Anti-cellulite wrapping

Many women today are actively fighting cellulite. One
of the most common methods of dealing with the hated
�”Orange peel” are special exercises and massage. The
However, it is worth noting the good effect of anti-cellulite
wraps to which this post will be dedicated.

Anti-cellulite wrapping


  • The benefits of wraps
  • Wrap Recipes
  • Cautions


The benefits of wraps

Wraps against cellulite today are very
effective, during the procedure you do not need to exhaust yourself with different
sets of exercises, for this you can completely relax,
listen to your favorite music, flipping magazines, and the effect will be achieved
myself. The не менее, если к обёртываниям вы добавите ещё упражнения,
and besides a special massage, the effect will be guaranteed and

The essence of the wrap lies in the greenhouse effect, which
creates a film. This process contributes to the removal of toxins and
improvement of blood circulation, and components get into open pores
special mixtures applied to the immediate

The composition of the components included in the mixture for the procedure
wraps, honey, algae herbs, salts and essential oils.

Wrap procedures are best done in the evening. They are not
take a long time, as practice shows, they last order
30 minutes. Cellulite wraps can also be carried out at home.
conditions, you will not need to visit the spa and other
beauty salons.

You need at least a couple of times a week to devote yourself time and spend
процедуру wraps.

You can also find out about the procedure and types of wrapping in our
video clip.

Wrap Recipes

Types of anti-cellulite wrapping quite a lot, consider
several of them are the most effective.


Seaweed использовали для похудения тела ещё в античное время.
Algae wrap gives you the opportunity to get rid of fat
deposits in the “different problem areas of the body.” During wrappings
essential oils with algae penetrate the skin into the body and
help to remove toxins from the human body, toxins, excess
fluid and of course, get rid of cellulite. Also during
body wrapping procedures are restored all
amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Algae wrap enhances the body’s ability to fight
with various stresses and pressures that he faces
everyday. Seaweed для обёртываний против целлюлита нетрудно
to purchase, they can be found both in pharmacies and in
specialized stores. So that you can make yourself given
procedure, it is necessary to know the rules of its behavior, difficult in this
there is nothing.

For wrappings do the following:

  1. Before you start wrapping you need to clean the skin with such a scrub,
    composition of which includes either sea salt or extracts
  2. The mixture that you have prepared, gently rub on the problem
    parts of your body. To all these mixtures, it is desirable to add different
    essential oils of grapefruit, lemon, jojoba and others.
  3. Wrap all smeared areas with plastic wrap and
    wrapped in a blanket.
  4. After 20 minutes, you need to wash off the mixture you were
  5. Apply to the problematic part of the body that you wrapped,
    anti-cellulite moisturizer.

Honey and algae

Also a popular method is the miracle compress,
which includes honey and algae. The best kind of honey for this
The compress is fake. In addition to lime honey and algae, here
includes kelp or fucus, which can also be bought in

Wrap components must be warm. In order to
to prepare this compress, you need to fill all the components with warm water
and let it brew for about 15 minutes, then add 1 egg
yolk, 20 drops of camphor and 10 citrus oils. All these
Ingredients need to mix well and apply a compress on the “cellulite
places. ” After two or three of these wraps can already be seen
effect of the procedure. The skin on the “problem” places will be elastic
and elastic.

Milk and honey

Of the most famous and simple methods of wrapping are
procedures using milk and honey. In order to мусс
it turned out right, that is, it was as thick as needed, better
use dry milk instead of plain milk. It is necessary to add
a little warm water and a few tablespoons of honey, like
usually lime, but if you have other honey, you can also

When preparing a mixture of ingredients you need to mix everything before
time until the mass becomes thick like sour cream. If you
use candied honey, then it must first be heated. You
should know that there are a lot of useful elements in the mass in which
such honey is used – they are lost.

Blue clay

Many people use blue clay as wraps.
It is blue clay, and not white or any other that has the most
healing effect on the skin. This procedure is desirable to do each
day. If you будете делать её более двух месяцев, то кожа станет
beautiful and will be swelling, if you had them before.

To prepare the mixture you need dilute the clay in warm water and
stir until it is smooth. Before you
You will begin to coat the body with clay, take a warm shower. Smear
clay is needed not only on problem areas, but on the whole body, starting from
neck and gradually move to the ankles of the feet.

After you finish coating, you need to turn around.
polyethylene film. As the clay dries well, wash it off with water.
After that, some parts of the body can be lubricated moisturizing
milk or cream. We recommend watching videos,
dedicated to cellulite wrapping. In the first video
recipes wraps are told and clearly demonstrated by myself
process. The following video gives general tips on the procedure.


Необходимо знать, что не всем можно делать такие wraps.
If you have heart disease, gynecological disease
or varicose veins, such procedures are strictly prohibited.
This can lead to an inflammatory process.

Such wrappings are strictly prohibited for pregnant women and those
who has a pathology of the kidneys. Therefore, before applying wraps,
It is best to consult with your doctor about this.
Follow our advice and your body will be beautiful
elastic, and most importantly – without cellulite.

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