Breast tumor in cats – how to identifyby symptoms? What to do the owner and how to cure a cat with a tumorbreast cancer?

Сб, 24 мар 2018 Автор: Виктория Банникова

Unfortunately, the disease as cancer tumors occur and
at our pets. In cats, it occurs infrequently and in most
cases are tumors of the mammary glands.


Tumor of the mammary gland in cats

A tumor is a tumor that occurs in the dairy.
glands and infects tissues. Most often manifested in ukstrirovannyh
animals after 7-10 years of life.

Cancer has its own specificity depending on
what kind of tumor the pet has. They are divided into
benign and malignant.

The first – easier to treat, as benign tumors
has a strict limited location, do not give the location. The main
the characteristic is as follows: the spread is slow, not
germinates in other tissues and has a clear area. But unfortunately,
benign tumors are less common. It is important to follow
for the health of the pet, as often benign
formations turn malignant, and miss this moment
no way, because it is very dangerous.

A malignant tumor is called carcinoma, it consists of
cells inside the breast that are susceptible to mutation. They
eventually forms a seal in the gland, since mutated cells
it becomes larger and they germinate in neighboring tissues. As a result –
rapid development and very difficult treatment.

Causes of cancer in cats

This disease can occur in all cats, except
young individuals that were sterilized before the first heat. But
Cats in the first ten years of life also rarely have this disease.
It usually occurs in cats, regardless of sterilization, if
the cat managed to take a walk with the male, and after reaching at least seven
years old.

The exact cause of the formation of a tumor, doctors can not say
exact reasons have not been studied. However, undoubtedly greatly worsen
Pet’s condition may be hormonal medication. Most often their
used to suppress the symptoms of estrus, they put a lot of pressure on
hormones, and failures in his work significantly change
the functioning of the body.

Another possible cause is genetic
predisposition, mutation can be transmitted from mother to all

Symptoms of mammary tumors in cats

All diagnostics depend on the stage of tumor development. it
refers to malignant tumors:

1) The first stage is characterized by a maximum tumor size.
one and a half centimeters. There are no particular symptoms at this stage,
no change in behavior and appetite.

2) The second stage is characterized by a tumor of up to three
centimeters, as the tumor begins to grow very rapidly.
The animal still does not show any external signs.

3) The third stage is characterized by a tumor size of up to five
centimeters. This period begins the deterioration in the health of the pet,
there is an unpleasant smell and the cat loses its appetite.

4) The fourth stage is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the tumors.
The size quickly increases, at this moment penetration begins
in adjacent tissue. The cat’s condition worsens, it persists.
peculiar smell.

It is important to note that a benign tumor can develop into
malignant, so you need all the time to check the status of your

Diagnosis and treatment of feline mammary tumors

Прежде всего, необходимо регулярно проверять своего pet With
detecting any changes in the area of ​​the mammary glands urgently
Take your cat to the nearest veterinary clinic! The sooner you
discover the disease, the greater the chance of successful treatment.

A professional doctor will examine the animal, especially
areas of probable tumor. Need to check which stage
diseases, therefore full examination is carried out, is palpated
tumor focus to check the condition of adjacent tissues.

The next step is a biopsy needed to find out which
it is the cells that mutate. From the site that is suspected
center of mutation, take a sample of cells and a thorough analysis is carried out.
A biochemical and clinical blood test is performed. it
necessary to eliminate all additional risks. And
other tests, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity or
X-ray examination of the lungs, if there is suspicion
metastases in other organs.

Treatment mainly consists of surgery.
The operation is called unilateral mastectomy, in its process
remove all glands in the same row, along with the very infected
gland. Withчина этого — не допустить дальнейшего распространения
mutations, otherwise the operation will not bring any results.

When the surgery is prescribed to remove both rows of dairy
gland, then total mastekomiya passes in two stages – from more
running to less running.

In addition to surgery, as recommended by the doctor, they can add
chemotherapy, adjusted for each pet individually.
It is necessary to strictly observe the course of treatment, the main thing follow all
advice from your vet.

Be sure that after the course of treatment must be checked every
a few months since remission is possible, and it needs to be caught on
initial stage.

Preventive measures

First of all, the main guarantor of the fact that your cat never
will suffer from breast tumors – this is sterilization before the first
estrus. If you do not plan to breed offspring, you should think
about sterilization timely. After the first heat percentage guarantee
decreases to eighty percent, and after the second heat and beyond –
the doctor cannot give any guarantees.

The next point of prevention is the need for constant
inspections. It is important to carry out both home inspections and at least once
Six months to pass a routine inspection at the vet.

It is also worth noting that you should not give on an ongoing basis
hormonal drugs. it не только увеличивает риски
the occurrence of tumors, but also can cause other disorders.

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