Apple fasting day for weight loss:options and reviews

Most women dream of a slim beautiful figure. For to keep the weight in normal parameters, you need to attach to this is some effort. Someone will need them more, someone less. Diets for health reasons are not suitable for everyone. What in which case? Will help unloading on яблоках. One or two dedicated to this day in week will save or bring the effect of the ideal weight, without much load on the body.

Apple fasting day for weight loss:options and reviews



From such fasting days the benefit is double. Nutritionists already recognized that during the diet the body experiences a strong long stress. To withstand any diet is difficult, it happens that someone breaks down in the middle of the stage. As a result, centimeters kilograms are returned to the site, sometimes with a plus sign. Unloading is much easier because it’s just one. day.

When the body is drawn into such a regime, it may even occur need for easy days. Improvement, weight loss occurs gradually, without sudden changes. The achieved results are fixed for a long time. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from toxins helps feel the lightness that will promote positive mood.

Apples deserve special attention. Their consumption increases immunity because they are a source of good treasure components: vitamins of group B, PP, C, E, mineral substances. WITH using apples it is possible to saturate all organs of the human body necessary elements, despite the low calorie content of the product – 47 kcal / 100 g. Regulation of intestinal microflora with the help of large the amount of pectin content eliminates the problems associated with digestion, has a laxative property. If at the initial stage will be difficult to withstand apple fasting days, Try mixed options, which you will learn below.


The basic rules of the day of unloading

For чтобы разгрузочный день стал более эффективным, follow the simple rules:

  1. Set specific days of the week and stick to them. constantly.
  2. The unloading day will pass without difficulty, if the dinner on the eve will be light, without alcohol, fat.
  3. In the morning, to disperse the bile, you need to eat one tablespoon. vegetable oil.
  4. WITHуточный рацион разделить на 5-7 приемов.
  5. The amount of fluid consumed can be increased to 2, 5 liters.
  6. On the day of unloading, try not to strain the body physically and mentally.
  7. If possible, increase the sleep time.
  8. The next day, exclude high-calorie meals, pastries, alcohol.
  9. Do not spend fasting days during the period of medication, with cold, feeling unwell, during menstruation.

How to choose apples

For fasting days suitable fruits of small size, pulp. which quickly begins to darken when cut. This indicates that in apples there is a large percentage of iron. Green color peel will tell you that this variety is rich in pectin. Apples should not be sweet

Apple fasting day for weight loss:options and reviews

Options for fasting days on apples < / h2>

WITHуществуют альтернативы этому варианту разгрузки – первые несколько недель, пока организм не войдет в определенный ритм, один прием пищи вместо яблок можете заменять огурцом, морковью, одним вареным яйцом или 3-5 ложками каши из гречки.

Taking apples as a basis for fasting days, you can vary the diet, changing it every week. So apples can not get bored and the process of cleansing the body from toxins and the process of losing weight will become more effective. Here are some simple menus for fasting days using apples.

  1. For baked or fresh < / strong>. In the classic version of the discharge day, only apples and liquids (mineral water without gas, herbal infusions, green tea) take part. Some apples can be baked in the oven. WITHорт должен быть кисло-сладким. The whole amount of 2-2.5 kg divided into several methods, alternating fresh and baked apples. After each intake of fruit, drink 200-250 ml of liquid. < / Li>
  2. Fasting day for apples and kefir < / strong>. In kefir-apple unloading day < / strong> several times it is allowed to eat 1.5-2 kg of ripe, but not sweet apples, drink 1 liter of kefir with zero or 1% fat content and 1 liter of mineral water, tea without sugar, broth hips, chamomile. To make a variety in the diet, using a blender, make a delicious and healthy cocktail. Gynecologists recommend this version of the fasting day, even for pregnant women, especially if they suffer from swelling and toxemia. < / Li>
  3. Fasting day for apples and cottage cheese < / strong>. Cottage cheese and apple fasting day < / strong> is suitable for those who want to lose weight and are recommended for women in an “interesting position”. During the day, the rate of low-fat cottage cheese is 350-400 grams and one kilogram of unsweetened apples. Dividing the total amount of products into 6 equal parts, you easily get the saturation and the necessary amount of calcium. Grind the apple with a grater or blender and mix with a portion of cottage cheese. Day must end with an apple. Do not forget to drink purified water and useful decoctions of herbs. < / Li>
  4. Fasting day on apples and water < / strong>. To last a day only on apples and water, < / strong> stock up with 2.5-3 liters of mineral water without gas and 2 kilograms of unsweetened apples. To suppress the appetite, drink more water. As soon as the feeling of hunger visits you again, eat one apple each. < / Li>
  5. Rice and Apple < / strong>. From 500 ml of milk and 80 grams of rice cook porridge. Milk can replace boiled pumpkin. The total volume divided by three. In between, eat apples (daily rate of about one kg). Разрешается пить зеленый чай без сахара, минеральную воду, отвар ромашки, шиповника, мелисы до 2,5 литров за day.
  6. On apple juice < / strong>. The option of discharge on apple juice is considered to be healing, cleansing the liver and gall bladder. WITHтакан свежеотжатого яблочного сока нужно выпить натощак. After 2-2.5 hours, you can increase the amount of fresh juice to 400-450 ml. It is recommended to drink the juice with an interval of a couple of hours in 200 ml, not counting the second dose. The last glass of apple juice should be drunk no later than 8 pm, after which no food should be consumed. At the end of the day, in order for the outflow of bile to take place painlessly and quickly, it is recommended to take a warm bath. < / Li>

WITHколько можно скинуть килограмм

Not always, after the first day of unloading, the arrow of scales will be pleased with lower rates. The days of unloading with apples work for the future, but it is also impossible to get involved in excess of the norm. Contraindication applies to those who suffer from hyperacid gastritis (increased acidity), a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

If you consistently carry out all the recommendations, carry out apple discharge once a week, then in a month you will be able to lose weight by 2.5-3 kilograms. Having become accustomed to such nutrition, the body will easily endure the days of unloading. Then, for greater efficiency, you can increase the fasting days to two per week, but no more. After shaking, your body will easily part with extra pounds, bringing the performance to minus 5-6 kg per month.

Reviews losing weight and results < / h2>

Alla Nikolaevna, 42 years < / strong> : According to the recommendation of the doctor, my mother has been doing fasting days once a week. WITHтрадая таким заболеванием, как плохая проходимость кишечника, яблочные разгрузки помогают ей наладить жизнь за счет большого количества клетчатки в фруктах.

Oksana, 27 years old < / strong> : I wanted to lose weight, but I can not withstand lengthy diets. WITHотрудница посоветовала яблочные разгрузочные дни, на которых она скинула 4 килограмма за месяц. It is recommended to eat sour apples, and I love these in any quantity.

WITHлава, 25 лет: Моей беременной жене врач диетолог посоветовал больше кушать яблок, даже дни разгрузочные такие делать, чтобы уменьшить токсикоз. But she has an increased percentage of gastric acid, so the doctor allowed to combine with cottage cheese or cereal once a week. Helped against toxicosis and swelling of the legs goes away.


Read also: < / h2>

Fasting day on green tea

Fasting day on oatmeal

Fasting day on the water


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