Bed bugs: how to get rid at homeconditions. How to get rid of bed bugs at home, tipsprofessionals

Пт, 06 май 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Despite the fact that such a phenomenon as bed bugs became
manifest somewhat less often than before, however, meeting with them is unlikely
whether someone will bring great joy.

However, if they still appeared in your house, do not panic
worth it, because today there are a huge number of all kinds
methods of combating parasites.

So, let’s see what and how to get rid of.
от постельных клопов в домашних conditions.


Bed bugs: how to get rid at home условиях

The range of means by which today
can deal with bed bugs, quite extensive. All these
funds are usually divided into the following groups:

  • physical impact;

  • chemicals;

  • folk methods;

  • call special services.

Which option from this group to choose is a matter of course
individual, everything will depend on personal preferences,
material component and a number of specific circumstances.

Physical impact means independent
the destruction of bed bugs, and the difference from the last paragraph is only
that special services can guarantee complete elimination
insects in the house, however, and it will cost much more.

However, if the location of bedbugs is concentrated in one or two places,
or the area of ​​the processed premises is not too large;
try to get rid of them yourself.

Which option would you choose, specialized or
independent, in both cases we must not forget that
chemical insecticides are very poisonous to the human body and
able to cause a lot of allergic reactions. Pretty
common cases where the wrong use of insecticides and
failure to comply with safety regulations resulted in serious
poisoning, so this kind of action is prohibited for people to do
allergic reactions, children, pregnant women and
lactating women.

Bed bugs: how to get rid at home условиях с помощью

Next, consider the option of expelling these insects from your home.
through chemical preparations. However before using them
Remember a series of simple rules:

1) every person conducting such events should
use rubber gloves and a cotton gauze bandage to
protect the airways and hands from exposure to chemicals

2) the entire chemical cleaning process should be carried out well
closed clothes (for example, in a tracksuit) that open
skin areas remained as small as possible;

3) the head at the time of processing should also be protected by a scarf
or other special headgear;

4) at the end of the procedure you need to go to the fresh air,
wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap and water and take off your robe.

So, you can fight with parasites by the following

  • Executioner (has high efficacy but persistent unpleasant odor
    also present);

  • GET (not less effective, besides not

  • Raid (aerosol)

  • Riapan;

  • Neopin;

  • Carbosol;

  • Forsyth (very strong, but very strong

This list contains both domestic and
foreign funds. Moreover, the choice is given not only by
drug names, but also in forms and composition: some means
use Dichlorvos, Karbofos, all kinds of peritroids or
organophosphate substances as the main shock force. Concerning
the latter (especially representatives with a low threshold
toxicity), then today they use the most
very popular, as they are very efficient and in the shortest
terms destroy bedbugs. In addition, through a short
for a period of time they themselves fall apart and lose their danger. So
Thus, the room that has been treated with such preparations is already
in a day or two, it becomes absolutely safe for

Concerning химических средств в форме аэрозолей, то к их
the choice must be approached very carefully. The fact is that they are already
for a long time used by people and can lose their
efficacy due to immunity developed against them

Bed bugs: how to get rid at home условиях при помощи
folk remedies

If bed bugs have only recently appeared in your home and their
not too much, you can try to fight them with
проверенных не одним поколением folk remedies. The most famous
of them:

  • turpentine;

  • vinegar;

  • denatured alcohol;

  • cresol

Each of these means in pure or diluted form is necessary
apply on affected places. To completely from them
get rid of, don’t forget to do it every day, and after some
time the bugs disappear from your home.

To handle the corners of wooden furniture, baseboards and floors
you can use a mixture of turpentine with kerosene with the addition of
naphthalene. For this treatment, you need to wear not rubber, but
polyethylene gloves that are commonly used when painting
hair, as these substances can corrode rubber products.

Concerning мягкой мебели и ковров, то здесь лучше использовать
solutions of denatured alcohol, naphthalene, acetic acid or purified
ethyl alcohol. For example, 5 g of naphthalene must be dissolved in
a glass of denatured alcohol or 70% ethyl alcohol and handle
places infected with bedbugs.

Each of these means is rather effective only on
the first stages of the appearance of bed bugs, if the situation requires
more serious measures need to use chemicals or
start fighting these insects with heat treatment,
which is worth to stay in more detail.

Bed bugs: how to get rid at home условиях
by heat treatment

If the parasites caught you in the frosty winter, the first thing you need
do – freeze them on the street. To do this, set to
street parts of furniture (mattresses, shelves, tables, chairs, etc.
d.) and hold them in the cold for several hours. Wherein
frost outside should be strong enough (from -25 ° C and higher),
since these insects are resistant to lower temperatures. Also
you can freeze the apartment completely, leaving a couple of open windows
day, but it can lead to breakage of plumbing systems.

You can also get rid of bed bugs by
heating, but unfortunately, not all things and furniture can be subjected
treatment with high temperatures from +50 ° C and above. However lion
the share of furniture and places of possible accumulation of these insects can
dry steam or heat, and this treatment is
very effective. To carry it out, you need to call sanitary
services. Their employees in the fight against insects can take advantage
industrial hair dryers, special irradiators or
steam generators.

The higher the temperature, the shorter the exposure time, and
temperature from +100 ° C and above it will be 45-60 minutes. Such
processing will lead to the death of absolutely all the bugs, including their eggs
and the larvae that are most resistant to external

Calling Special Services

Full guarantee of getting rid of any type of flat insects,
including bed bugs, can only give professional
disinsection. Such услуга стоит относительно дорого, но зато
homeowners without any effort can quickly and efficiently
избавиться от insects.

Employees of special services, as a rule, enjoy the most
effective insecticides that cannot be purchased at the economic
store, because such substances require special skills.
In addition, they also use special equipment:

  • heat guns designed to heat the room when
    elimination of insects by the temperature method;

  • fog generators – insecticide spray equipment
    small drops. This method is most effective because
    poisonous matter gets into all places that may be located
    bedbugs, even the most inaccessible.

Bed bugs are a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but
timely response of the owners can get rid of them
quickly and efficiently.

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