Biscuit Frosting: Top 10 recipes. We turnhomemade cakes in an exquisite dessert – preparing the icing forbuns

Пн, 16 окт 2017 Автор: Лиана Райманова

Fragrant, airy, soft freshly baked buns – what can
be tastier? Only buns, covered with icing. No limit
fancy frosting fashionable to prepare from the products available at home for
minutes away. Sweet or sour, milk or fruit,
chocolate or vanilla. Already want to try? We will not pull:
топ-10 лучших рецептов для buns!


Glaze для buns — общие принципы

It is difficult to distinguish the general principles of glaze preparation.
для buns. Glaze from the glaze can be completely different in
ingredients, consistency, method
cooking time and other

It is only important to note:

• all products used must be fresh;

• while mixing or whipping ingredients, it is necessary to ensure that
the resulting mass was homogeneous;

• bringing the glaze to readiness on the stove, it is important not to depart and all
time to stir it so that no lumps form and nothing

• не стоит делать слишком сладкую глазурь для buns с
as it is not worth making fresh glaze for simple
дрожжевых или сдобных buns;

• it is important to follow the recipe’s recommendations: to cool
icing before pouring or not, should be hot buns,
just out of the oven, or already cold.

1. Ванильная глазурь для buns


• 2 eggs;

• 350 grams of powdered sugar;

• 20 ml of juice from lemon;

• vanillin – 5 grams.

Cooking method:

1. • Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. We remove the yolks in
refrigerator, they are no longer needed, and whip proteins with sugar
powder to fluffy foam at medium speed mixer. Squirrels whip in
a clean and dry cup, because in the wet they can be bad
to whip.

2. • Add lemon juice to proteins, mix everything well
to a uniform gentle consistence.

3. • Pour the vanilla and mix well again.

4. • Lubricate any yeast dough buns.

2. Сахарная глазурь для buns


• granulated sugar – 7 tablespoons;

• purified water – 160 ml;

• 40 grams of butter;

• 30 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. • Cook sugar syrup: in a deep metal container
add sugar, pour in water, put on the stove and boil,
stirring continuously, to a thick consistency over low heat. Ready
syrup should drain from the spoon with a thin thread.

2. • Remove from heat.

3. • Pour lemon juice into the syrup, mix well until
homogeneous white consistency. If there is no lemon juice, then
you can use citric acid, but not much, otherwise
glaze will turn out with a small bitterness.

4. • Pour the yeast dough buns straight hot

3. Кофейная глазурь для buns с ликером


• natural coffee with a high strength – 250 ml;

• sugar – 300 grams;

• 60 grams of butter;

• any liquor – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

1. • Cook the coffee syrup: in a deep metal container
add sugar, pour in freshly brewed natural strong coffee,
put on the stove over medium heat and cook until thick

2. • Put butter in the coffee-sugar syrup, add liqueur,
mix thoroughly with a spoon until a homogeneous, tender mass.

3. • Cool the finished coffee glaze and grease any buns.
from yeast dough without filling.

4. Glaze для buns с медом и корицей


• powdered sugar – 5 tablespoons;

• 80 grams of honey;

• 80 ml of milk;

• ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. • Put honey in a container, add powdered sugar, pour in
milk and bring to a boil over low heat, with frequent stirring.
Immediately after boiling, turn off the fire.

2. • Pour cinnamon into the glaze, mix it well with wood.

3. • Close the container with the glaze lid and let it brew.
half an hour.

4. • Finished with cooled honey glaze immediately lubricate the buns,
because it thickens very quickly and lubricates only cold
buns, as with hot icing will drain.

5. Карамельная глазурь для buns


• 25% fat sour cream – 300 grams;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• butter – 60 grams.

Cooking method:

1. • Put sour cream, butter in an enamel pan,
add sugar and boil for about 15 minutes on low heat
to a thick consistency and to the formation of small bubbles all over
surface. Stir constantly during cooking so that the icing does not

2. • Remove from heat, cool well and lubricate buns. Glaze
по данному рецепту очень подходит для buns с различными
fruit fillings, for example, apple, pear, plum and
many others, or to lubricate the nut with condensed milk.

6. Вишневая глазурь для buns


• cherry syrup – 5 glasses;

• sugar – 7 large spoons;

• corn starch – 30 grams.

For cherry syrup:

• 6 handfuls of fresh cherries;

• 120 grams of granulated sugar;

• 350 ml of water.

Cooking method:

1. • First prepare cherry syrup: rinse the cherry and
Drain on a towel, squeeze juice in a juicer. Cherry juice
pour in a small metal mug, add water and sugar and
boil over low heat until the syrup thickens. Ready сироп
remove from heat, cool.

2. • Pour cherry syrup into a large container, add sugar,
required for the glaze, corn starch and boil for 60 minutes
on low heat. If there are no fresh cherries, then you can glaze
use canned cherries in their own juice.

3. • After the frosting is drained from a thin spoon
thread, turn off the fire, cool well.

4.•Используем для смазывания любых сдобных buns. If needed,
so that the icing was a little bit sour, you can sugar
put less than the specified amount.

7. Апельсиновая глазурь для buns


• 3 oranges;

• 2 glasses of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. • In a dry cup sift icing sugar.

2. • Clear the oranges, take out the bones and skip through

3. • Slowly pour the juice of oranges into the icing sugar
a small amount. After each pouring a portion of juice well
mix to powder completely dissolved.

4. • When the caster sugar dissolves and the icing will get thick
homogeneous consistency, it is ready.

5. • Grease yeast dough buns with this icing.
jam or jam.

8. Glaze для buns с яблочным мармеладом


• fruit marmalade – 350 grams;

• sugar – 7 large spoons;

• 130 ml of milk;

• butter – 90 grams;

For apple marmalade:

• apples – 8 pieces;

• granulated sugar – a little more than two glasses;

• water – 125 ml;

• ground cinnamon – 1 handful.

Cooking method:

1. • Prepare fruit marmalade: wash my apples, peel, cut
core, cut into slices. We do not throw away the core and the peel,
and put in a deep container with water and put on a moderate fire,
boil for half an hour, cool and rub through a sieve, put it in
a cup of apples. Pour 50 grams of sugar in apples and boil
25-30 minutes on moderate heat. Apples are cooled and twisted.
through the meat grinder. In the apple sauce, add the remaining sugar,
cinnamon, put on a moderate fire again and boil a little more
half an hour, with frequent stirring. Remove from heat, cool and
we spread on the frying sheet with parchment paper, we cover
second sheet of paper and cool for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

2. • Cut the cooked marmalade into small cubes, spread
in a small saucepan.

3. • Pour sugar, pour in milk, put butter and put on
the water tank is slightly smaller in diameter and is heated by water

4. • After melting all the products in a saucepan, cook,
stirring for 30 minutes.

5.•Glaze остужаем и поливаем булочки с разными начинками, а
You can also water the various rolls with this glaze or
mini cakes.

9. Glaze для buns со сливочным сыром


• butter – 140 grams;

• vanillin – 2 grams;

• powdered sugar – 20 grams;

• cream cheese – 140 grams;

• Cinnamon – 1 handful.

Cooking method:

1. • Put cream cheese in a deep cup, add sugar
powder and beat with a mixer until white color.

2. • Put oil in a separate cup, add vanilla and
crush with a fork.

3. • Mix butter with a mass of cream cheese and
powdered sugar, beat everything well for three minutes.

4. • Pour the cinnamon and beat again for one minute.

5. • Apply this icing on buns using a pastry bag,
leveling over the entire surface of wooden or plastic

10. Шоколадная глазурь для buns


• 100 ml thick sour cream;

• three large spoons of natural cocoa powder;

• a teaspoon of sweet butter;

• two spoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. • In a small bowl sift through a cocoa sieve, here
Spread sugar, stir.

2. • Add sour cream, stir until smooth

3. • Put on low heat, bring to a boil, and immediately put

4. • Boil, stirring continuously, for a couple of minutes.

5. • Pour iced buns with icing.

Glaze для buns — хитрости и полезные советы

• If whipped protein is included in the glaze, please note that
It is worth whipping it too actively, otherwise the finished icing will turn out
with bubbles.

• It is better to use icing sugar instead of sugar, so icing
come out more tender. Powder is better to do yourself.

• You can sprinkle glaze on the surface that has not yet seized.
chiseled nuts, coconut or chocolate chips.

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