Burdock hair oil – all the pros and cons.How to apply burdock oil for your health and beautyhair.

Чт, 23 июл 2015 Автор: Натали Аржанова С
With the advent of the eco prefix, everything that could
be connected: eco-friendly interiors, organic products,
ekoshampuni and hair balms, as well as all kinds of natural
materials from which produce clothing and shoes, household items
care products and products for face and body skin care. Life in style
�Eco has become a real fashion trend. Only many naive people
misinterpret fashion trends, considering that eco products are necessary
buy for crazy money. This is used by competent sellers
advertising its products as environmentally friendly and at 100
percent natural.

You are quite capable of making any kind of eco-product with your own hands.
at home without spending a huge amount of money
means. For example, how much do you think it can cost?
organic hair mask with unique ingredients in the store
cosmetics? Most likely, its price will be several times higher than
have a mask with natural oils, cooked at home. Take that
например, репейное масло для hair. Or any other: coconut,
castor oil, macadamia oil and others. Believe me, homemade mask with
they will be no worse than the store, and the effect of the application is not
take long to wait.


What are hair oils good for?

Thick, viscous clear liquids of different shades are nothing
other than concentrated formulations, pressed from various fruits and
plants, by pressing or extraction. It is difficult to call the oil
for skin or hair care just a cosmetic.
This is the “heart” of the plant, it contains a huge complex
minerals, nutrients and trace elements that can affect
on the structure of the skin and each hair is much better
any chemical with a complex name like pyrithione
zinc. Even if as part of a conventional cosmetic product you
see the phrase “oil of almonds” or “nettle extract”, more
not the fact that these ingredients are really in it
are present.

Hair masks based on mineral, vegetable and essential
oils, as well as adding them to the shampoo for daily
application will affect your hair in the most positive way.
For example, coconut oil or almond will help soften,
moisturize and protect hair from external influence, aggressive
ultraviolet radiation and the effects of frequent use of a hair dryer or
styler Shea and jojoba oils perfectly smooth the structure
hair, greatly facilitating styling and giving them shine. But
popular burdock oil has a number of incredibly healthy
properties, including:

• Of course, firming property. It is simply irreplaceable.
средство для борьбы с выпадением и ломкостью hair. It can
penetrate deep into the roots, through the hair follicles, preventing
falling out and forming a protective film on each hair.

• Freedom from dandruff, as well as peeling and itching of the skin
head cover.

• Restoration of hair structure after chemical
waving, frequent use of hot air streams from a hair dryer or
red hot curling iron.

• Return shine and elasticity to hairs, relief

Along with castor oil, burdock can truly
deal with hair problems, especially if chemicals
masks and shampoos bought in the store did not bring proper
effect. Burdock oil for hair is just environmentally friendly
a product that costs real pennies. Enough
use masks or balsams with burdock oil only 1-2 times a
week and the result will be, as they say, there is.

When can I not use burdock oil for hair?

Naturally, like any other product, burdock oil for
Hair may have some adverse reactions. Most common
of them are allergies. If you have ever had
allergic reaction associated with the use of burdock oil,
discard any contact of the skin with this
product. Otherwise, even the easiest allergies, slight itching and
superficial rash can transform in minutes
massive swelling of the face, eyelids, lips, and even the respiratory tract.
Agree, the risk of using such funds for
hair is unreasonably great.

Also burdock oil is not recommended to be used.
women with a fat type of hair. Since it can
weight the hair and leave a greasy film with improper washing
head, your hairstyle can be spoiled, and you for a long time
disappointed in this product. That is why it is important to remember:
the perfect combination will be the combination of “burdock oil for hair +
chicken egg yolk. With the help of the yolk you will wash much easier
greasy film with hairs and scalp. And do not forget that delete
An oil mask is needed with plenty of water.

Another way to quickly flush burdock oil from your hair: you
need rye flour (a couple of tablespoons) and warm water. You
you need to make a mass resembling thick sour cream, cover your hair
right on top of burdock oil, rub in a little and rinse first
abundant water and then your standard shampoo.

Burdock oil to strengthen the hair with oatmeal and kefir

Thanks to the incredible property of burdock oil to strengthen and
препятствовать выпадению hair, первая маска, которую мы хотим You
offer – firming. Ladies who are tired of fighting brittle
falling out hairs, dull color and lack of luster she
fit perfectly.

Чтобы самостоятельно приготовить маску дома, You надо взять:

• Half a cup of kefir,

• 2 tbsp. l flakes “Hercules”

• Yolk,

• 2 tbsp. l burdock oil,

• 1 tbsp. l castor oil.

Итак, Вы собираетесь сделать укрепляющую маску для hair. For
of this, heat up some kefir (preferably in a water bath, avoiding
boil) and fill them with oatmeal. While it is getting dirty, put on
ту же водяную баню репейное масло для hair. He is under no
Circumstances cannot be boiled, so watch carefully.
by heating. Put egg yolk, castor oil and oatmeal in oil
kefir. Apply to hair, distribute according to length,
put on a transparent shower cap and wrap a towel around your head.
Теперь Вы можете заняться своими домашними делами, а через час You
will need to wash off the mask. If desired, kefir can be replaced with a low-fat one.
sour cream or yogurt.

Burdock oil for hair growth with red pepper, lemon and

Very often in the pharmacy you can see the already prepared oil of the roots.
burdock paired with red pepper. Sometimes this mixture is complemented.
Clove or Rosemary. This combination is the perfect tool.
для стимуляции роста hair. Yes, we warn you right away, it is very
burns, so leave the mask for a whole hour does not seem
possible. For воздействия достаточно даже получаса, если Вы,
Of course, you can endure this period. But after all
several applications You will notice that the hair has become noticeably stronger and
longer. Red pepper, which can “burn” on the scalp,
perfectly stimulates blood circulation in this area, thanks
what, the hairs grow much faster.

Usually a hair mask is prepared in this way:

• Oil of burdock with red pepper – 2 tbsp. l

• chicken egg yolk,

• Lemon juice, squeezed from a half of citrus fruit,

• Olive or sea buckthorn oil – 2 tbsp. l

We combine all the ingredients in one container, put on gloves and
under no circumstances touch the eyes and skin of the face during
mask application time. We rub mix in an integument, we cover
a hat made of polyethylene, and on top of a towel. Now you can gloves
take off, but they will have to be put on again during the wash. Need to flush
mask very carefully, it is better to tilt your head over the side
bathroom, so that her particles did not fall into the eyes.

Burdock hair oil with mint essential oil – for summer
of application

During the summer heat peppermint tincture combined with such
the same essential oil can come at an opportune moment. Besides that
these products refresh and cool the scalp, they also affect
hair growth rate, making them elastic and strong.

You can prepare a mask as follows:

• Take your standard balsam conditioner, better to
he was neutral

• Mix 3-4 tbsp. l balm with 3 drops of mint essential oil,
2 tablespoons of tincture and the same amount of burdock oil for

• Cover the hair with this composition for 1-1.5 hours, not forgetting
initially wrap them with polyethylene, and only then warm
a towel.

When the time allotted for the impact is over, you can
rinse hair, foaming the mixture with plenty of warm

How else can you apply burdock oil?

Did you know that burdock oil can be exploited not only
to strengthen hair? It will be a great way to take care of
nails and skin of hands, and besides it is recommended to add it to
various masks, scrubs and peels for the skin of the face.

For example, you can do a special
grooming mask for pens. For этого достаточно взять репейное
butter, some honey and natural yoghurt. Note: absolutely everything
mask ingredients are considered environmentally friendly. To your pens
were amazingly soft, and the nails are very strong, you need to put this
mask on the skin, wear gloves made of thin polyethylene (they can
find in any package hair dye), and wrap each one over
руку a towel. So you have to sit for about half an hour, and then,
Of course, wash off this fragrant mixture. Among other things, one of
Express methods of nail care – this is a massage of the cuticle with
using burdock oil.

If you regularly cover your face with masks with burdock oil,
after a short time, you can effectively get rid of the peeling,
acne, inflammation and even eczema. This mask will help restore
the skin and after salon peeling, but it can only be applied
after some time, and not immediately after the procedure. how
правильно применять маску You подскажет косметолог.

Perfectly fortifies burdock oil and eyelashes. If you want to
long and silky cilia, and you have burdock oil at home,
Try to put it every night before bed. It will
affect them exactly the same as the well-known
Castor oil. Just remember: to care for cilia fit
pure burdock oil, but to use the same product with
adding red pepper is strictly prohibited.

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