Bloggers bully the winner of the contest”Beauty of Russia”

Wed, Nov 26, 2014

A few days ago, the contest “Beauty of Russia”, the jury
which included several stellar persons: Alexander Inshakov, Joseph
Kobzon and Alexander Revva. All of them unanimously gave first place
girl from Kurgan Tatiana Baitovoy. However, web users
finding out who exactly got the honorary title, they began to mock
the winner.

Tatiana was forced to close access to her page in
social networks, because bloggers began to write stinging comments,
the essence of which boils down to one thing: Tatiana received the crown is not
worthy of it. The girl was accused of bribing the jury, believing that her father,
deputy head of the Kurgan region, paid for winning his daughter.

However, the deputy director of the competition stated that Baitova does not have
no relation to the official named. She comes from having many children
family living in a small village. Moreover, according to
the organizers, Tatiana’s proportions are ideal – 90-63-90 with growth
176 cm

It is curious that in favor of Tatiana played and the fact that the photos
many contestants were clearly processed in Photoshop. Comparing them
photos with those that are posted on social networks, the jury members were deeply
surprised by the difference.

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