Are you sure you are right? Then look forcompromise

Mon, 09 Feb 2015

Everyone knows the phrase that the main thing in the family is love. But
Is it really? Don’t you think that the main thing in the family is
поиск compromiseов, которые, как правило, достигаются тем, что вы
just close your mouth to the castle, managing to lend your
pious? Feminists and women who prefer matriarch,
now, of course, will be indignant, stating that all this is enchanting
stupidity Also think and romantic person related to her husband,
like a crystal vase demanding in circulation tenderness and
delicacy. To prove that both are somewhat wrong,
рассмотрим тему compromiseов поближе.

Мы не будем говорить о compromiseах там, где один из супругов
overwhelms the other. This sadomasochistic relationship, at times,
keep the family for many years. Both spouses do not want to see
face it and understand who they really are.

Bypassing the side and couples in which one loves, and the other with laziness
allows you to love yourself, parasitizing either on romanticism or on
excessive work of the endocrine system of her spouse.

We’ll talk about families created by two strong personalities,
each of which (no matter for what reason) chose to be their husband / wife
exactly the person with whom wakes up in the morning. This and
no other.

Self-sufficient people who know their worth and want to be about her
догадывались и другие, очень часто с трудом идут на compromiseы.
To yield to another is, in their opinion, a manifestation of softness. Small
slack, even once shown in a relationship even with the most
by a loved one, can forever shake the crown, which itself
man on himself and tried on. It is curious that the spouse thinks and
comes also. As a result, husband and wife grew long
donkey ears, unwilling to make concessions, provoking conflicts and
amazing frequency of being on the verge of divorce. �”What to do?”,
– you will say – “After all, these people love each other. Why do not want
to meet each other? “. You, as they say, see the most
root. The fact is that they really love each other. But
most of all, each of them loves himself. And this love, which,
certainly one of the most powerful and reciprocating and not
allows them to do not in their own way.

But in these families often grow children. Curious but these
children are often quite self-sufficient too. Seeing the battles of their parents, they
grow cynical and indifferent, thinking of themselves exclusively in
superlatives. And there is nothing surprising in this.
Egoism produces only egoism. And it looks ugly.
The unnaturalness of the relationship between father and mother, who should
love each other, but for some reason, intellectual
positional battles create a perverse picture of the world for children, in
which is not soft and goodwill, but there is only cold
argumentation and rational approach to life. That’s where they come from
indifferently cynical boys and arrogant girls. Here’s what
the reason for the popular phrase “before people were kinder.”

What to do? Учиться идти на compromiseы. Only have one
тонкость в этом: compromiseы должны быть обоюдными. And it is more difficult
Total. But если вы, действительно, хотите жить вместе, если семья
for you – a certain value, and in the end, if you
clearly understand that the person who is sleeping next to you –
the only one who will carry you with your crown because it has
exactly the same, then look at the following tips:

  • When communicating with your spouse, imagine yourself in his place for a moment.
    How can he be pleased if such a strong and intelligent man as you
    make concessions. It will be not only pleasant to him, but also incredible.
    flattering. Believe me, the feeling of the power of your own character is pleasant
    will amaze. Small уступка — и все счастливы: один своим
    delusion, the second – manifest secret condescension.
  • Remember: communication (discussion, opinion, etc.) is not a battlefield.
    Often to win in it – to lose in something more. Dispute for the sake of argument
    for the sake of feeling yourself invented right – big
    folly, misunderstanding, resentment and desire to win back
    next time. Try talking just to have a good time.
    time. Speak kindly, without interrupting each other (about
    raised voices and no speech). A couple of times – and you will see that the question
    resolved, everyone is happy and no one is humiliated.
  • If your child is indifferent to your disputes,
    goes about his business and does not react at all
    increasing degree of communication of parents, it does not mean at all,
    that all this has no effect on your child. Even as renders!
    As mentioned above, a child’s behavior pattern seen at home
    immediately absorbed, forming their own attitude to the world and people.
    And this attitude is ugly. Оно такое же, как и ваша бесcompromiseная
    position. When you understand this, it will be endlessly late.
  • And the last. It doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman. Each of
    we recommend you, remember the dialogue from the wonderful Soviet
    the film “Lonely Dorm Provided”:

– I husband or not husband? Am I right or wrong?

– Of course, you are a husband and, of course, you are right. And Nina is possible, and
wrong. But do you know what the French say? �”If a woman
wrong, you need to ask her for forgiveness. “

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