ATыращивание и care за томатами: краснымиbeautiful! ATыбор сорта, выращивание рассады томатов и правильныйcare

Пт, 05 фев 2016 Автор: Евгений

Large tomato harvest can be obtained only at optimum
careе за растениями.

AT первую очередь он зависит — от правильно выбранных seed
подходящего сорта и от качества seedlings.

To produce the mature fruits of this crop in our climate,
possible only when grown with


ATыращиваем томаты: выбор seed

Often beginning gardeners choose tomato seeds only by
beautiful picture on the packaging or buy a variety advertised
the seller. Such an acquisition is likely to disappoint you –
completely different fruits will grow, the seeds will be of poor quality
or variety will be unsuitable for your climate. But from two
first trouble can be partially insured by buying seeds
trusted supplier, the choice of variety requires careful study.
characteristics of various tomatoes.

To make the picture on the package turned into a lot of tasty
fruits, it is necessary to take into account several of their most important

• ATкус плодов;

• Disease resistance;

• Resistance to low temperatures;

• Compliance with the climate of the region;

• ATозможное количество урожая.

ATыбирая сорт для выращивания томатов на своем участке,
необходимо определиться в предназначении плодов,
because the properties of grown tomatoes in different varieties can be strong,
for transportation, for conservation or for
summer salads, it is necessary to plant the seeds of completely different

ATыращиваем томаты: возможная урожайность

For most gardeners, the most important characteristic is to
I didn’t have to guess how many tomato fruits could be grown,
необходимо произвести простой подсчет. The main
mass of traditional varieties give an average of 1 m2 – 12-15 kg. With
growing F1 hybrids from the same area can get 20 kg and
more, maximum yield reported by the seed supplier
only when all the rules of agrotechnology of this culture.

Нередко гибриды F1 лучше переносят ошибки в careе и
minor microclimate changes. With изменениях температуры и
low light, they can give a decent harvest, sick
less often (F1 tomatoes are mainly grown in greenhouses).

ATыращивание томатов: вид куста, формирование и другие

AT теплицах лучше выращивать высокорослые растения или как их
called – indeterminate, they can grow to several
meters Shrubs grow in lianovidnaya form, bear fruit for a long time and give
big harvest. These varieties are planted on 1 m2 for 2-3 plants.
The bush is formed into one stem, timely cutting off, the stepsons,
leaving a “hemp” 1-1.5 cm long, you can slow down the growth in this
place new stepchildren. Such an operation makes it possible to save
силы и время для роста плодоносящего escape First inflorescence on
tall varieties formed over 7-12 leaf, the next – through
three sheets.

But the positive properties of tall plants are not the reason.
forget about undersized (determinant) plants. To this kind
Tomatoes include varieties with a stem of small length, fruiting in
большинстве случаев раньше индетерминантных varieties. In the early maturity
plants the bulk of the fruit ripens in the first 2-4 racemes. System
planting such varieties in the cultivation of tomatoes in one stem – 4-5
bushes per 1 m2 and in the formation of two or three stems – 2-3
plants per 1 m2.

Mass and size of fruits

Large-fruited tomatoes are mainly intended for harvesting.
tomato juice cooking salads. Lovers canned vegetables
and cooking pickles need to pay attention to varieties with
many small fruits of the same size. For this are suitable varieties
cherry tomatoes, which in the bank look very attractive and
will be the perfect snack, this is the perfect raw material for cooking.
unusual snacks and preservation.

Disease resistance

If the soil is contaminated with diseases such as mosaic, late blight and
etc., it is likely that a significant proportion of the fruit will be damaged,
the infection persists in the soil for several years,
fungal spores are also the causative agents of diseases. And if at
growing tomatoes in the open field;
growing tomatoes in the greenhouse is difficult to do.

ATнешний вид

Of course, this is not the most significant characteristic of tomatoes, but it’s nice
pick a beautiful fruit from the bush. And some hybrids and varieties, ways
surprise, famous for the original form of the variety “Lorraine handsome”
similar to the mandarin lobules, or the fruits of “Etoile elongated with ribs
striped”. A variety of tomato coloring, impressive, sometimes
changing it beyond recognition. In addition to the usual orange,
yellow and pink tomatoes, there are white fruits, green in color and
black varieties. AT «Олимпийском огне» и «Фейерверке» и
simultaneously combines several colors

How not to be mistaken during the acquisition

Let’s say you picked the right varieties for growing tomatoes
and ready to buy them. How to buy quality planting material?
You need to remember these forever. regulations:

• Do not purchase seeds on the market from unverified
realizers. You can buy in the packaging of a reliable manufacturer,
cheap seeds purchased in bulk;

• In stores, select manufacturer’s products with good
reputation. It happens that the manufacturer suffers in separate batches with
poor-quality products, regrading or seed
which expired. For this reason it is necessary
buy seed bags from the trustworthy

• Examine the information specified packaging is most important – the term
shelf life, you can still find out whether the variety is really convenient to care for,
its characteristics, is it indicated in the literature.

Remember! When choosing seeds even completely
insured against an oversight, be fully confident in the variety
worth it. From the acquisition of low-quality seeds completely
insure impossible. You can not remain without a crop if
pick at least four varieties for sowing. Helpful
annually test new varieties, selecting those that are better
grow in your climate.

Growing tomato seedlings

До посадки seed их необходимо подготовить к

1. Place the contents of the seed packages onto a sheet of paper and
we select very small and broken seeds. Full seeds
can be selected by lowering them for 5 minutes in a container with salted
water All seeds floating on the surface – no good, they
empty. Sow only need to sink to the bottom. Their
rinse with water;

2. After that, the seeds are immersed in a warm solution of potassium permanganate
pink, 10-15 minutes take out. Instead of potassium permanganate
You can use hydrogen peroxide (add 5 ml per 100 ml of water

3. Sometimes before sowing the seeds are hardened, for this swollen seeds
placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 days;

4. After that, the seeds are laid out for germination on wet
fabrics, it is desirable to arrange them so that they do not
touched each other. In a warm place in about 2-3 days
The first keys will appear on the seeds.

Growing tomatoes: preparing ground mix

The soil for growing seedlings can be prepared by several
in ways, the main condition – it is necessary to make a loose mixture.
This can be done using loosening components by adding them to
turfy ground, for example, suitable rotted sawdust or peat.
The seedling grows well in coconut fiber, in which many beneficial
trace elements.

Examples of ground mix:

We take the same amount of peat, rotted humus and soil
from the garden. Add 0.5 liters of wood ash to 10 liters of mixture, two
спичечных коробка суперфосфата и слегка увлажнить смесь water

We take the same amount of rotted compost, peat, river
sand and soil from the garden ,. Dissolve in 10 liters of water 30 g of superphosphate,
10 g of urea and 20 g of potassium sulfate.

You can plant seeds and purchased soil for vegetables, it does not
need to make additional additives.

After that it is necessary to prepare a container for growing.
seedlings. Suitable plastic cups, wooden boxes or
горшки, можно купить минитепличку для выращивания seedlings.

Tomato is a heat-loving plant; for this reason, select for
a warm and well-lit place
suitable for tomato seedlings 22 degrees of heat.

Growing tomatoes: when and how to sow

Planting dates

Sowing in January-February is not worth it, experienced gardeners
advise March, as the most suitable for this month. In that
the period is already enough sunlight, the seedlings will develop in
most suitable conditions.

You can keep seedlings indoors for a maximum of 60 days,
Therefore, planting dates are calculated depending on the climate.
region. The earliest ripe varieties can be sown in the first decade.


Sowing seed несложен, в емкость насыпают подготовленную почву,
watered and covered with foil. After 5-6 hours in boxes produce
grooves 5 cm deep, 1 cm deep, pitted in pots. Seeds
gently dipped into the grooves, it is convenient to do this with a toothpick. AT
the grooves place the seeds through 2 cm, sprinkle with soil and
moistened with a spray.

To make crops grow faster, they are covered with foil, after 5-7
days (after the appearance of the first seedlings), the film is removed.

ATыращивание рассады

Care – an important point in the cultivation of tomatoes, the first time you need
maintain the temperature in the room with seedlings within 22-23
degrees If necessary, produce watering of the crops settled
water, you can use rain or snow water for this.

After a week has passed, you need to gradually reduce
temperature until it drops to 17-19 degrees. AT это время
need to carefully ventilate the room without creating
drafts. After appearing on the seedlings of two true leaves,
need to transplant tomatoes. It is advisable to shorten the main
seedling root 1/3 to provoke the growth of side roots.
If sunny days are not enough, you need to highlight the seedlings
fluorescent or LED lamps for 18 hours.

To properly develop the root system of seedlings, do not
forget about once a week to water it (judged by
ground). If the seedlings begin to stretch, you need to reduce
temperature and less water. Before landing in open ground
the seedlings are hardened, increasing the ventilation of the room. Then her
It is desirable to transfer to the greenhouse and soak in it for several days.
After that, you can plant plants in the ground without fear.

ATыращивание томатов: высадка рассады

AT первую очередь необходимо хорошо увлажнить почву в ящиках или
potted seedlings. This will allow to retrieve the seedlings without problems and
reduce the risk of damage to the roots. On the dug up bed prepare
wells 10-15 cm deep. Their так же поливают (на 8 лунок 10 л воды)
and bring rotten humus and mineral fertilizers (in proportion

1. Turn the container with the seedling, hold the index and
the middle finger of the seedling, and so remove it from the container;

2. Break the cotyledon leaves;

3. Dip the plant into the hole, without destroying the clod of earth, and pour
composted roots, plant stem should not be filled;

4. Condense the soil around the plant and sprinkle dry on top.

5. After planting the seedlings, the beds are mulched with a layer of 10 cm (you can
use newspapers, straw, sawdust, sluggish grass);

After planting tomatoes in the ground, they do not bother for 8-10 days, for that
time plants take root in a new place. AT это время поливать их
unnecessary (enough watering produced when planting seedlings).
It is necessary to protect the tomatoes from possible frost, for
prepare a transparent film, cover her bed for the night. Through 1.5
weeks tomatoes are watered, two weeks after planting for the first time
spiked tomatoes, the following hilling plants produce as

ATыращивание томатов в теплице

Features of planting seedlings

AT тепличных условиях рассада помидор для быстрого развития
requires the creation of certain conditions:

• It is necessary to warm up the soil before planting seedlings, otherwise the roots
will not develop, the plant will root much worse;

• Soil temperature should be 12-15 degrees, for this
You must first cover the soil with black film. Same,
you can heat the water and pour it into the wells before planting;

• ATысаживая томаты нельзя их сильно заглублять в грунт,
a powdered stem will give strength to the development of new roots, and growth
plants slow down;

• Do not give large doses of nitrogen fertilizers, it can become
the reason that the bush instead of the crop will grow shoots and

• ATнимательно осматривайте растение, листья, пожелтевшие и с
signs of illness, remove;

• ATысаживать помидоры нужно в пасмурный день или вечером.

Landing pattern

AT теплице помидоры выращивают, соблюдая определенную схему их
planting, beds are made along the length of the greenhouse, with a width of 60-90
see how many of them will be, depends on the width of the structure of the greenhouse, between
beds leave space 60-70 cm. Formation of plants and
the variety is determined, their pattern, tall grow in
one stalk planting after 40-50 cm, 2-3 leave on undersized

Tomato care

Experts recommend the first time after landing, do not water,
you must wait until the seedlings are taken, about 10

ATажно! Before flowering tomatoes need to be watered once
4-5 days, pouring 4-5 liters per 1m2. When tomatoes bloom, water
more often on 1 m 2 on 10-13 l. Plants need to be watered in the morning
time under the root, it is not necessary to water the tomatoes in the evening, in this
time condensation forms, and drops will fall on the tomatoes

Removing stepsons

Side shoots that grow in the leaf axils on tomatoes are called
stepchildren. They obscure the plant, as a result, diseases develop,
fruits ripen too early. Masking is a simple operation.
you just need to gently break the stepson. Need to do this
in the morning time for the wound to dry.

ATыращивание томатов в грунте

After the spring frosts pass, the tomato seedlings
planted in the garden. Best to do in cloudy
. If the sun shines brightly every day, then wait

Seedlings are planted in two rows with spaces between them:

• For determinant and shtambovy grades of aisle – 40-50 cm,
a row – 30-35 cm;

• For plants of medium height between rows – 50-60 cm, in a row –
40-45 cm

Square nesting method

Facilitate the care of plants, and create optimal for them
conditions are possible using this method.

Planting is made according to the scheme:

• Stunted and standard in 70×70 cm, in each well
2-3 seedlings are planted;

• Varieties of ripened with a wide bush through 70×70 cm, two by two
seedling per well;

• Late-ripening through 70×70 cm, one seedling per well.

Tape-nested method

ATыращивание томатов с помощью такой технологии позволяет
plant more plants in the same area. Irrigation furrows
With this method, the landing is done in 1.4 m with 60 cm row spacing,
seedlings are planted at the edges of furrows. AT идеале, для быстрого роста
seedlings need to leave one tomato on an area of ​​0.3 m2.

On 100 m2, fit 340-420 seedlings of early ripe varieties, and
medium and late ripening 240-290.

ATредители и заболевания томатов

Черная ножка. In diseased seedlings, root
the neck becomes thinner, gets dark color, then this place
rotting and seedling perish. Ways to prevent – watering in
moderate amounts, seedlings and adult plants should not be planted
thickly, water the seedlings with Fitosporin-M solution.

Фитофтороз. AT первое время симптомы практически
not noticeable, after-treatment treatments can only save
small amount of harvest. For this reason, prevention is important.
diseases. Low temperatures at night and in the afternoon together with high
humidity optimal conditions for the development of the disease. AT грунт
Before picking add a tablet Gliokladina per pot.
You can take advantage of the popular struggle – a glass of garlic,
ground, diluted in a bucket of water, consumes 0.5 l per m2

Мозаика. Viral tomato disease
origin, the bulk of modern varieties resistant to
disease. The plant frowns and twists the leaves on them
chlorotic plots appear. Sick plants uprooted
and burned. For prevention, seedlings are treated with non-fat
milk every 10 days (1 l milk per bucket of water, then add 10
g of urea).

Растрескивание плодов. Damage
occur due to sudden changes in soil moisture. Cells
the skin is torn due to the rapid increase in pressure inside the fetus.
The way of struggle is stable watering with certain intervals.

Подгрызающая совка. AT ночное время гусеницы
30-40 mm long injured leaves and stems. The way to fight – manual
collecting caterpillars, digging a deep plot and extermination

Слизни. Gnawing ovaries and leaf edges
shellfish, mostly harm indirectly, opening the way for various
infections. Against them, soil is dusted with lime or collected in a dark
time by hand.

Медведка. Insect grows up to 50-80 mm
long, with clearly visible digging paws. Against her
apply the infusion of hot pepper – add 150 g to the bucket of water
minced hot pepper, sustain the composition of two
days. AT ходы заметные на грядке выливают по 0,5 л настоя. Not worth it
leave a pile of manure or compost in the plot for the winter
pest loves to spend the winter.

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