Caucasian khichins: step-by-step recipes of flat cakes withstuffing. How to cook cheese, meat, potato khichiny(step by step)

Вт, 08 авг 2017 Автор: Марина Выхдцева

Хычины — лепешки с stuffing. They can act independently
snack or used instead of bread. For cooking not
need an oven, cakes are baked in a frying pan and without oil. it
very convenient, simple, time saving. Even raw meat
the fillings are perfectly baked, they are tasty and juicy. Here
collected best step-by-step recipes hychy.


Khychyny – general principles of cooking

The classic dough for this dish is mixed in kefir, but
You can also use airan. Although, on the usual yogurt or
Ryazhenka is also doing great. In general, uses one
fermented milk product, which is found in the house, but preferably not
use skimmed kefir.

What else is added to the dough:

• flour;

• salt;

• soda (not always).

Traditional dough is prepared without rippers, but many hostesses
yet they are added. Soda gives softness, porosity, cakes
get more tender. Before the formation of hychyin dough left minutes
15-20 lie down to swell the gluten flour, roll was
easier. Stuffings can be used different, but more popular
use three types of minced meat for khichin. Below are step-by-step recipes for lozenges.
with potatoes, cheese and meat.

For baking at home need a flat pan. Most
delicious khichins are obtained in cast-iron dishes with a thick bottom, they
well baked, the heat is distributed evenly. Khychyn more often
cooked without a lid, but if the stuffing is from meat, you can at least
seconds cover up. The finished tortillas are greased with butter immediately.
after baking, stacked on top of each other. They can eat one by one
a piece or a pile cut into pieces, like a cake.

Khychyny: step by step with cheese and greens

One of the most popular fillings. In a step-by-step recipe
filled suluguni. But you can take other types of cheese or even
mixture. In any case, get great. Kefir take fat, on
Replace homemade yogurt as desired.


• 250 ml of kefir;

• 1 tsp. ripper;

• 2.5 cups of flour;

• salt;

• 200 g Suluguni;

• a bunch of dill;

• a bunch of parsley;

• 50 g plums. oils.


1. • You do not need to take kefir cold, leave it at room temperature.
temperature or gently heat up. Add a pinch of salt, then
flour and ripper. If you use baking soda, then
use half of the ripper norm and add to kefir along with
salt to acid extinguished product.

2. • Knead homogeneous and smooth dough, but do not make it
too cool. It should get softer than for dumplings, with
light pressure will appear fossa.

3. • Immediately divide into 6 parts. If will prepare large
khichiny, it can be divided into 4-5 parts.

4. • Make even balls of the pieces, cover with a napkin,
leave for fifteen minutes.

5. • While you can cook the stuffing. Crumble cheese or grate
finely, depending on the type of product used.

6. • Greens sort, wash, dry and chop. Can
use only dill or only parsley, sometimes minced
with green onions. In general, there is complete freedom of action, but green
there should be a lot, about two big bunches.

7. • Combine cheese with greens, stir, salt is not necessary, usually in
Cheese just enough.

8. • Back to the test. Take one ball and flatten it.
Caucasians do not use a rolling pin. But if you can’t do fine,
it is better to work with a rolling pin.

9. • Put some stuffing in the central part, visually share
mince the right amount of parts to get khichina
the same.

10. • Assemble the edges of the cakes together, firmly close up. Should
получиться колобок с stuffing.

11. • Turn the seam down, flatten or roll out with a rolling pin.
It is believed that thin khichina tastes better.

12. • Heat the pan. Lubricate the surface is not necessary.

13. • Put the cake, attach to the pan with your hand,
to straighten

14. • Bake first on one side, then turn over and
Brown the other side. The fire is big not to do, the dough should
bake, and the filling warm up and melt.

15. • Transfer the cake to a plate and immediately grease with creamy
oil Can просто поводить кусочком или предварительно
melt, use a brush.

16. • The following khichin are baked in the same way, stacked each other.
на друга, смазываются oil Flapjacks quickly soften, serve
they need immediately.

Khychyny: step by step recipe with potatoes

In a step-by-step recipe готовятся только с картошкой. But
You can also make the filling with the addition of cheese, it is very
popular and tasty option. The amount of cheese is arbitrary, but
usually it does not exceed 30% of the total mass of minced meat.


• 300 g of kefir;

• 3-3.5 cups of flour;

• 2/3 tsp. salts;

• 80 g oil draining .;

• 350 g of potatoes;

• 1 onion;

• 0.5 buns of dill.


1. • Peel the potatoes, cut them into a saucepan. To add
water, so that it only covers the vegetable, put on the stove. Quickly
bring to a boil, then the fire can be reduced.

2. • Boil potatoes until soft but not overcooked
you need to taste did not go into the water.

3. • Cut the onion into small cubes, fry in 20 grams
сливочного oils. The remaining fat is left to lubricate the finished
hychyns If you don’t like fried onions, you can cook the stuffing without

4. • Drain the water from the boiled potatoes, grind it into mashed potatoes,
add onion fried in butter, stir. Taste
throw spices, cool the filling.

5. • While the potatoes are cooling, make the dough. In kefir throws
prescription soda. Salt and stir quickly. Bubbles will appear
will quench process. Let’s wait a minute.

6. • Add flour to kefir, knead dough, it should
get soft but not sticky. Pass to smoothness, then cover
a napkin, let it lie for a quarter of an hour at room temperature

7.•Режем зелень укропа, но можно готовить и без him Add
to mashed potatoes. If cheese is added, then it too
put on this stage.

8. • We take out the dough, divide it into 5-7 parts, round each
slice, transfer to floured surface, roll out
a small cake.

9. • Put the potato mince with onions and dill. Connect the edges

10. • Turning over the future hychyns, slightly dusting the top.
Flour a thin flat cake with flour and gently with a rolling pin. Try not to

11.•Разогреть сухую сковородку, положить hychyns Cooking with one
and from the second side. Пока он печется, лепим остальные cakes.

12. • Transfer the finished product to a plate, coat it.
сливочным oil

Khychyny: recipe step by step with meat

One of the most satisfying and tasty options for the filling. In step by step
recipe khichiny prepared with raw minced meat, it is important well cakes
bake, do not rush to remove from the pan. But часто встречаются
options with ready-made meat products, chicken, sometimes their
mixed with a small amount of vegetables, herbs, cheese. it тесто
classic and prepared without adding baking powder.


• 0.5 liters of kefir;

• flour;

• salt;

• 700 g of meat;

• two bulbs;

• spices;

• butter.


1. • Start better with a test so that it lies awake. Connect kefir,
salt, stir. Dust sifted flour, knead thoroughly
dough until smooth. Put in a bowl, cover with a towel, let

2. • Wash meat or poultry, you can combine beef, pork,
lamb, turkey, chicken or any other species. Ok if meat
not quite lean, there is fat, the filling will be more juicy.

3. • Cut the meat into slices, mince. If a
Because the mesh is large, you can do it twice.

4. • Peel a pair of onions, cut into chunks and also
twist through a meat grinder, add to minced meat.

5. • Be sure to stuff the pepper, season with salt, if desired
throw one or two cloves of garlic, chopped greens. Can
put special seasonings for meat or barbecue. Carefully

6. • Pinch off a piece of dough, about the size of an apple.
Hands round, roll out a small cake.

7. • Put the meat stuffing. As in other recipes, we combine
the edges of the cakes to make a ball with a filling inside.

8. • Turn the ball over, gently wipe your hands on the cake,
then roll out with a rolling pin. It is important not to break the dough, otherwise the meat
the filling will produce juice in the pan, it will heat up,
smoke, it is undesirable.

9.•Разогреть сковороду, выложить подготовленный hychyns Cook
first without a cap.

10. • As soon as one side is reddened, turn the cake over and
Now you can cover the pan so that the meat filling is completely
reached readiness.

11. • Meat digits for this step-by-step recipe are also lubricated.
сливочным oil If a не хочется повышать калорийность лепешек, то
you can smear a drop of vegetable oil, it is good
distributed over the surface and also soften the crust.

Khychyny – useful tips and tricks

• For kneading dough, you can use a mixer with a special
nozzle or bread maker. They will help reduce time, simplify
cooking process.

• Dough for khichin perfectly stored in the refrigerator up to two
days, but it needs to be laid out in a container with a tight lid or in
пакет, смазанный капелькой растительного oils.

• In addition to classic fillings, you can cook khichins with sausages,
ham and cheese, salted curd, pumpkin, eggplant.
There are sweet option, which you can also try. Dough
does not change, sugar cannot be added to it.

• In order for the cake not to break, you must first crush the eggs
hands, then gently roll up with a rolling pin.

• If a тесто мало полежало, то раскатывать его будет сложно,
the cake will be torn, the filling will come out and burn.

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