Attract wealth in the house of Feng Shui

Thu, 07 May 2015 Quite often we come across
a situation where two families have approximately the same income, but one
the family barely makes ends meet, and the other enjoys abundance.
How does this happen?

In fact, our home is a living organism, some kind of mediator between
us and the universe. By changing the subtle energy of our housing, we consciously
we can change everything. Now we will talk about how to attract wealth
in the home of Feng Shui. Each apartment / house zone is responsible for
a certain side of the life of the tenants.


There are 9 such sectors in total:

1. Wealth – for finance and their wealth is responsible southeast

2. Family – activation of family values ​​contributes to the preservation of
certain zone in the east

3. Wisdom, knowledge, learning will give us the northeast

4. Glory, fame, recognition – South

5. Health, disclosure of creative potential guarantees the center.

6. To enhance the career sector, activate the zone in the north.

7. Love and marriage dwell in the southwest

8. Children, everything connected with them – West

9. Heavenly helpers, patrons, travels –

Locate the wealth sector

Прежде всего, нам понадобиться компас и ксерокопия плана housing.
I think every hostess will find parchment paper, so she and us
need Draw a square about 20 * 20, then divide our square by 9
squares of the same size, each signed with a pencil.
It remains to impose our transparent lined paper on
A photocopy of the apartment plan (by the way, I also asked to increase
plan several times). Now you see where in your house
is the desired welfare sector.

The first stage to attract wealth to the house – we do

Try to look at the space in an unbiased way, as if
You saw everything for the first time. Debris, various “extra” items
will have to disassemble. Wet cleaning with a pinch of salt will
appropriate. Usually the sector is one or several rooms. Have
some it may be completely different rooms
separated by a wall. Part in one room, the rest – in

In whatever place of the house this area is located, it must
to suggest thoughts of wealth, abundance and prosperity. If there
located closet, or pantry, to get rid of
all superfluous and what you do not use for a long time. Create the perfect
order This is important, because the next step will be the activation of these zones.
This is comparable with the inclusion of the fan. One thing when he
makes fresh, fresh air circulate, and another thing
raise the air many days of dust, and even the web. Us so
need to?

What serves as an activator

1. Water

2. Plants

3. Moving objects

4. Different symbols of wealth

5. Correct colors

• Let’s start with water

Water is a very strong activator. Without overloading with extra information,
note that the southeast is ruled by the element tree. It is for
The symbolic growth of this very tree is what we introduce there. AT
Ideally, this is an aquarium where 8 goldfish and 1 black fish swim,
damages preventing miniature fountains. In case of emergency
let it be a vase of water and bamboo growing in it. As an example
thinking outside the box can be an example. One woman lived in
one-room flat and all sectors were correspondingly very
small sizes. How can I activate the chair, refrigerator and 25 cm
between the fridge and the window? AT доме частенько отключали воду и в
the vestibule was dusty bottles of water. Guess? She simply
several times bought clean drinking water and in the released cans
6 liters each already poured its water. 5 bottles of water is great
cope with their role. Just do not forget to change the water more often.
It is worth noting that the excess liquid symbolically “floods” our
wealth tree.

• Plants

Give preference to trees with rounded leaves. No wonder
The most suitable plant is called the “money tree”.
Cacti lovers need to remove them from this sector. Cacti and
all prickly belong to the anti – Feng Shui subjects. Plants
must radiate health.

• Moving objects

Such objects are designed to make money breathe and move.
energy. Stagnation to us in this place to anything, like a draft. it
there may be a wall clock with a pendulum, a mobile, the music of the wind. Not
forget about the role of symbolism in feng shui. it очень древняя наука.
If you do not have a currency, souvenir dollars, euros will do.
If your photos hang in this zone, you can put one bill
under the frame. Attract children. Let the “symbolic” tree blind,
let alone decorate each leaf with coins.

• Symbols of wealth and wealth

There are generally accepted symbols of prosperity for Feng Shui. To them
include numerous figures of Hattea, the joyful Buddha. Coins
would be appropriate everywhere. ATот ещё пример нестандартного мышления.
The newlyweds lived in the apartment of the mother-in-law, and on the flatly forbade
any changes in the interior. What to do, because the wealth sector
placed them in the hallway and captured a piece of the hall?
Entrepreneurial girl found 2 outputs in the form of gifts favorite
mother-in-law. First Rolleta on windows with a picture became a gift
cherry blossoms on a mound of coins, the second gift was
stitched together hanging coins on a fishing line, imitating
curtains. About the coins need to be said separately. Buy 3 souvenir
coins, and, taking them with a hieroglyph up, tie up red satin
ribbon. Spread such “stashes” everywhere in places that, for
you are symbolic: the wallet, the glove box of the car. If you are in the process
construction, boldly cement in the threshold and the corners of rooms by 8
such coins. People skeptical to everything Chinese
can be used to activate our plump piggy piggy banks.

• Colors

Lilac and purple are recognized as flowers of mystics and prosperity. Stones
also play an important role. If you have a major fallen out
old grandma’s amethyst ring then hold it in salt water
week for cleansing, and it will be smart to activate your sector
wealth. Lilac curtains embroidered in gold, violet in a pot.
Red is a universal activator of everything, but you have to be with it.
very careful not to “burn” our tree. Separately worth
and green. it цвет всего растущего и валюты. Use
double tricks! ATозьмите золотистую рамочку с сиреневым картоном
inside and put on it a 100 dollar souvenir banknote. If a
the fridge got here – this is a clear luck. Put here
a bottle of champagne / good wine (in case of an increase
salary), and all that you personally associate with wealth.

Haveстранение опасных предметов

The final stage of attracting wealth to the house of Feng Shui is
elimination of dangerous items.

It is easy to eliminate trifles, and how to act for those who
southeast located bathroom? ATанная и туалет в таком месте –
problem. Such an arrangement seems to wash away all your income.
where, and if you add here also dripping taps, full tank
unwashed linen, it turns out something quite bleak. Need to
correct with available means. Remember that in Feng Shui
much symbolic? it нам поможет. ATешаем на дверь с внешней
side mirror and what happens? The door and the entrance to the bathroom like

There are a number of rules for using mirrors.

1. The mirror should never be forced to bend down to him
one of your family members, as if you were “cutting off” a part
the head and the person may have vision problems, headaches
the pains.

2. AT зеркале не должна отражаться входная дверь. ATся вошедшая
positive energy through the door will be reflected in the mirror and go away
back, and our goal is to attract energy.

Haveчитывая наши планировки, зачастую повесить зеркало на дверь
Bathroom fails because rule 2 is violated. Again
attract symbolism. On the door you can hang a picture with
the image of a luxurious tree and all the “water” will feed our
tree. You can put a few colored glass stones on glue
and create a more real “tree”. it хорошо ещё и потому, что
the abundance of water must be compensated for by the elements of the earth (soil), and this
just there are stones, sand, earth.

ATот и прошли мы краткий курс того, как привлечь достаток в
housing for Feng Shui, it remains only to start.

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