August 21: what are the holidays today. Developments,Name day and birthdays August 21.

Mon, May 30, 2016


Holidays August 21

Stribog’s Day

In East Slavic mythology, Stribog is the god of the wind, born of
Rod’s breathing. Stribog causes and stops the storm or other
phenomena associated with the wind. He is also Perun’s brother, and they
together command thunder and lightning. It is believed that Stribog lives in
the sea on the island of Buyan, daily creating 77 winds that
sends in all directions. These winds are very strong and can dry
rivers and crush the woods. Winds causing tornadoes have always been
mysterious and frightening phenomenon. The Slavs called Perun for help,
impacted tornadoes, throwing stones, knives at them, beating with sticks. With another
side, known among the Slavs and the concept of the wind as a spirit (soul). They
donated ribbons, patches of flour, porridge, grits, bread, grain,
scattering them downwind in an open field, begging for winds pleasing
for the harvest.

August 21 in the national calendar

Miron Vetrogon

This day marks the memory of Myron of Crete, the bishop. By
legend, it was an amazingly good man, his name is associated with
many amazing legends. Cretan people knew about him
kindheartedly, so they unanimously elected him a bishop. Byсле
This Myron began to work wonders. For example, the Triton River, released
from the coast and threatening the city with flooding, was one stroke of the rod
cleric returned to the mainstream. In Russia, Miron was nicknamed
Vetrogonom. On his holiday, strong winds often occurred. By погоде
On this day, the weather was judged next January. On Mirona in the forest
collected blackberries. Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of this berry.
and used it for colds and as a diaphoretic. She appreciated
also for taste and smell, and blackberry leaves along with the leaves
strawberries and currants brewed as tea.

Historical events August 21

21 августа 1911 года – «Джоконда» была похищена из
ЛувраByсле смерти художника Леонардо да Винчи знаменитую «Джоконду»
acquired the French king Francis I. In 1793 the painting was
placed in the Central Museum of Art in the Louvre. Mona Lisa is always
was the property of the national collection. In 1911, the picture was stolen
employee of the Louvre, the Italian master Vincenzo Perugia. Losing
discovered the next day, the museum was closed, the search began.
Through the press, the kidnapper was promised complete secrecy and reward for
the return of the picture, as there was a fear of the destruction of the masterpiece.
There was no response to this statement. Two years later
the thief decided to sell the picture, but was handed over to the police. Criminal
was sentenced to a year in prison. Never in the 20th Century
знаменитая «Джоконда» не покидала Лувр.21 августа 1940
– совершено покушение на военного и политического
Leo Trotsky, leader of the USSR and Russia; He was a member of the Central
Committee of the Russian Communist Party of the Bolsheviks, in 1917 led
Petrograd Council of Soldiers ‘and Workers’ Deputies, was the leader
October revolution. In 1024, Stalin announced the views of Trinity
�”Petty-bourgeois bias” in the RCP (b). Subsequently, Trotsky steadily
deviated from the party’s leadership line, political and military
work. In 1927, the struggle of Stalin and Troitsky reached its peak. Leiba
Bronstein was sent abroad, expelled from the party, but still
continued policy activities and led with stalinism
literary and journalistic struggle. In the 30s, the NKVD were
entrusted with the preparation and implementation of the murder of Trinity, who received
shelter in mexico. Several attempts were unsuccessful. In 1940
году Троицкий был убит.21 августа 1957 года
launch of the first intercontinental ballistic missileSergey
Korolev, an outstanding scientist and creator of the best rocket-space
systems, was the leader of the work on the creation of the R-7 and
technological equipment required for the launch
rockets. The construction project was one of the largest engineering
programs of the Soviet Union. Its implementation opened the way for development
sets of science and technology industries related to rocket science.
In 1957, the R-7 rocket was successfully launched from Baikonur for the first time.
In parallel with the R-7, the R-7A complex was developed, having a large
range, improved control system, more
надежные двигатели и облегченную боевую частью.21 августа
1968 года
– введение войск стран Варшавского Договора в
Czechoslovakia, the end of the “Prague Spring” Czechoslovakia actively began
demonstrate independence from the USSR with the arrival of Alexander Dubchek
to the leadership of the Communist Party. A program of political
reforms to build so-called “socialism with
human face. Significantly weaker censorship, allowed
free discussions, a multiparty system was created. It was
declared the desire to ensure freedom of speech
control over the activities of state security agencies,
facilitate the organization of private enterprises and a number of other changes.
These actions, according to the leadership of the USSR and other socialist countries,
posed a threat to the party-administrative system of the USSR and countries
Of Europe. In 1968, to suppress process
liberal democratic reforms, troops of the USSR, Hungary,
Болгарии, Byльши и ГДР — стран Варшавского Договора. It laid
an end to the illusions of the inhabitants of Czechoslovakia in the possibility of reforming
socialism as a system. 21 августа 1991 года
defeat of the August putsch of the Emergency Committee in MoscowAbout one o’clock the tank
column tried to break through the line of defense of the White House. Three
defenders died. In the morning, the withdrawal of troops was begun from Moscow.
The conspirators were arrested. Gorbachev addressed the Soviet people
on television, saying that the coup d’état failed,
and the conspirators underestimated the fact that the people had changed by breathing the air
of freedom. In 1994, convicted members of the Emergency Committee were released on

Born on August 21

Леонид Андреев (1871 — 1919 гг) – писатель
�Silver Age. In 1897, Andreev successfully completed
University and began to practice the bar, in 1902 became
work as a journalist. He wrote feuilletons for the Courier newspapers and
�”Moscow Herald”. His first story was also published there.
Andreeva noticed Maxim Gorky and invited the author to the partnership
�”Knowledge”, which brought together many young writers. To Leonid
Andreev glory. In 1906 he had a son, Daniel,
the future of the famous mystic writer who wrote the novel “The Rose of the World.”
Having moved to Finland, Andreev wrote his first dramatic
works. During the First World War, opposes
фашизма с антинемецкими произведениями.Вия Артмане
(1929-2008) – Latvian and Soviet film and theater actress,
People’s Artist of the USSR. She studied at the acting studio at the theater, and
after graduation she worked at the Art Academic Theater.
Rainis. In 1999 she went to work at the Riga Youth Theater.
Кинодебют Вии Артмане состоялся в 1956 году, это был фильм «Byсле
the storm. In 1969, she was awarded the title People
артистки.Ким Кэтролл (1956 год) – англо-канадская
actress. Kim from a young age showed acting talents, so
her parents did not interfere with her admission to the London Academy
arts Byкорять Нью-Йорк Кэтролл отправилась в возрасте 16-ти
years old. Так же она выпускница Американской академии arts Debut
in the cinema was the film “Pink Bud” in 1975. Kim cattrall is
the author of two books that are also published in Russia.

Name Day August 21

Herman, Emelyan, Gregory, Miron, Joseph, Leonid, Fedor, Moses,

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