Medicinal features of calendula familiar to people for a long time.
The plant is actively used for the treatment of inflammatory processes.
and diseases of various organs, treatment of ulcers, wounds, boils,
dermatological skin diseases.
Has calendula useful properties applicable to create
plant based pharmaceuticals as well as for therapy
a plant in its pure form in home medicine.
The chemical composition of calendula and the beneficial properties of home
Calendula – a very unpretentious plant that can
germinate in flowerbeds, forest glades, lawns, and in
home pots decorating the garden. Few amateur gardeners
think about the real storehouse growing in their garden
nutrients that not only decorates a landscape
design. All the utility of calendula lies in its composition, in
which includes:
• carotenoids – essential substances for successful synthesis
vitamin A, improves eyesight and eliminates eye
• essential oils;
• flavonoids – substances that can relieve muscular spasms,
prevent the appearance of cancer cells, stimulate the production of
gastric juice and bile;
• phytoncides;
• vitamin C;
• calendars, which has anti-inflammatory
• tannins;
• mucus;
• saponins;
• organic acids;
• macro and micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and
These substances are contained in calendula buds and give it bright
pronounced antimicrobial and inflammatory properties.
Цветы plants считаются самой полезной из его частей и
used for making tinctures, decoctions and other means
for home treatment. They are able to kill viruses in the body,
stimulating flu and herpes. Подземная же часть plants
practically useless in traditional medicine and uses extremely
Остальная надземная часть plants содержит в себе такие
substances like triterpenoids that are able to lower the level
harmful cholesterol in the body, reduce puffiness, suppuration,
inflammation and improve the flow of nervous excitement.
Universal Calendula: Useful Properties of Bright Buds
Calendula is used as an individual remedy.
to get rid of various diseases, and in combination with
other herbs. It is suitable for the treatment of a variety of
1. Calendula is a strong anti-inflammatory agent.
microbial killers, as well as viruses, fungi and other pathogens
2. The plant actively expels bile from the body, stimulates
the work of the stomach and normalizes it.
3. It removes from the body harmful impurities, toxins, pathogens
accumulations and substances.
5. Marigolds prevent growth, reproduction and the emergence of new
cancer cells, removes altered tissue.
6. Apply a plant for the treatment of respiratory diseases.
ways, such as sore throats, ARVI, colds, flu, bronchitis.
Infusion, decoction or mixture is used for rinsing the larynx and mouth,
relieve inflammation, redness and swelling. With bacterial and
viral infections to eliminate infection allow oral ingestion
calendula based products.
7. With all sorts of damage to the dermis appropriate Calendula
thanks to her ability to heal wounds quickly. Its power
cope with boils, boils, abrasions, calluses, cuts,
burns, ulcers, fistulas and other problems.
8. In case of problems with the digestive system and organs,
involved in the process of digesting food is appropriate to use
plants. Useful calendula for gastritis, colitis, ulcers, diseases
gallbladder and others.
9. Thanks to its choleretic effects, marigolds are effective.
for treating liver problems. Diseases like cirrhosis,
Hepatitis and others can be overcome with drugs from
10. Increased pressure and cardiovascular diseases –
problems of many people. Restorative effect and
антихолестериновые свойства plants помогают нормализовать
pressure, strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels, make them more
elastic, adjust the heart rhythm.
11. Календула устраняет множество гинекологических diseases.
Regular exposure to calendula helps to get rid of excessive
bleeding, diseases of the genital and reproductive organs, thrush,
eliminate signs and negative manifestations of menopause and reduce to
minimum mood swings during this period in women.
12. Suitable plant for cancer patients. Self plant
can not get rid of tumors, but as an auxiliary
means manifests itself in the best way and positively
affects the health of cancer patients.
The use of calendula: contraindications and methods
of use
There are many ways to use calendula. Each
able to influence a particular disease. Much
depends on the correct preparation of the medicine.
1. Calendula tincture is universal
a drug that is effective in throat diseases, hearts and
vessels and respiratory tract. Versatile she is due
способов of use. So, the ready solution is suitable for
rinsing the mouth and throat, in the form of drops is applied inside by
20-30 pieces for heart ailments, 10-20 drops for
obtain wound healing or choleretic effect, as well as
treatment of gastritis or ulcers. 10 drops, dissolved in water,
three times a day can be taken for headaches, loss of strength,
reduced activity or to strengthen the immune system. With otitis
You can use calendula tincture to bury your ears. how
external means it is used for the speedy healing of wounds,
quality lotions and compresses. Alcohol tincture is used in
2. Настой из цветков plants так же эффективен, как и
alcohol infusion. It can be used if available
contraindications to alcohol or is it prohibited in an individual
okay The disadvantage of such an agent for treatment is its duration.
storage that is no more than 2 days with cool
3. Отвар plants применяется при заболеваниях печени,
желудка, при появлении жёлчного застоя внутрь. AT
Gynecology can be used externally.
4. Effective calendula oil in the treatment of external
damage to the dermis. It is also used as
cosmetic products. You can take the oil inside for
calm the nervous system, relieve stress and symptoms
5. Мазь на основе календулы подходит для
healing of external injuries, treatment of varicose veins and dermatitis.
Does calendula contraindicated?
Contraindications for calendula are very limited, but still
are available.
Do not recommend using marigolds in any way pregnant women.
women, in order to avoid provocations miscarriage.
Since calendula is beneficial for patients with high blood pressure,
suffering from hypotension, it is strictly contraindicated. AT эту же
category includes people with such cardiac pathology as
Nursing mothers, small children and the elderly are not
It is worth abusing the use of calendula. Only in
limited quantities or should be completely abandoned.