Charms made of beads – exclusive with their own hands!Photos, charts and ideas of beaded key fobs

Ср, 03 авг 2016 Автор: Мария Лиманская

Beads – truly unique material for creativity. Out of him
You can make a simple little bauble and amazing items
interior. And if you go to the creation of beaded crafts with a soul, yes
still make a little imagination – you can create an exclusive, which
It will please the eye and warm the soul. And you can decorate not only
yourself, but also your favorite phone, keys, handbag.

So, it will be about charms. Understandably, you can simply
buy … But the purchased items will not be unique, no matter how much
were worth. This is the secret of the popularity of hand-made accessories.
Handmade beaded charms will cost a penny, and
Joys will bring much more than factory stamping.


How to make an orange keychain with beads

The master class presented below is quite simple, and detailed
descriptions and photos will help to cope with this task even beginner
craftswoman. So, the first step is to prepare necessary for work.

What is required for weaving a key fob?

• Beads of dark orange, white and light orange colors

• Monofilament (this is something between normal threads and the thinnest
fishing line; You can buy in handicraft stores)

• Beaded needle (very, very thin, so that it can easily jump
through the ear bead; also sold in needle shops)

• Cotton pads or cotton wool as a “filler” for
key fob

• Small metal ring and drawstring (worth
search in hardware stores)

Теперь можно приступать к созданию key fob из бисера своими
by hands.

The scheme of weaving the first three rows

Cut about a meter of monofilament, strung six white on it
beads. Skip the needle with the thread threaded into it in the first of
strung beads in the course of weaving so that it turned out

Then comes the turn of the light orange beads. Second row
woven like this: strung one bead, thread the needle into the second white
bead in the “ring”, strung another orange, thread the needle in
the third bead of the “ring” – and so on. This series should consist of
seven beads.

In the third row will again be white beads. They should weave
between light orange according to the scheme of the second row.

The scheme of weaving all the other rows

On the fourth row, the number of beads increases: instead of seven
becomes fourteen. The pattern of weaving remains the same as in
second and third rows, but the beads need to braid two pieces
right away

In the next lane white and orange beads alternate.
They are woven again one by one according to this principle: orange
join about orange and whites respectively need
drag over white.

In the next row, the principle of blending beads along
one. Only orange beads are used. Attach them
It should be strictly over the same color schemes.

Further, the row is woven in the following way: white beads are woven
over white one by one, and orange over orange pair.

The next four bands are woven in the same way as the previous three.
things. Next, a pair of rows of white beads without increments and gaps.

After that, dark orange beads come into play. First dark
the row must be woven, making additives on every third bead, that is
according to the scheme 1 – 1 – 2. The next two bands are made without additives. AT
The result should be something like this.

The final row should be braided only on one side,
before weaving folded orange slice in half. When is the last
a number of gossip, should be cut cotton pad to the size of a little
smaller product and put it inside the lobules.

The edges of the canvas need to sew a brick stitch. The final touch is
attach a loop. Her place is in that corner of the lobule where it ended.
weaving. ATажно: прежде чем закреплять петельку, в нее следует
thread the prepared fittings, that is, the ring and the ribbon that
will help to attach a key chain to the phone or purse.

ATот и все по вопросу «как сделать брелок апельсиновая долька из
do-it-yourself beads. ” The product is ready, you can attach it, where
soul wish – and enjoy a unique accessory.

This kind of charms can be not only “orange”, but
and slices of other fruits. To get, for example, a slice of apple
or watermelon, just change the picture – the scheme remains the same

How to make simple charms of beads with your own hands


The simplest charms of beads that can be easily and quickly
do it yourself, run cross or honeycomb
weaving. For example, consider the scheme of creating a fun
striped bee.

ATыглядит она так:

ATыполнять изделие нужно, двигаясь по схеме снизу вверх.

AT начальном ряду бисеринка всего одна. It needs to be passed through
special wire (available at handicraft stores) and
place in the middle. After that, thread the wire again in
other direction.

Next, strung on the wire another bead so that both
the end passed through it towards each other. In the same way
all subsequent strung rows.

From the third to the sixth row you need to weave a pattern, not forgetting
follow the perfect tension of the thread or wire to the product
did not sag and did not hunch.

On the seventh row are bee wings. This is done like this:
eight black beads are strung on each end of the wire, and
a ring is made of them (the wire is passed through first

Further weaving proceeds according to the scheme. Having finished the product, very
it is important to securely and quietly fasten the ends of the working threads or
wire. And keychain made of beads, made with your own hands,

This kind of scheme is uniquely simple. They are great for
того, чтобы заинтересовать бисероweaving. ATедь закончив «пчелку»,
You can create many more funny figures using similar schemes.

And let the first handmade beaded charms be
slightly crooked, and sometimes with errors – this is not too important.
Because skill in any business comes with experience. And if
A beginner really wants to, bead can create
unique things.

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