Bitten midge and swollen eyes: what to do and howhelp the victim. The most effective methods of eliminationunpleasant symptoms

Пн, 18 июн 2018 Автор: Татьяна Глушакова

A common phenomenon in central Russia is considered
swelling from insect bite. Onimogut provoke allergic
rashes, and when penetrating the organs of vision and respiration cause
damage to the mucous membrane. Mosquito saliva is poisonous, therefore
causes swelling and redness, which are complemented by pain and
burning. It is for this reason that you need to know what to do if
bitten midge, and swollen eyes.


What to do, bitten the midge and swollen eyes: why and how they

Bites of midges, like other insects, are not capable of provoking
only the appearance of allergic rash. High Scrin
blood by dangerous viruses and pathogens. Midges
have high activity during the hot season, and especially their
attracts light clothing and sweat. With variable
cloudiness, strong winds at night number of insects
greatly reduced.

A person may not immediately feel that he was bitten by a midge. it
due to the fact that the insect introduces special antiseptics
time bite that causes vasodilation on the skin
covers. Only after a while a person may notice swelling.
tissue, which is complemented by itching and discomfort.

The reason for such a reaction to a bite is inseminated by the fact that
it is too poisonous saliva. After a certain time, puffiness
tissues may subside, but the burning sensation usually persists on
over several days. Children can comb the bite site to
the formation of wounds, and subsequently able to penetrate
various pathogens and bacteria.

Sometimes a large number of bites accompanied by lifting
body temperature. Perhaps a sudden deterioration in general well-being
human, as well as the appearance of symptoms resembling

Bite symptoms

Insect bite symptoms may develop in different ways, and
it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism
Allergic rash, swelling and swelling of tissues
can develop quickly enough or through a certain

You can notice that the midge has bitten by the following signs:

– wound formation in the center of the lesion;

– swelling and swelling of the bitten area;

– pressure increase;

– an increase in lymph nodes;

– shortness of breath and choking;

– prolonged itching;

– blistering;

– General weakness of the body;

– long healing period.

The degree of damage depends on the type of insect that
man bitten. In addition, not least is the state
immunity, the patient’s age and the penetration of the infection into the wound.

Bites of midges in the joints and legs pose a particular threat.
Edema of tissues may persist for a long time.
time and in the future provoke pathologies of the joints and

What is dangerous bite midges

After an insect bite, painful tumors remain on the body and
swelling that causes marked discomfort. In such situation
urgent measures need to be taken to prevent
undesirable consequences.

Swelling from an insect sting causes increased discomfort and
there is a high risk of serious infectious
pathologies. Individual insect species become the source of such
diseases like the plague or cholera. In some cases, the bite is infected
midges can end with the death of a person.

Bitten by midge and swollen eyes: what to do and first aid

After the bite, the eyelid swells up severely, and itching and burning are intense.
In such situation важно уметь оказать первую помощь, поэтому
необходимо знать, что делать,если bitten midge, and swollen eyes.
It is strictly forbidden to scratch swollen skin, because
the wound may be infected.

Be sure to rinse the wound and treat it thoroughly.
antiseptic preparation. For this purpose, you can use
by means such as chlorhexidine and furatsilin. Spend
the procedure is necessary so that the drug does not
penetrated the eyes.

In order to reduce itching, it is recommended to take such
antihistamines like diazolin and suprastin. With their help
it is possible to prevent the development of an allergic reaction and reduce

In the event that a person is bitten by a midge, and the eye is swollen,
It is possible to relieve the condition with the help of a cold compress. For this
wrap with a cotton cloth ice cubes and attach them
to the eye area for a few minutes.

Good effect give lotions of soda solution, for
cooking which you need a teaspoon of powder to dissolve in
a glass of water. In the tool should be moistened with a gauze cloth and attach
to the eye for a few minutes. Slices have a cooling effect
fresh cucumber and potatoes.

With a strong redness of the eye, you can use drops.
Sulfacil, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and
Antibacterial effect. The bite can become a cause of strong
intoxication therefore it is recommended to consume a large amount
fluids that speed up the elimination of toxins.

In the event that the midge is bitten baby before use
medications must be required
consult with a specialist. Many medicines have
restrictions on the use of age and can provoke
development of adverse reactions.

Bitten midge and swollen eyes: what to do and how справиться с зудом
after bite

A midge bite usually causes severe itching and often children
combing the skin before the formation of wounds. To eliminate unpleasant
the symptom can lubricate the affected area with freshly squeezed juice
parsley A cotton swab should be moistened with a solution and applied.
to the eye. With the help of such a folk remedy it is possible not only to remove
itching, but also to get rid of redness and swelling.

Справиться с зудом after bite насекомых удается с помощью таких
drugs like levomecol and hydrocortisone
ointment. The product should be applied only in a thin layer around the bite.
several times a day as his injury in the wound increases
burning and itching.

It is recommended to apply the following for the bite of the midge in the eye.

1. Fenistil. It is produced in the form of drops, tablets and gel, and
helps to quickly cope with an allergic reaction.

2. Tavegil. The drug comes in pill form, different
prolonged action and quickly eliminates swelling.

3. Loratadin. The drug is available in tablet form and
reduces the permeability of blood vessels, preventing the appearance of edema.

4. Furosemide. The drug can be purchased in the form of granules for
preparation of suspensions, tablets, intravenous and intramuscular

Fresh leaves help to cope with unpleasant symptoms
mint or plantain. Before use, they should be carefully
rinse with water, lightly squeeze and inflamed skin. Mint
has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and plantain for
short time helps eliminate acute inflammation.

It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the area with alcohol
solutions, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. The danger lies in
that such therapy may result in corneal burns.

What to do, bitten the midge and swollen eyes: folk recipes

With edema, you can use traditional medicine,
which help alleviate the unpleasant symptoms:

1. With severe itching and redness, you can wet a cotton swab in
laundry soap, which contains more than 70% fat
acids. After the soap dries on the face, the skin should be washed
cold water.

2. Alleviate unpleasant symptoms with the help of the usual
dandelion leaf. The plant should be thoroughly washed and mashed in
hands to stand out juice. After that it needs to be attached to
bite area and fix on the skin with a patch.

To relieve pain, swelling of tissues and disinfect the wound can be
using bulb onions. It is necessary to chop the onions thoroughly and
apply a mass to the inflamed area of ​​skin around the eye.

A good effect in the treatment of the bite of the midge give lotions of herbs:

– It is necessary to mix in equal amounts of chamomile and calendula and
30 grams of this mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Decoction has
antibacterial and recommended to wash
eye several times a day.

– You can chop and attach to the bite of the leaves of the bird cherry.
This mixture should be left for 25 minutes, after which the swelling of the skin
noticeably decrease.

It is important to remember that when you bite a midge in the eye is not allowed
combing the site of inflammation and treating it with means not
intended for this purpose. The skin around the wound is permitted.
lubricate with hormone ointments and in no case
refuse to take antibacterial and anti-allergic

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