moniliozny
вызывается fungus, который живет в опавших листьях и
fruits and most active at the time of flowering cherry



  • бурые shoots и листья

  • in the active phase of the disease appear gray-green growths on

  • gray “warts” on the fruit

  • berry rotting

  • affected branches cause complete destruction of the tree

Preventive measures:

  • cutting dry branches

  • burning of fallen leaves

  • timely treatment of harmful bugs

  • active harvesting of rotten cherries throughout the entire period

  • when harvesting, removing damaged berries, to healthy
    cherries do not touch and collect separately

Treatment methods:

  • before the beginning of the flowering period actively spray

– drug “Nitrafen”

– inkstone

– copper sulphate

– 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture

  • after flowering spray fungicidal drug “Phthalan”

  • cut of damaged branches with gripping up to 10 cm not affected
    fungus части

Атракноз или горькую гниль вызывает грибок,
which activity increases in wet windy weather,
causing the cherry to dry


  • black rot on fruits

  • some of the affected fruit is showered or berries are dry in dry weather
    dry out and stay on the tree

  • leaves are first covered with rust stains, turn yellow and
    fall fast

– preventive measures:

  • autumn and spring whitewashing trunks of lime milk (1 kg per
    10 литров water)

  • подкорма сернистым калием (1 ст.л на 3 литра water)

  • garden bar damage treatment

  • regular pruning of withered branches

  • picking damaged berries

Treatment methods:

  • обработка средством «Полирам» (10 грамма на 5 литров water)
    three times: at the beginning and 2 times after flowering with 15 days
    by the gap

  • copper sulfate is applied in a proportion of 50 grams per 10 liters

  • destruction of moths and moths

  • spring treatment with 1% bordeaux mixture

Ложный трутовик — это грибковое заболевание,
which provokes the white rot of the inner part of the tree


  • black streaks in wood

  • brittle branches even with slight gusts of wind

  • soft and light wood at the cut point

  • perennial flat growth

  • гриб крупный сизо-желтого colors с мелкими прожилками

  • located at the bottom of the tree in places of cracking

Preventive measures:

  • regular treatment with lime milk

  • spring organic dressing

  • lubrication of damaged areas with copper sulphate (3% solution) or
    garden pitch

Treatment methods:

  • slice of mushrooms in July until the spores mature

  • a tree that is too damaged cannot be saved
    root out and be sure to burn.

Pest control

В течение всего периода fruiting приходиться постоянно
Fight various harmful bugs. Pest damage leads
the fact that the branches of cherries dry up, the berries become unsuitable for
use, and the foliage is all eaten and falls, causing new trouble
– fungal spores.

Cherry Shot Moth


  • in summer – a small butterfly of a light brown color postpones
    eggs near the kidneys and in the cracks of the bark

  • in spring – a light green caterpillar (size 0.5 cm), eating
    young foliage and flowers

  • leads to drying out of young shoots

Prevention and destruction measures:

  • Spring treatment with the preparation “Iskra” (1 tablet per 10 liters

  • after flowering, apply spraying “Kinmiks” (5 ml per bucket

Cherry aphid


  • lays eggs for the winter around the kidneys

  • the larvae appear immediately when the first foliage blooms

  • eats cherry leaf juice

  • the leaves look coiled

  • fast drying

Prevention and destruction measures:

  • similar drugs, as in the destruction of escape

Slimy sawfly


  • black insect (5 mm) has wings with membranes and pupae
    grows by July

  • dark mucus larvae that the female lays on the back
    side sheet

  • the larvae devour the soft tissue of the leaves, leaving only a “skeleton” of

Prevention and destruction measures:

  • regular cultivation of soil around the tree

  • the use of special preparations “Iskra” (type M and DE),

Other troubles

Thinking or hommoses most often attack precisely the felt one.
sort of cherry and its branches wither. The most common cause is excessive
watering or active soil fertilizer


  • потеки смолы (камеди) янтарного colors на стволе, ветках, ягодах
    and ground damage to the bark of the cherry tree

  • stopping the growth and development of cherries, followed by its drying out

Preventive measures:

  • processing of pristvolny circles with organic matter, but moderately
    use nitrogen fertilizers

  • whitewashing the stem and skeletal branches

  • своевременная обрезка и обработка garden pitch

  • add lime to sour soil

Treatment methods:

  • cut off the damaged area

  • lubricate the cut point

– garden pitch

– sorrel juice

– petralatum

– 1% copper sulphate

  • too cut branches cut off completely.

As with any living organisms, diseases of the cherry trees
it is always easier to warn by resorting to prophylactic methods than
to heal. If it is right to take care of the cherry, then it is about 30
years will enjoy a bountiful harvest and the beauty of spring

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