Astrological tattoos: what pictures and wherecan be applied, given your zodiac sign

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

Tattoos of zodiac signs are considered one of
the most powerful magic tools. They will always
to bring luck and prosperity to your masters. And it can
to be an image not only of the symbol of the star sign, but also
the corresponding animal or object, as well as the elements or
the planet that controls it. So for example for a person
born under the sign of Leo, successful, from the astrological point
Of view, the tattoo will not only be a symbol in the form of a slightly
the swirling letter “L”, but also the image of the “king of beasts,” the flame
or the sun.

In general, astrological tattoos are a great opportunity.
decorate your body with an interesting pattern and at the same time get
powerful mascot. The only thing to consider in this case is
place tattoos. Properly positioned, it will attract
your life is happiness and wealth, but if you put it in the wrong
place, you can, on the contrary, forever turn away from yourself good luck.


Tattoo Aries

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) zodiac
tattoos will bring good luck in all walks of life. They will
develop their intuition and magical abilities as well as deter
their sometimes completely unbridled characters.

Tattoos located in the most appropriate for these marks.
place, will also protect them from emotional overstrain and
making wrong decisions. Aries best to tattoo on
neck or left clavicle.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

A good tattoo option for this zodiac sign is any
a symbol of perseverance and strength (for example, animals or heroes of myths).

Tattoo Leo

For Lviv, the best tattoo location is the upper back.
or left shoulder blade. This sign will suit any “royal” symbols,
especially in the frame of fire.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

Sagittarius Tattoo

Purposeful and ambitious Sagittarius should be located
tattooed on the outer thigh.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

In addition to the symbols of their sign, they can be stuffed on the body of the inscription,
talking about freedom.

Taurus Taurus

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgos and
Capricorn) astrological tattoos will add confidence
in themselves and assertiveness.

They will контролировать их душевный комфорт и гармонию с
the world around them, will help them to define life goals and
highlight important points in what is happening around. Most suitable
Taurus tattoo site – left shoulder.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

In addition, for the representatives of this sign to protect and
the luck-bringing mascot will be any image relating to
theme of nature.

Tatu Devam

Virgo’s zodiac sign is best located at the waist or at the top
belly. In this case, the drawing should be with clear boundaries and
completely filled with color.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

Tattoo Capricorn

Capricorns are best to tattoo tattoos in the lower legs.
This sign will also suit any images associated with
by land.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

Tattoo Twins

Airborne Sign Representatives
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, astrological tattoos will do less
changeable and frivolous.

Properly positioned image will provide them
constant live communication and active movement without disturbing
their harmony with the outside world. Gemini recommended to put
symbol of his mark on his wrist.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

They can use any images that symbolize them.
dual nature (for example, Yin-Yang).

Tattoo Libra

Libra tattoos can be worn on the lower back and back.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

Representatives of this sign can also choose different
�”Frivolous” images: hearts, birds, dandelions.

Tattoo Aquarius

The tattoo in the form of Aquarius must be on the inside or
the outside of the thigh.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac signBeautiful
the mascot option for this sign will be the image of the road or
starry sky.

Tatoo Cancer

Representatives of the water element (Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces)
tattoos in the form of astrological symbols will help get rid of
nervousness and excessive excitement.

Being extremely sensitive, the representatives of these signs are often
become discouraged and suffer from overwhelming conflicting
of emotions. A tattoo in the shape of a zodiac sign will help them cope with
mood swings, will develop their intuition and insight. For
Cancers The best location for an astrological tattoo is the chest.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

Representatives of this sign can use any other
characters, but they must be unambiguous, without

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpios are best to tattoo their mark at the bottom

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

They can also fill any images and inscriptions talking about
strength and superiority.

Tattoo Pisces

A tattoo in the form of a zodiac sign will be a wonderful talisman for Pisces,
if you put it on your wrist.

Astrological tattoos: what pictures and where can be applied, given your zodiac sign

Representatives of this sign can use any characters
related to art.

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