Chamomile – medicinal properties and application inmedicine

Sun, 17 Jul 2016


Chamomile – General Description

Ромашка — однолетнее травянистое растение
family Astrov, can reach a height of 40 cm. Stalk
the plants are branched, the leaves are green, strongly dissected. Blooms
Chamomile from May to August. Chamomile inflorescences are solitary
baskets, which are located on the ends of the branches.

The basket includes white reed edge flowers and
median tubular, having a yellow color. The fruits of the daisy are very
small. Twenty thousand fruits of chamomile weigh only 1 gram. Plant
has a strong odor. In addition to medical (pharmacy) chamomile there
and other varieties of this genus without medicinal
application. It is the smell that distinguishes the medicinal variety.

The composition of chamomile includes many active substances, for this
due to the detected photoprotective function, it
widely used in cosmetology, in the perfume industry.
On its basis, make creams, lotions, shampoos and balms. Special
Chamomile is widely used in the manufacture of products,
intended for children. Chamomile is also used for hair coloring.
Blonde hair when using chamomile get golden

In the food industry, chamomile is used to impart
special aroma alcoholic beverages. For example, sherry. Dry
chamomile can be used as a part of forage going to feed
cows. The flowers of the plant are used for yellow staining.
wool. Chamomile is used as an insecticide against
medium-sized caterpillars and ground fleas.

Chamomile – types and places of growth

There are medicinal and ornamental varieties of chamomile. TO
medicinal chamomile, in addition to the pharmacy, applies without a tongue
chamomile. The camomile pharmaceutical was widely adopted in
North America and Eurasia. You can often find chamomile,
growing in meadows, open meadows, between crops and at roads.
However, chamomile is cultivated on the plantations. It is grown exactly
as a medicinal plant.

Chamomile – medicinal properties

В народной medicine ромашка используется для лечения колита,
gastritis, stomach ulcers, dysentery, liver diseases, urinary
bladder, nervous system and kidneys. It is used for colds and
malaria, scrofula and insomnia, as well as for diseases of different
origin, a symptom of which is a fever.
Chamomile is used externally. It relieves mucositis
shells. Used to relieve spasms in children
area of ​​the stomach or intestines. Gives a positive effect on
treating gout, ulcers and boils.

Chamomile – dosage forms

At the very beginning of flowering, when the chamomile has never become taller
conic, and the “petals” are arranged horizontally, should
start collecting flower baskets. They need to be cut or plucked.
almost at the base. The limiting length of the left peduncle is not
should exceed 1 cm.

The collection must be timed to good, sunny weather,
as the raw material is wet from rain or dew, it changes its color
and loses beneficial properties. Dry chamomile should be where
the room is well ventilated. Better use a dryer.
The temperature for drying the raw material is 30-40 ° C. At the end of the process
receptacle must be firm and the flowers are well separable from

If the raw material is harvested for the preparation of baths, you can
use the entire aboveground part of the plant. In this case, dry
follows hanging the grass in bunches. Raw materials are stored no more than a year.

Pharmaceutical chamomile flowers are used as infusions, decoctions,

Chamomile – Recipes

Chamomile can make a wonderful lotion that
will prevent the appearance of wrinkles. You need to take three pieces of chamomile,
two parts peppermint, one part rosemary. Add two parts
salicylic acid. Mix the mixture with a liter of white dry wine and
leave to infuse for two weeks. Strained lotion should
wipe your face daily for the night. Duration of the procedure – 15

Chamomile baths are good for gout, rheumatism, eczema
and scrofula in children. For baths use chamomile grass, dosing it
at the rate of from 50 to 200 grams on a bucket of boiling water. Duration
procedures should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

A good night’s sleep will provide chamomile tea. For this
It is necessary to brew a teaspoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water.

With toothache, irritability, gastritis, colitis,
cramps, inflammation of the liver, migraines and flatulence will help
chamomile infusion. For its preparation 2 tablespoons of flowers
must be put in a thermos and steam 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink
The infusion is recommended three times a day before meals a glass.

Chamomile is used externally for joint pain and bruises.
You need 2-3 tbsp. l dry flowers brew boiling water to
conditions of viscous slurry. It should be applied to a clean cloth until
not cold. Such a compress is imposed on the sore spot.

Chamomile – contraindications

Excess doses of used essential oil can cause
headache. Excess dosage of other drugs on basis
chamomile can provoke and bouts of anger, increased
irritability. You can not use chamomile anacid patients
gastritis, and also prone to diarrhea. Chamomile may be
individually intolerable.


Elena 05/06/2016 And I was surprised that you can use chamomile
in the fight against caterpillars. That year, they just beat us, and
do not want to use a variety of chemicals. This year,
I will definitely try this method of struggle. The main thing – for plants
safely. Natasha 06/05/2016 I learned a lot about the new medical
свойствах chamomile. Previously, she used it to wipe the skin of a child.
All diaper rash, irritation, redness immediately go. And just
wipe for prevention, no side effects, from
it definitely won’t be. Anika 06.05.2016 For me, chamomile, this
perfume means. I and cream, and lotions, and shampoos, buy
with chamomile. I have sensitive skin, just that – right away
inflammation, and chamomile, perfectly removes it, soothes
irritations. For me, in this regard, it is not replaceable. Sasha
05/06/2016 I really did not know that chamomile is added to sherry … For
me, chamomile in the first place, the treatment of kidney disease. She is
generally soothes, and even painful sensations pass. AND
heals, of course. Yes, and some wound can be washed with chamomile.
ANDрина 06.05.2016 Мне было интересно почитать про лечебные свойства
chamomile. Simply, since childhood I hear that it has healing properties,
but which ones I did not know. Well, I did not have her
to enjoy. Thanks for the info, she is sure
will come in handy.

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