Calcium peeling is an effective way to clean andskin rejuvenation

In the process of life on the surface of the skin layer is formed
from dead cells. This stratum corneum may be of different thickness, but
in any case, it gives the skin a gray dull look, emphasizes everything
wrinkles and prevents pore self-cleaning. As a result, they
acne, acne, and skin condition are sharply
getting worse. To get rid of dead cells modern
cosmetology uses scrubs and peels.

пилинг кальция хлоридом

Chemical peeling involves dissolving and desquamation.
dead cells, so it is more effective and less harmful than
scrubbing – removal of the stratum corneum by mechanical friction
abrasives. However, chemical peeling is not
can always be carried out at home. This procedure happens
deep, medial and superficial. The first two species require
run only by an experienced cosmetologist in a specialized
institution. For recovery after medium and deep peeling
It takes quite a lot of time. Calcium chloride peeling refers to
superficial, so it does not require a recovery process
painless and does not cause any skin damage if
performed by all the rules.

The use of calcium chloride in cosmetic practice is not
new, rather well forgotten old. However effectiveness
The procedures did not diminish at all.


What is calcium chloride peeling?

When applied to the face of calcium chloride, the bonds between
dead cells, and they begin to naturally reject and
peel off the skin. At the same time living cells of the surface layer of the skin
do not suffer. When the stratum corneum is removed, there remain under it
young, actively growing cells, giving the face a young and fresh

Кроме skin rejuvenation, устранение огрубевшего рогового слоя
opens up clogged pores, facilitates their cleaning and contraction. When
from the surface of the face comes a layer of dead cells, along with them go
and various peeling, hardened areas, pigmentation, small
scars after acne.

The attractiveness of calcium chloride peeling is in its
effectiveness, simplicity and ability to conduct independently
home conditions. Equally important is the cost
procedures – calcium chloride is cheap and accessible to everyone. For
Peeling does not require any special tools or
specific knowledge. It is enough to act carefully and
neatly. There are a lot of videos on the Internet, recorded for help.
those who do this manipulation for the first time.

Despite the opportunity to follow their beauty and youth
most famous cosmetologists, many movie stars and showbiz
prefer to do calcium peels on their own, so much so
simple and effective.

Perform this type of procedure can be persons of both sexes of different
ages. It is shown to young people with skin problems – elevated
fat, acne and acne, “clogged” pores and comedones,
uneven relief, pigmentation and postacne. Peeling helps them
get rid of these problems, make the skin cleaner, smoother and
beautiful, get rid of rashes and their consequences. People older
age peeling first of all helps fight wrinkles and
pigmentation, rejuvenates and refreshes.

How is the procedure

For выполнения пилинга нужно приобрести в ближайшей аптеке 10%
calcium chloride solution. From additional funds and
fixtures need cotton pads and a bar of baby soap.
Theoretically, the soap can be any, but the children’s does not contain
no dyes, or fragrances, or any aggressive additives. it
the softest and most delicate tool, so many practitioners
home peels prefer baby soap to its other varieties
and species.

  1. A layer of chloride is applied to the face with a cotton pad.
    calcium. At the same time it is necessary to avoid the area around the eyes and lips –
    here is very thin and sensitive skin, which touch
    can not.
  2. Then the hands are well washed and soaped with baby soap. These
    with soapy hands in the direction of the skin lines, very carefully and
    gently need to massage the skin of the face. As a result, flakes are formed
    consisting of soap suds and dead skin particles. They roll off
    in lumps, and under them remains clean, smooth and young skin.
  3. When пилинг всего лица будет закончен, необходимо умыться
    clean cool water to eliminate all traces of chloride
    calcium and soap. After the first procedure, the result will be very
  4. The washed face should be slightly wetted with a towel, but not wiped.
    Since after peeling, new, young cells, skin
    becomes particularly susceptible to various cosmetic
    procedures, so self-care is better to continue,
    using special masks, serums and creams in
    depending on the type and needs of the skin.

Peeling result

After manipulation, the skin immediately looks younger, fresher and has
brighter uniform color. Since the dead are removed from the skin
cells that prevent the removal of secretions from the pores, they are cleared of
surface contamination and skin already seems much cleaner.
Taking advantage of the fact that the pores are as open as possible, you can spend
cleaning the face, causing special masks.

Small wrinkles due to dry skin after peeling
disappear completely, the size of the deep decreases, their relief
smoothed out. Pigment spots lighten and small spots disappear.
completely. Smoothes the skin relief caused by post-acne scars. AT
as a result of the calcium chloride peeling procedure, the skin is rejuvenated,
it becomes fresh, smooth and elastic, it improves the synthesis
collagen and elastin. Peeling is useful in many types of skin
problems, although it may have contraindications, among which
относится индивидуальная непереносимость хлористого calcium.

The number and frequency of treatments depends on the condition of the skin and its
thickness. Thick, oily and rough skin can be processed more often, and with
thin, dry and fragile need to act more delicately. AT любом
If properly done, the peeling will quickly bring the skin into
excellent condition.

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