Apply highlighter: makeup tips

Thu, Mar 13, 2014

Highlighter is a unique way to emphasize
beauty and relief of the face, without overloading it with makeup. Lightweight
The texture with the effect of skin highlighting is superimposed by the final
strokes at the very end of the makeup on the already leveled and powdered
skin For dry and compact products use brushes from
natural or synthetic fiber, but creamy
highlighters can be applied with your fingertips.

What highlight highlighter?

Красивые высокие скулы — на самую выступающую точку скулы
closer to the temples cause a little highlighter. This technique is used
professional makeup artists for face sculpting.

Распахнутый взгляд — тонкой кистью или ватной палочкой с
the highlighter conducts a thin soft line on the inside
eyebrows from the highest point to the tail. Use with care
highlighter in the looming eyelid to keep eyes tired

Пухлые губы — для визуального эффекта объёма блик
the highlighter is placed in the middle of the lower lip and rounded contour
zone above the top, the so-called “cupid bow”. Better for this
a creamy remedy is just suitable, you can use and
any other on top of the lipstick, but before applying the gloss.

Изящный нос — хайлайтером рисуют линию вдоль спинки носа.
You can limit one flare closer to the tip of the nose to make
its longer. This technique is more suited to
festive or club make-up, besides, it will “give out” the slightest
curvature and imperfections of the skin.

Аристократичный подбородок — круговыми движениями
highlighter is applied to the middle of the chin. so, he
becomes more visible and highlighted. If the chin is bulging from
of nature – this should not be done.

Выразительные глаза — ставится по небольшой точке
highlighter exactly in the middle of the moving century. Eyes will seem
bigger and brighter, even if they are small or narrow. For deep and
close set eyes there is another little trick – glare in
the inner corners will visually push them apart and make

Useful tips

Use the highlighter sparingly and remember that he is capable
emphasize not only the noble features of the face, but even the most
minor skin imperfections – pimples, wrinkles and
enlarged pores. Carefully shade the pigment, avoiding
the emergence of clear boundaries. It is also necessary to mention that
means not recommended to be applied immediately to the whole face – limit
two – three zones.

Text: Valentina Shmidova

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