Banana diet for 3 days

  • 1 What is useful diet on bananas?
    • 1.1 Recommendations
  • 2 Меню банановой диеты и правила приема
    • 2.1 Menu for 3 days
    • 2.2 Menu for the week

Banana diet for 3 days – это вкусный, но довольно жесткий
a way to quickly throw off a few extra pounds. Disadvantage
of this method – it is not rich in different products (the menu will consist
only from these fruits). Monotony monotony can quickly
bored by those who are used to organizing various tricks for themselves

The advantage of losing weight on bananas is that they are sweet,
delicious and loved by many. Эти фрукты сытные и богаты
, потому человеку не придется страдать от

As is known, these fruits stimulate in man
выработку гормона счастья, потому люди не страдают
from a bad mood and outbursts of unmotivated aggression. But all
the same people who just don’t like this yellow product are better
choose for themselves another food.


What is useful diet on bananas?

it хороший способ быстро очистить организм от
, насытиться витаминами и улучшить общее
well-being. For girls who are used to strictly limit
yourself in the diet, this way of losing weight – the ability to enjoy
something tasty without sacrificing weight.

Существует две разновидности банановой

  1. gentle (lasting 7 days);
  2. hard (weight goes away in three days).

Many have a question why such a nutritional product
used in diet? After all, he is usually under a total ban for
wanting to lose weight. Все дело в том, что данный продукт
has excellent ability to excrete
что позволяет избавиться от отечности.

In addition, the yellow fruit contains a high amount of fiber,
что помогает активно выводить шлаки из организма.
Because eating like this, people lose a few pounds easily and

Кому подходит такая диета?

A banana diet is suitable for people without gastrointestinal diseases and with good
intestines. It is recommended to try this diet for people with problems.
on the skin. Slags from the body will go away and the skin will be cleansed.

The high potassium content makes the monodiet very useful for
people with diseases of the heart and joints. But best of all
consult a physician first.


Banana diet for 3 days обычно собирает самые лучшие отзывы,
as it is very tasty, and most importantly – effective. This is one of
diets where breakdowns are very rare, because the product itself is sufficient
sweet and tight. Because the temptation to eat something impermissible
much less.

Many are interested in how often you can resort to such nutrition.
Doctors recommend organizing such a marathon 50 times
, но допускается и более частое использование. If a
you are very well suited such food, then every two weeks you can
arrange yourself “banana days.”

You can choose for yourself the apple, or grapefruit mode. But
the advantage of a banana among others is that they are beautiful
satisfy hunger. A man accustomed to eating in small portions,
will stay for three days with such a menu without any difficulty.

Меню банановой диеты и правила приема

Банановая диета на три дня – это
Express way to quickly and easily throw off 2-3 kg. But необходимо
придерживаться нескольких важных правил:

  • Be sure to start losing weight not spontaneously, but prepare.
    First day (лучше даже два дня) у вас обязательно
  • Before a mono-diet one should not eat fatty, sweet, salty and other
    junk food.
  • Limit yourself to light, natural food so as not to block
  • Важная деталь – качество food. To make the weight really start
    the quality of the fruit is of great importance. You can’t eat
    overripe fruit with brown spots or still green.
  • Suitable for food only moderately ripe, yellow and completely
    ripe fruit. They are small, bright yellow and thin
    sandpaper. If a вы нигде не можете его найти правильной спелости, то
    It’s best to buy some more green ones, wrap them in cling film and
    put in a dark place to ripen.
  • It is important to eat only banana pulp. For this
    peel the fruit and remove all white fiber from the surface.
  • Also do not forget about the correct exit. Your body cleanse
    from the slags, because you should not immediately jump on the harmful and oily
    food. Better a few more days to eat right.

Menu for 3 days

The banana diet for three days has a strictly regulated
количество food. it три фрукта и молоко. it
the amount of food needed to stretch the whole day. None
restrictions on the frequency of reception there.

You can divide food into standard meals: breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. And in between meals you need to drink a glass.
milk It turns out six meals per day, which alternates.
He ate, waited three hours, drank the milk, three hours later he ate and

If a вы не любите, или не переносите молоко, его можно
заменить легким кефиром (1%)
. With the same alternation: 1
банан, 1 стакан кефира, и etc.

The banana diet menu for 3 days looks like
in the following way:

  1. Завтрак — banana;
  2. Snack: low-fat milk 0.5 ml;
  3. Обед – banana;
  4. Snack: low-fat milk 0.5 ml;
  5. Dinner – banana.

Menu for the week

On a weekly banana diet you can eat up to one and a half kg of fruit in
a day and drink green tea. On the hard version the amount eaten
cuts up to three pieces per day and adds milk. During this time
weight goes about 1 kg per day.

Menu for the week ( завтрак, второй завтрак, обед, полдник,

Первый день

  1. banana;
  2. green tea;
  3.  banana and 100 grams of yogurt;
  4. green tea;
  5. banana.

Second day

  1. banana;
  2. dried fruits (raisins / dried apricots / pineapple) 100 g;
  3. banana;
  4. banana and green tea.

The third day

  1. banana;
  2. green tea;
  3. йогурт и banana;
  4. green tea;
  5. banana.

Четвертый день

  1. banana;
  2.  green tea;
  3. 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  4. green tea;
  5. banana;
  6. green tea.

Пятый день

  1. banana;
  2. 100 ml of milk;
  3. banana;
  4. 100 ml of milk;
  5. banana.

Шестой день

  1. banana;
  2. 1 boiled egg;
  3. banana;
  4. 1 boiled egg;
  5. banana.

Seventh day

  1.  banana;
  2. green tea;
  3.  100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  4. green tea;
  5. banana;
  6. green tea.

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