Begonia: home care is importantmoments (photos). Creating the conditions for flowering begonias at home roundyear

Вт, 29 мар 2016 Автор: Ирина Унжакова

Begonia is a beautiful and vibrant representative of the Begonia family,
which is the most popular plant among flower growers and
has a large number of annual and perennial grass species,
shrubs and dwarf shrubs.

The first described the begonia botanist, a Frenchman of Charles origin
Plume, who was part of an expedition organized on
Antilles in the 16th century by Michel Begon.

It was in honor of this organizer that the plant got its
the name is begonia.

The plant is often used in traditional medicine, it is
analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.


Peculiarities of growing begonias at home

Important points in the proper cultivation of begonias at home

• Home-grown begonia prefers
do without any neighborhood with other colors since
likes open space (for example, on the windowsill) and does not tolerate when
someone or something touches, hurts, or worries – she

• Begonia requires high humidity.
of air.

• Watering begonia is better with separated water, but so that
moisture did not linger in the drain hole.

• The soil for begonias needs to be loosened more often, and the plant should be fed
balanced fertilizer and water with warm water.

• Пересаживать растение рекомендуется раз в year, соблюдая все
rules and nuances of this case.

Begonia: home care – species and breeding

Home-grown begonias are purely symbolic
subdivided into two groups – flowering and deciduous varieties

Deciduous varieties have an extraordinary shape and original.
leaf coloring.

Flowering specimens are divided into categories of tuberous, evergreen
и кустистых plants.

The most popular types of begonias:

Клубневый сорт — имеет простенькие и махровые
petals of various color from bright white to red
and orange. Petals can combine two colors or
edged with a border. The size of the inflorescences range from 5 to 18
centimeters, and the shape is very reminiscent of roses, peonies or

Вечноцветущий сорт — самый распространённый
экземпляр, относящийся к кустистым plantsм. This variety grows like
garden culture, and planted at home in room conditions. Houses
этот сорт бегонии может цвести круглый year, радуя своих домочадцев
glossy leaves of red and green color. This home
the beauty dissolves small flowers of bright shades – red,
pink and white.

Королевский сорт — относится к лиственным
specimens of begonia and has a striking difference in the form of leaves
various coloring, in a form reminding heart and reaching
30 centimeters long. Green, brown and red leaves
This variety is admired and surprised at the same time.

Ампельный подвид клубневой бегонии — похож на
ivy, which is covered with small flowers that are white,
yellow, ruby ​​and orange shades. Hanging this garland
begonias give gardeners flowers throughout vegetative

Элатиор — клубневый гибрид бегонии, который
grown only at home. This species begins to bloom in the fall. Petals
colors differ in a variety of shades. Has brilliant greens
leaves are rounded.

Seed propagation of begonias is best done at the end.
yearа, а точнее, в декабре. Begonia seeds are tender and sensitive,
as a result, when landing on the ground you do not need to apply
any substrates. After a fortnight, seeds planted in the soil,
will sprout. During maturation and growth, shoots are necessary.
dive and quietly accustom to the sun’s rays.

Also begonia, grown at home with ease, will succumb
reproduction by cuttings of stems or leaves. For this you need
будет подобрать крепкий и здоровый экземпляр plants, размером от
10 centimeters and land it in a moist sand soil or
peat For better rooting of begonias, you can resort to
use of phytohormones.

Important! In order for the sapling not to rot,
the plant must be planted so as to completely eliminate it
contact with the earth.

Begonia: home care – soil, lighting,
necessary environment for flowering

Soil and lighting needed for begonias

It is necessary to approach the choice of soil for begonias from all
seriously, since this plant has a fibrous rhizome with
a decent amount of thin and vulnerable roots.

When choosing a soil, it is necessary to consider:

• Low acidity.

• Light and loose soil.

The perfect combination to obtain the required soil composition
there will be mixed proportions 1: 2 – sand and peat mixed with leaf
land, as well as manure from the cow.

For planting begonias in the pot you need three quarters of the capacity
fill with leafy earth, and also 1: 1 with chernozem and peat. With
this need not forget and add to the above components

Важно помнить, что если в соответствии со
all the rules to prepare the ground for room begonias she will
great to grow and please the eye.

If there is such a need and begonia needs to be transplanted,
for example, its root system became cramped in a pot, then you need
do it according to all available rules:

• The plant must be removed from the pot and clean the root
system from the old earth.

• At the time of begonia should be placed in a container with potassium permanganate.

• Clean the rhizome of begonias from all rotted or moldy

• Pour the required soil composition into горш, not
over and plant a begonia. Впоследствии, когда корневище plants
get stronger and grow up, you can add more land.

• The transplanted plant needs regular and frequent watering, and
also safe from exposure to direct rays of the sun.

The best lighting for begonias is daylight with scattered
sunshine light. It is recommended to place begonias on
windowsills with windows facing east or west. Lighting
should exclude a direct hit of the sun. Better for begonias some
partial shade, but, and in the winter for good development and growth
plants, конечно же, дополнительное освещение.

It is important to know that begonia reacts poorly to changes in brightness.
lighting – it can even cause burns or the plant can
completely perish.


On home window sills begonia blooms with great intensity
and brightness. But this is if the plant is provided with the necessary and
proper care. Тогда в блаyearарность бегония будет радовать своих
Household blooms from spring to autumn frosts.

In order to extend the flowering time in the initial stage
развития plants необходимо удалить цветки женского рода.

Flowers begonias are similar in shape to other types of flowers
– carnations, roses, daffodils and others. Bright colors of petals
when flowering can decorate any room and cheer up
his masters

If the begonia does not bloom, then you need to change the conditions
содержания plants и высадить цветок в новый грунт и горшочек. Still
the lack of flowering may indicate that begonia is necessary
to rejuvenate

Begonia: home care – feeding and watering

How to water a begonia?


In order for watering to be correct, you must consider two
especially important factors:

• Good soil moisture.

• No stagnant water in the plant pots.

In summer, begonia needs to be irrigated so abundantly that excess water
completely flowed out of the drainage hole, and after
some time you need unnecessary liquid from the pallet
permanently remove.

Best for your favorite set a certain mode.
watering and irrigating it at the same time. Summer begonia
It is recommended to water at least a couple of times a week, and if it costs
жаркая поyearа, то орошать её необходимо по мере высыхания

In the autumn, the plant should be watered less frequently, and with the onset of
winters when begonia is at rest watering is necessary
reduce to a minimum.

With the arrival of warm days and spring, the plant must be removed from
state of rest thereby increasing the dose and frequency of watering.

Важно помнить, что обильный полив может
lead to powdery mildew that can ruin

Watering лучше всего производить отстоянной и тёпленькой водичкой,
can be boiled.

In addition, many types of begonias do not perceive a direct hit.
воды на ствол или листья plants при опрыскивании, от этого у
brown spots may appear on some specimens,
which indicate burns from the liquid.

Top dressing

Once on such a luxurious ornamental plant as begonia
buds will appear, it will mean one thing – it’s time
top dressing.

For home blooming beauties, top dressing in the form of
liquid complex fertilizer. It is necessary to introduce this fertilizer
together with a little water at once every half a month.

As soon as the plant has passed, the fertilizing process is necessary.
stop it. And in winter, when the plant is resting
feed it at all impossible.

Begonia: at home – why she dies

Invalid care, ignorance, cultivation and maintenance mistakes
a flower like begonia leads to the fact that a favorite plant
falls ill, drops leaves and buds, and even in general

For your pupil, so to speak, you need an eye and an eye.
It is necessary to take a close look at begonias:

• Если листочки plants местами стали коричневыми и начали
to fall, it can mean only one thing – the begonias do not have enough water
и влажности of air.

• If the leaves have become faded – it means that the plant does not
enough light.

• Excessive moisture and low temperature lead to
plant fungus that infect leaves and shoots of begonias. With
such misfortune needs to immediately process the begonia

• Dryness of air and temperature drops are excellent
for the appearance of powdery mildew on the plant. She is in the form of white bloom
губит plant. Therefore, the diseased begonia must be immediately processed.
colloidal sulfur.

The main pests of begonias are organisms such as ticks.
(web) and aphid. They located on the back of the leaflet
begonias and take all the juice out of it. You can destroy the tick
resorting to spraying a solution of soap and tobacco. Louse destroy
special preparations, for example, such as feverfew.

Take care of begonia and provide it with decent and proper care,
then the plant will surely repay the good for it. Its beautiful
property of air purification from various types of pollution,
toxins, chemicals and dust – begonia will make your house
Amateur grower clean and safe.

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