Charms and rituals from theft and loss of handbags

Charms and rituals from theft and loss of handbags

Women’s handbag is a whole world with its own
precious items. There are keys to the apartment and
car, wallet, bank card, driver’s license, passport
– But you never know what else. In addition, the bag itself is not cheap thing.
Absolutely do not want overnight all this
to lose.


Power female handbags

Women’s handbag – it can be said, a high-risk zone.
All sideways glances, reproaches, reproaches that people send to you by
for some reason, it is often concentrated on this thing. we
regularly wash our body with water in the process of making hygienic
procedures. In addition, our field protects us from negative
impact. Clothes, we also regularly change and wash. But
Our purse is usually one, and it is present with us all the time.
Therefore, the concentration of negative influences on this thing can
have a negative impact on ourselves. But it is not yet
everything. Energy values, which are filled with bag, literally
attracts to itself all sorts of hunters for someone else’s good. And this
the rule applies to briefcases, cases, suitcases, in a word, everything
those items with which we used to wear our

Many believe that thieves and pickpockets in appearance
handbags are able to determine their future catch.

On the one hand, this is true. But the real ones
intuitive professionals read the size of their
of the intended prey, not by the appearance of the object, but by
energy, which comes from him. Sometimes inside externally
A clumsy item is stored a large number of values. AND
A professional in this field is able to calculate this.


ANDз соли Можно ли защитить имущество от
outsiders and adverse circumstances? Of course.
It is only necessary to use simple magic in ordinary life.
manipulations. For the bag you can make an amulet amulet and make
he has a good charge For example, the amulet of salt. Protective properties
common table salt has been known for a long time. Our ancestors used
this mineral to protect yourself and your home from evil. The fact,
that the salt has a crystalline structure, and the crystals can
to hold information of any kind. They absorb
negative and spread positive information. Rite of passage
on the growing moon. Take a large salt, read the prayer “Our Father”,
then take three coins, put into this salt and pour everything into
red pouch. When you recorded all the information on the salt
like, put the bag under the pillow at night. After that, wear
him in her purse or suitcase.

Salt will drive away all bad, and money and red
The bag will attract good luck and prosperity.

But remember that the amulet cannot be shown and told to anyone about
him If the protective bag is lost, this is no reason to be upset.
This means that the salt has taken away the negative energy that someone
sent to you. And if the salt crumbled, let it flow into
water, for example, in the sewer.

Травяной оберег С древних времен очень
herbal talisman is also considered effective. We must take the wormwood,
which drives away evil spirits, and St. John’s wort, which beats any villain
or a thief. It is necessary to pass the twigs of these two plants through
engagement ring, read the prayer “May God rise again …”, after
Why put them in a bag. The rope, which will tie
the bag, too, we pass through the ring, we read the said prayer and
tying. You need to tie two knots with the words “no enemies” and “no
poverty. ” Charm is ready.

Личный оберег Между прочим, оберегом может
to serve not only a specially plotted object, such as salt
or grass. In the role of an amulet can perform any thing that served
several generations of your family. After all, it is charged with energy
your kind. A thing can be any, but it should belong
a relative who was rich, happy, cheerful. This
the thing will bring you good luck and prosperity, since this person himself
was prosperous. But never carry the amulet thing,
owned by a poor and unhappy person. Because energy
poverty can touch you.

To no one attempted on your handbag, experts on
Feng Shui is recommended to choose the desired color.

A favorable combination of colors will enhance your
energy. All of this is calculated from your date of birth to
identify your element.

In addition, regularly do a general cleaning in your
a purse, after all small garbage, scraps of paper, broken hairpins,
torn checks like a magnet attract harmful vibrations to you.

If we are talking about theft and loss of things, it is recommended
buy a key chain to the keys in the form of a rhinoceros. This is a very strong guard.

AND помните: выбирая в магазине новую сумку, портфель
or a suitcase, listen to the inner voice. Then this
The accessory itself will become your personal amulet. AND пусть ваша
the bag will be a real safe for all that is precious to your

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