Can I breast roast nursing: what foodsallowed and which are prohibited. How to cook friedthe food

Чт, 05 май 2016 Автор: Марина Гришина

Strict diet while breastfeeding makes mom dream
about tasty food.

Sometimes you just want to break the ban a bit and eat a little

Can a nursing mother roast and how to cook
products so as not to harm the baby?


Is it possible for a nursing mother to be fried and what is the danger

The harm of fried food lies in its severity. A large number of
fat, deep fried crusts – all this leads to the fact that the stomach
will long cope with their work. After such lunch
there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, there is heartburn, a woman
becomes lethargic.

Oil when overheated becomes very heavy. This fat is easy
penetrates the mother’s milk. If her body is not disturbed
processes, it will not get to the child directly, but thanks to bold
acids contained in milk, quickly absorbed. However, the composition
milk will be much fatter, which is not the best way to affect
condition of the child. It will cause him strong colic.

If before birth one of the favorite treats of a woman was fried
pies, then at the time of breastfeeding will have to forget about them.
This is very hard food. Firstly, because the flour, and this
causes stress on the biliary system of a woman and constipation
baby Secondly, the flour product absorbs the oil quickly, which
makes the mixture doubly harmful by disrupting the liver’s function in a woman and
colic in a baby.

Is it possible to feed fried potatoes with a crisp crust?
Breastfeeding specialists do not recommend. Such a dish
the baby will respond with bloating and strong colic. But,
употреблять в the food жареную картошку, приготовленную по щадящему
method and in very limited quantities is possible, but to begin with
need to enter in boiled form.

Can I feed roast: permitted foods

Fried food is one of the most difficult, and therefore introduced into
the diet of a nursing mother needs her no sooner than 5-6 months after
the birth of a child. When the slightest deviation occurs
infants’ well-being (rash, redness, loose stools or
constipation) should stop the introduction of such dishes.

Nursing on a pan is allowed to fry zucchini,
Bulgarian pepper and apples. In the process of cooking oil need
use the minimum amount, literally for lubrication
frying pans. If non-stick cookware is used,
That oil does not need to be added at all.

If a nursing mother is sent to rest in nature, that is
together with all the kebab will not work, as it is harmful to
baby It can be replaced by roasted bread on the coals and

It is possible and necessary during breastfeeding to eat turkey, chicken and
white fish. These products can be cooked in the oven. Butter
add no need to avoid stick food use a sleeve
for baking or foil.

Можно ли кормящей маме жареное: как готовить такую the food

During breastfeeding, until the baby gets everything
necessary with mom’s milk, it is very important to adhere to the correct
healthy nutrition. Fried food does not fall into this category.
But, иногда можно позволить себе нарушить правило и съесть
small portion. But in order that it does not affect the health
малыша, нужно правильно приготовить the food.

For frying it is better to use olive oil, as in its
The composition includes unsaturated fats, then makes it easy to digest.
It is also allowed to roast on vegetable oil from germs.
wheat. It is not only safe when breastfeeding, as
does not accumulate organic peroxide, but is also beneficial due to the high
Vitamin E content.

Never use the same oil for frying.
repeatedly. It is not only harmful, but also dangerous to health and
mother and baby.

Не нужно доводить the food до образования золотистой корочки. it
although it is for many the most delicious, but at the same time the most
harmful. It is in this crust most of all harm to health, and
in order to process it, the stomach will be forced to work on
limit of their capabilities.

How to cook fried potatoes

Is it possible to feed fried potatoes, because this is one of the most
popular dishes that a woman wants during lactation? Many
limit yourself, afraid to harm the baby. But, если правильно
to cook a dish, they can indulge themselves from time to time.

In order to cook the “right” fried potatoes,
You must follow a few rules.

1. Tubers must be well washed, cut into desired
pieces, pour cold water and leave for some time. Then
change the water and hold on a little more.

2. During frying, the oil must be diluted with pure

3. The dish is prepared only under the closed lid and periodically
stirring so as not to burn the pieces.

4. Salt is added 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

5. It is advisable to add fresh parsley, dill and onion. Greenery
useful for mom and baby, in addition, it will give dish
special taste and aroma.

Можно ли кормящей женщине жареную the food? It is possible, since fried –
not always fat. itт факт следует учитывать при приготовлении
fried foods. For example, a significant difference will be between cheesecakes,
fried in butter or the same cheesecake, which is cooked on
a frying pan with a thick bottom without adding oil. In the second case
the dish does not hurt either mom or baby.

Готовя жареную the food, всегда стоит помнить про то, что масла
there must be a minimum. It greatly increases the fat content of milk, which
leads to the fact that the baby eats “front milk”, without reaching
�”Back”, which contains all the useful elements.

Breastfeeding involves compliance with the correct
nutrition, which contributes to the normal growth and development of the baby.
Wholesome food helps the internal organs to form better. At that
At the same time, the diet of the mother is not limited to strict prohibitions. If much
you want a fried dish, sometimes you can afford it if
follow all the rules of their preparation. In this case, and mom will
well fed and contented and immature digestive system of the baby
will remain untouched.

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