Are facial masks effective based onfat?

Every woman wants to preserve beauty and health for a long time.
your face. Fat may well help in this. Its healing properties
have become particularly active in recent studies. Modern
cosmetology uses this product in the production of various
skin care products.


Interior fat

Interior pork fat is a universal cosmetic product.
which is used including for masks.  Interior fat
smear the skin and hold the mask for 20 minutes. To skin acquired
softness and elasticity, just enough grams of fat.
It nourishes and smoothes any type of skin and is well tolerated even
dry skin prone to irritation.

Shark oil

Masks based on this healing product have excellent
rejuvenating effect. This becomes possible due to the fact that
fat contains a large amount of vitamins A, D and E,
trace elements and fatty acids. Thanks to this he is able
affect skin cells and stimulate their regeneration. Besides
Moreover, shark oil also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Shark oil masks nourish the skin and
make it more hydrated. Regular use of this tool
helps to get rid of small wrinkles forever. Effective shark
fat and in the fight against swelling and dark circles around the eyes.

Shark oil является сильнодействующим средством. therefore
use it in its pure form is not recommended. Best cook
based on his mask. Among the most effective recipes you can
highlight the following:

  1. The simplest recipe will be a mixture of a small amount.
    shark oil with your daily nourishing cream.
  2. Heat a teaspoon of shark oil in a water bath. Enter
    It contains two tablespoons of rosehip oil and the yolk of one egg.
    This mask must be applied in a thin layer and withstand at least
    20 minutes.

Fish oil based masks

This type of fat comes from salmon, salmon, cod, mackerel and
some other fish. He has a whole range of useful
properties. Due to its rich composition, fish oil improves
skin condition, relieves inflammation, helps fight acne
rash, relieves wrinkles, dryness and flaking. None
contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance,
this remedy does not have.

Remember that before applying a fish-based mask
fat, you must thoroughly clean the face. Among the most effective
recipes can be distinguished:

  1. With the addition of honey. Stir a teaspoon of fish oil with
    equal amount of liquid honey. To the prepared composition add
    a few drops of olive oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
    and apply the product to your face. After 20 minutes it will be possible
    wash your face
  2. With the addition of chamomile. Prepare the usual chamomile decoction.
    Cool and strain it. Mix one teaspoon of fish
    fat and honey. Dilute the composition with a tablespoon.
    chamomile broth. Evenly distribute the prepared product.
    по всему лицу и оставьте на 20 minutes.
  3. With the addition of cream. This recipe is best suited to those
    who fight acne and acne. In equal proportions
    Stir in fish oil, lemon juice and heavy cream. This composition
    наносится на кожу на 20 minutes.

Facial treatment with badger oil

The miraculous properties of badger fat even recognize
official medicine. The composition of this product includes a complex
essential for the human body substances. Badger fat helps
remove harmful cholesterol, improve cell nutrition, strengthen
immunity and give the skin a beautiful and healthy look. Application
means on the basis of badger helps to smooth small
wrinkles, even out the complexion and tone the skin.

Especially effective masks with badger fat are in
winter, when the skin requires special care. In this period
best to make a nourishing mask. For its preparation, mix
a teaspoon of badger fat with 30 grams of bitter melted
chocolate Knead the mixture to the consistency of thick cream. Such
the mask should be applied to the entire face and left at least 15

Bear fat products

Masks based on this healing product are capable of short
time to return the skin of its former youth and beauty. They are superb
struggling with fine wrinkles and imperfections. Especially helpful
such products are for women with dry skin type.
Regular use of bear fat can even out the color
faces, get rid of peeling and redness.

The substances which are a part of bear fat, render
regenerating effect on skin cells. On the face is created
invisible protective film that does not allow to lose moisture.
Application таких масок особенно показано в зимний период.

Masks based on this product can be prepared by yourself,
Adhering to the following recipes:

  1. Heat two tablespoons of bear fat in a water bath.
    Slowly add the same amount of cocoa butter to it. AT
    add the prepared mixture a few drops of germ oil
    wheat or jojoba. Besides того, можно использовать немного масла
    geraniums or ylang-ylang. This remedy is best applied to the face.
    before bedtime.
  2. AT разогретую на водяной бане столовую ложку медвежьего жира
    enter the rosehip tea boat. AT смесь введите несколько
    drops of vitamin A and E on an oil basis. After that add to
    prepared mixture of one egg yolk. You can add a little
    honey Such маску следует выдерживать на лице в течение часа.

Using these simple recipes you can maintain health and
youthful skin for many years.

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