Cervical osteochondrosis symptoms and treatment inhome conditions. How to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home toquickly remove symptoms

Вт, 15 мар 2016 Автор: фитотерапевт Анастасия

Cervical osteochondrosis is widespread
a disease that affects about 80% of people around the world
in a certain period of life.

The incidence of cervical osteochondrosis is increasing.

Disease progression can lead to generalized form
osteochondrosis, that is, affect the entire spine, but more often it
remains localized in one area (cervical, thoracic or
lumbar spine).

Cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment at home
every patient should know to prevent a disease from developing,
lead to complete immobilization than permanently spoil
a life.


Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms

In order to understand the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, it is helpful
know a little about the anatomy of the neck. The spine in the neck
passes one of the largest vertebral blood vessels
artery through which oxygen and vital nutrients
come to all parts of the brain.

Osteochondrosis is caused by deformations of intervertebral discs and cartilage.
with a concomitant reaction in the body of the vertebra. With this disease
degenerative changes occur in the disk, its height decreases and
the physiological functions of the disks are lost. The result is
instability and changes in vertebral joints. As
progression of the disease, the reaction occurs in the end plate
of the vertebral body, the spine becomes curved, causing a narrowing in
spinal canal.

In most cases, at first, cervical osteochondrosis does not cause
no symptoms. With the development of the disease space for spinal
brain, nerve roots and vertebral artery narrows. When these
sensitive elements are compressed, only then begin to develop
symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

• pain and stiffness in the neck;

• regular dull, squeezing headache, worse
when moving, and not passing from analgesics;

• numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or legs;

• incoordination;

• dizziness;

• ringing and tinnitus;

• memory loss;

• emotional change;

• impaired control of the bowel or bladder.

Cervical osteochondrosis: diagnosis of possible diseases in
home conditions

Back pain can occur for a variety of reasons, cervical
osteochondrosis is just one of them. In some cases, pain in the spinal
areas associated with:

• muscle overload;

• forced posture;

• hypothermia;

• compression of the nerve root (radiculopathy);

• spinal stenosis;

• oncopathology and benign tumors;

• diseases of the internal organs (heart, liver, stomach, or

• joint pathology;

• fracture of the vertebrae;

• infections.

The difference in osteochondrosis is that pain is more common.
appear in the right half of the chest, above the shoulder and in the right
arm, and the pain itself has multiple, acute and short
character or prolonged bouts of dull pain that do not disappear
after taking NSAIDs and analgesics.

Since the treatment of the above conditions can drastically
be different, diagnose cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment
в home conditions лучше доверить врачу.

Шейный остеохондроз: лечение в home conditions: лечение
(drugs and folk remedies)

Therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms. Purpose of treatment
is pain relief and maximum natural preservation
spinal movements, preventing permanent spinal injuries
brain and nerves.


In case of cervical osteochondrosis, depending on the cause and form
diseases, doctors recommend:

• nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – ibuprofen,
naproxen sodium (Anaprox) reduce pain and relieve inflammation;

• corticosteroids – prednisone helps relieve pain;

• muscle relaxants – cyclobenzaprin (Amrix, Fexmid) and methocarbamol
(Robaxin) relieve muscle spasms in the neck;

• anticonvulsants – gabapentin (Neurontin) and
pregabalin (Lyrica) is sometimes prescribed to dull the pain due to
damaged nerves;

• antidepressants;

• ointment – a distracting and warming action (“Fastum-gel”,
�”Espol”, “Kapsikam”, “Finalgon”), anti-inflammatory (“Nurofen”,
�“Voltaren Emulgel”, “Ibuprofen”) and combined (“Fitobene”,


A physical therapist teaches patients the exercises that
promote stretching and strengthening the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Exercises
stretching, including using counterweights, expand
space inside the spine and release the nerve

Regular exercise and maintaining activity accelerates
recovery process.

Массаж при шейном остеохондрозе в home conditions

Even in severe cases where the patient is unable to perform
physiotherapy alone, helps soft
massage. It can be performed at home, and it gives a real effect.

Massage mat, whisk, chair, rolling pin, bamboo whisk and
tape for self-massage – all these tools use if
the patient has cervical osteochondrosis, all the symptoms and treatment at home
conditions for massage.

The basic principles of massage for neck

• light impact, no need to apply force;

• direction of movement from the spinal column;

• smooth and soft movements;

• Massage only with the fingers.

Some use jars for massage, considering that
way improves blood circulation. Skin before the procedure
necessarily lubricated with massage oil or petroleum jelly, and after
fixing banks to the skin should take no more than seven minutes.

Masseurs from antiquity use honey for their procedures.
The approximate principle is this: warm the neck with a heating pad for 15 minutes, after which
put a tablespoon of honey and gently knead the neck and shoulders until
hands will not stick to the body. The honey should turn white, and the skin will become
slightly sick The neck heated in this way is covered with a film and
wrap a woolen scarf. Honey wash off only in the morning.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Definitely you can not write off the funds of the people – cervical
osteochondrosis with its symptoms can be treated at home
conditions with essential oils, herbs, fats, roots and poisons. Their
combine with alcohols, iodine and turpentine, and get pretty
effective anti-inflammatory and warming agents for
use both externally and inward.

Phytotreatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Средство с сельдереем. Celery root
Grate on the smallest grater, squeeze the juice. Take celery juice
при шейном остеохондрозе, симптомах и лечении в home conditions
three times a day in a tablespoon before meals.

Less concentrated drug option – by 1 tablespoon
juice 100 ml boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and take a solution by
tablespoon an hour before meals 4 times a day.

You can also use the root itself instead of juice – pour 3
grams of root 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist a couple of hours to complete
cooling and drink 20 ml before each meal.

Средство с лавровым листом. In enamel
saucepan pour 12 grams of bay leaf 300 ml of cold water,
boil for five minutes. Let it stand for three hours,
strain. Throughout the day between meals to drink infusion
in small sips. The rest to drink before bedtime. Reception funds
continue for four days, take a break for a week and repeat the course. For
prevention to repeat the course every spring.

Фитосбор от шейного остеохондроза. Grind and
mix 100 grams of chamomile, parsley, hops and oregano, add
100 grams of nettle leaf and 200 grams of burdock root. Brew in
thermos, Bay 1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for three days. Drink
filtered solution in a tablespoon twice a day – in the morning and
in the evening. Store in a cool dark place.


Средство на основе красного перца. Finely
chop two hot red peppers, sprinkle them in tight
closing container and pour 200 ml of vegetable oil. Close
tight non-metallic lid. Leave in a dark warm place on
five days. Rub into the affected area twice with soft movements.
in a day. It’s not necessary to take a lot of money at once, as it can
burn. The effect of the means warming, improves

На основе сливочного масла. Egg mix with
tablespoon of vinegar, add a tablespoon of flour and 100 grams
softened butter. Leave the product for a couple of days in a dark place.
remove the film formed on the surface of the mixture and rub it into the skin
in the area of ​​cervical osteochondrosis during a massage. Keep ready mix
no longer than 3 days.


Have proven themselves as compresses burdock leaves and
horseradish Their ошпаривают кипятком, накладывают на поврежденной место и
hold for several hours, wrapped in cotton cloth. Repeat
every day 10 times. Repeat 2-4 times a year.

Cervical osteochondrosis: is the treatment effective at home?

The effect of complex treatment of osteochondrosis at home with the right
the implementation of the techniques will often be quite fast. condition
the spine improves, intervertebral discs keep longer
integrity and form. But there is one condition: the diagnosis of “cervical
osteochondrosis “should be delivered by a qualified doctor. With him
Methods of treatment (including unconventional) are discussed.

Если шейный остеохондроз с симптомами лечить в home conditions
can be rubbed, compresses, physiotherapy or herbal
means, it is strictly forbidden to perform apitherapy at home,
иглорефлексотерапию, растяжение позвоночника и глубокий massage. These
techniques are used only under medical supervision.

После недели лечения в home conditions симптомы остеохондроза
should subside. If this does not happen, you need medical care.
may need an urgent operation, and you will forget about the cervical
osteochondrosis for a long time!

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