Calathea – species, cultivation, care, transplanting andbreeding

Tue, Feb 23, 2016

Родиной калатеи из семейства марантовых
is Central and South America, however, it is beautiful
feels in our apartments and offices. It is very numerous
genus that ranks first in the family
species (about 150). First of all, this plant
attracts the attention of flower growers with their beautiful and unusual
looking patterned leaves adorned with bizarre, diverse
drawings. Some species of Kalatheus are capable of flowering.
Let’s get acquainted with the most famous species of this plant.

Калатея Макоя является самой популярной из
indoor cultures. She is attractive for her wide
blunt leaves, as if painted silver
and green around the edges. It looks nice slim picture
leaves, similar to the ornament, woven from veins and
dark green spots of various sizes.

Калатея замечательная отличается листьями,
having wavy edges, in a form close to lanceolate. From the bottom
the sides are purple in color. This plant has one by one.
sheet in the outlet.

Калатея Варшевича – очень декоративная,
thanks to its large velvety leaves. But for her successful
need to grow a lot of space, because before flowering plants
lush sprawling shoots are formed which
need a prop.


Calathea – growing and care

To grow this flower requires a moderate temperature,
which in winter should not fall below 16C. Calathea cannot stand
drafts and sudden changes in temperature. On the non-observance of these
rules, she necessarily responds by rotting and dropping

For the maintenance of this plant is better to choose loose,
breathable, slightly acidic soil. The best option would be
purchase of special soil for maranth plants. Flower
needs good drainage to avoid stagnant water

This plant is light-requiring, but does not tolerate the direct sun, and
This rule also applies to the winter period. Calathea good
tolerates and partial shade, however, feels best in good
lighted room.

In summer, the flower requires abundant watering with a soft, settled,
necessarily warm water. Permanent moderate is very important to him.
the humidity of the root coma, however, cannot be poured over it either, better
irrigate about 2-3 cm of the upper layer when drying
soil. In winter, watering should be reduced.

Spraying should be carried out regularly. One of the main conditions
Successful cultivation of kalata is high humidity.
You can run it in different ways. For example, by spraying
over the flower several times a day with warm boiled water from
sprayer, or putting a pot in a wet sphagnum tray
or expanded clay so that its bottom did not adjoin
directly with water. When spraying, avoid getting large
drops on the leaves so that no stains remain and the plant does not lose
kind of.

Calathea requires mandatory fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
In spring and summer it is carried out once every two weeks, with the onset of
cold period, reduce the feeding.

Калатея – пересадка и breeding

Every two years, in the spring, the calathea needs to be transplanted.
The soil for transplanting should consist of leaf and humus
land, peat (one by one) and sand (0.5 parts). Since summer
the plant is abundantly watered, when transplanting you need to take care of
good drainage (it should take at least a quarter of the landing

The flower propagates by dividing the bush at the time of transplantation. To
root the separated parts of the plant, you should plant them in
covered with foil pots and keep in a warm place. After rooting
the film is removed and taken care of the plant in the usual manner.

Calathea – diseases and pests

If the flower began to dry, its leaves on the ends of the steel
brown and dry, it most likely speaks of a lack of moisture
and too dry air, which kalateya carries very hard.
Correct the situation by increasing the humidity of the air or increasing
the number of sprays, or by placing the plant in a glass

When breeding Kalaty need to remember about their demands for
light mode. Too bright light causes loss
leaves coloring, and if they get direct sunlight, then
burns may occur.

Too dry air can also cause
flower spider mite. He is very little red
spider, which, appearing on the underside of the leaves,
envelops them with a thin white cobweb. Get rid of him will help
spraying and washing the leaves, especially from the underside, with weak
tobacco infusion with soap, pollen with ground sulfur or treatment
plants ready insecticides.

After processing the leaves with solutions after a few hours you need
wash them with cool water. Processing plants produced to those
as long as the pests are not completely destroyed. For prophylaxis
defeat Calathean spider mite need to comply with optimal
conditions of its maintenance, to ensure sufficient humidity and
Do not keep it close to central heating radiators.

Increased soil moisture at the roots can cause
plant infection with rhizoctoniosis and the appearance of rot. This leads to
the fact that the leaves of the plant are affected by specific stains. Cure
it is in this case by treatment with appropriate fungicides.

Ka see, care for calathea, although it has its difficulties, but
quite posil even beginner florist. But for your work it
the plant will bring into your home a wonderful atmosphere of comfort, beauty and

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